
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 59 minutes ago (1 children)

Yeah, that's the part that keeps me up at night - the knowing or not of the unknown dead. I know that not everyone that dies from war dies neatly and at the war. And I know that we were only able to account for a body if it was present and discernable. So I don't know if the estimates are correct or not. But I'm in therapy either way. Mental health is stupid.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 hour ago (3 children)

Think yourself: Could Hamas really have the capability of producing reliable statistics about the gaza population after month of being bombarded?

Was in OIF. Got mortared, ied'd,, and/or shot at nearly every day. Finance nerds still went to work. MI still disseminated no intelligence at all. Marines wrote offensive things and about my mother in very visible places I could not access. In 2003, our csh still kept digital records - on computers and laptops. Everyone did their jobs without any hesitation or meaningful difficulty at all. We all used to be civilians. Everyone has a threshold for the limits of adaptation, but most of us are capable of adapting to war, unfortunately though it may be. I realize that the impression our culture cultivates about war is a guy clutching his knees, weeping, and rocking back and forth while the planet fragments around him - and occasionally that does happen - but esprit de corps tends to motivate people into adaptation. It was my experience that the children in Iraq could follow my leadership and guidance better than their parents. They could also tolerate the terror better. They also had better senses of humor. They could also speak better English. I was an army guy but I still have a hunch that this had something to do with it. So be careful of the narrow perspective that organizational behaviors could only function effectively or reliably when sequestered within utopian sanctuary. People can do amazing things.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago

I wrote in another comment, but if you examine his life, he was NOT a conformist. My favorite thing about his unconventional style was that he knew he needed a radical music program but had enough humility to know he needed someone else to direct it (he was a very talented musician). So he found the local and famous jazz club pianist and directed him to play whatever sort of music he desired. Johnny Costa, one of my personal icons, was very confused at first because he thought his music would be far too advanced or technical for a children's show. And if you watch the show, you will notice that he plays every single song in a unique way, every single time. Can you imagine that? Playing the same music for 30 years and almost never playing the same thing. He was an absolute master of not hitting the note that your brain expected him to play, yet still playing enough to resolve and release the tension of the melody. It really is beautiful music.

Whoa, tangent. But seriously, MR was a rebel and the highest calibre of person that Pittsburgh has to offer.

[–] [email protected] 31 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I don't think he remotely fits the "overly wholesome" aspect of this meme at all. He's far more relatable to creator #1. He made shows about things that are difficult to talk about with kids. He frequently negotiated topics that others advised against. He was incredibly articulate and relatable when it came to even angry letters from ignorant parents. He communicated with children the same way he would with adults. He literally hired a working jazz club pianist to do the music and when asked what kids songs he was going to be playing, homie's basically like, "Uh, you do you fam. YOU are the music program." He even made episodes of his show that were FOR adults. He cared deeply about emotional health and knew how detrimental it is to your development at all stages in life. And he did this for decades as a devout and committed spiritual leader and never mentions God a single time. He knows how to be an example and I would be amazed if he were capable of hiding a sordid and deplorable existence.

He was also an incredible debater and speaker. He does use simpler language on the show but he is very capable. Just adding that because I'm obviously biased. I met him once and my mom wrote him an angry letter. She's always been a piece of trash but I will never forget his kindness and joy.

[–] [email protected] 22 points 1 week ago

How could Last of Us get any scarier? Make all the infected also the corrupted machines from Horizon Zero Dawn. Awesome.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 week ago

Alaskan here. Image search for a US map. If the map even includes Alaska and Hawaii (the 49th and 50th states), they are usually not more than a smudge in the lower left corner of the page. Most US maps contain more details for regions that aren't even in the US than its largest and most northern, western, and eastern state. Though not self-evident in this map, there is also a still to this day consistent trend of exclusion when it comes to things that simply refer to "the US". So someone made a map that exaggerates the mediocrity of what we refer to as the "lower 48". For the artistic value, it's a very popular map up here.

[–] [email protected] 18 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I just love seeing that quote, said in a Germanic language. Fucking hilarious. Hubris is lost on idiots.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 weeks ago

No problem homie. We all got to eat.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 weeks ago (2 children)

I would imagine that any destabilization in the operations of a capitalist system benefits the worker. Sure, Winco makes more money today, giving them a false impression of scale. And after FM falls in line, we go after Winco, giving them an even more pronounced loss of capital. Even if nothing happens, you've still added volatility to the system. That's better than nothing.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 weeks ago

Lol, I thought it was just me. 😄

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

😊 Well, you might think so, but if that were true then their legal team would have to be unimaginably inept. Even small companies rely on arbitration clauses. A company the size of Disney probably has boilerplate arbitration clauses prolifically spread throughout any agreement they make. I don't imagine there's anything their legal team says more often when they are named in a suit than, "can we arbitrate?"

So, yes they were relying on a remote technicality to get out of the suit, but that's also the only reason they were named in the suit. I don't blame them. And they know they wouldn't be found liable. But they also know that people only remember "the mcdonalds hot coffee lawsuit" being about some unintelligent gold digging woman (which BTW is a travesty). So the settlement that they will likely offer is going to be worth far less than the damage from the bad rep of a trial like this.


I work in a remote location and my company contracted our kitchen out to the lowest bidder. I've had food poisoning 3 times.


PPG pilot here. Part 103.17 states that class B, C, D, and the lateral area of E to the ground are prohibited. But PASC shows an Ultralight Activity Warning symbol right in the middle of a Class E to the ground. How is this possible? Maybe the class changed and the symbol was just left on the map? Commercial 737-ish [and larger cargo] planes have been flying in and out of this place every day for nearly 50 years. I can't imagine it wasn't a class E to the ground with that level of traffic any time after the 80s. Any ideas?

From CFR:

§ 103.17 Operations in certain airspace.
No person may operate an ultralight vehicle within Class A, Class B, Class C, or Class D airspace or within the lateral boundaries of the surface area of Class E airspace designated for an airport unless that person has prior authorization from the ATC facility having jurisdiction over that airspace.


I’m using the Lemmy ansible installation method. I’ve been trying to add sendgrid to the postfix section of the config.hjson file on my local machine. But where do I add the API key and username? I used port 587 but nothing works. Can anyone help walk me through how to integrate sendgrid into Lemmy-Ansible? Thanks!!

the email section of config.hjson looks like this, did I do this right?

  email: {
    smtp_server: ""
    smtp_from_address: "noreply@{{ domain }}"
    tls_type: "tls"

I was able to find the server location on my VPS under srv/lemmy/domain, so I can edit the lemmy.hjson file there if need be.


I'm using the Lemmy ansible installation method. I've been trying to add sendgrid to the postfix section of the config.hjson file on my local machine. But where do I add the API key and username? I used port 587 but nothing works. Can anyone help walk me through how to integrate sendgrid into Lemmy-Ansible? Thanks!!

the email section of config.hjson looks like this, did I do this right?

  email: {
    smtp_server: ""
    smtp_from_address: "noreply@{{ domain }}"
    tls_type: "tls"

I was able to find the server location on my VPS under srv/lemmy/domain, so I can edit the lemmy.hjson file there if need be.


I've been trying to keep up with it but I just don't understand how he profits from this scheme?


I used the ansible method to install Lemmy on a DigitalOcean VPS. They do block port 25 and there is no way around that. I tried to change the port from 25 to 465 in the config.hjson file but still no luck. I am super new to this but I want to get this working so bad. I'm so close! The site is working fine, just no emails. I've checked spam, trash, etc. - nothing is getting sent.


I have tried the docker, ansible, and scratch methods. I have been troubleshooting for a month now. I have gotten nowhere. I need someone to help walk me through how to deploy a lemmy server because the guides are absolute trash.

Please help. I'm wasting money running this VPS and for literally nothing.

Edit: So, I've tried the ansible method, but I can't access my server this way. It just keeps saying "UNREACHABLE". I have generated a dozen keys, none of them work. I have NO PROBLEMS with ssh in Putty. I can use Putty all day. Putty works fine using my ssh key. Ansible does not. No amount of new keys has made any difference. I have countless keys in my stupid droplet because of this hacky garbage.

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