
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 11 points 7 hours ago

awesome, every now and then I'm completely perplexed by a far side cartoon.

this was one of them.


[–] [email protected] 11 points 14 hours ago* (last edited 14 hours ago) (1 children)

appreciate it, i enjoy these rabbit holes.

the phrase started out as "bury the lead", but newspaper journalists specifically changed only the spelling, though not the usage or definition, into "lede" because news printers were allegedly worried people would get confused since part of the printing of a newspaper contained the metal lead.

"The use of the alternate spelling of lead in the journalistic phrase “burying the lede” began in the 1970s. Newsrooms began to use the alternate spelling to refer to an article’s opening lines, distinguishing it from a part on the linotype machine made with lead."

either spelling can be used, Merriam Webster has a good article about "lede" too, with more examples and context, explaining that writers

"...attributes the fondness for the spelling to nostalgia, calling it "an invention of linotype romanticists, not something used in newsrooms of the linotype era."

Despite the acknowledgment of lede by Safire and others, and its subsequent use by journalists and non-journalists alike, phrases employing the traditional spelling of lead still find their way into print..."

and as Choire Sicha points out:

"You schmucks who use ridiculous journo-terms make me crazy! Finally, someone is willing to speak out against the use of “lede” in public. Because, ha ha, sucka, there’s no reason for it!"

[–] [email protected] 49 points 19 hours ago

tweet is good, your body argument is completely wrong

[–] [email protected] 22 points 19 hours ago (3 children)

Buried lead:

"...Pickles tried to say that people might be sharing the content “out of outrage” or to “raise awareness,” both very strange answers.

“Accounts dedicated to distributing, accounts engaging in this, we want off Twitter, off X as fast as possible. But there are cases globally where people do share this content out of outrage. And in those cases, we do look at whether removing the content is the appropriate response,” Pickles said at the August 2023 hearing.

But Australian senators clearly weren’t having it.

“Well, I’m sorry, but if I’m outraged by some content, I’m not going to share that to make the point,” Australian Senator Helen Polley told Pickles during the hearing. “But what I would do is, if I am a consumer of that type of material, you’re now just saying, if I just share that in the pretense that I’m outraged, that’s okay.”

Polley pointed out that Australia had laws against allowing people to share child abuse images online, just as every other country does.

“Well, it’s actually a crime. It’s a crime, and it should be suspended permanently,” Polley continued. “There is no excuse whether you’re posting something through outrage, which to me is not logical, that your account should not be permanently suspended.”


"Acceptable" mass casualties.

All of the emotional and moral discussions in this book are extremely well expressed and kick you in the gut.

spoilersI was surprised that Ax was still wavering so strongly this late in the series, but it makes perfect context for his absolute shock at Cassie's betrayal.

Everyone can see now that Rachel has a problem with enjoying violence and can't stop herself from indulging anymore.

the opening scene with Ax letting someone go free and Rachel rescinding that action was brutal.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

this guy is obsessed with the series and makes great detailed accurate videos for anyone interested in the lore.

there's a lot of talk about the engineers in many of his videos.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

will Wallace finding that Trump was "engaging in insurrection" be part of the prosecuting argument?

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Yea, i was shocked at how effectively the filter works.

there's no margin of error, you instantly know that you're tasting a higher quality liquor after filtering it.

So many liquor companies brag about how many times they've distilled or filtered their booze on the bottle, but every liquor I've tried has tasted vastly superior after the filter.

The filters are only a few bucks each and they last for months or 40 gallons so even if you underestimate their use down to only 10 gallons of great liquor from one Brita filter, it's much cheaper than buying middle or top shelf.

with rice liquor? I'd say don't buy it, no maybe about it.


tldr: yes it works; brita filters don't filter out alcohol and do filter out particulates.

set one filter aside in the fridge for your booze of choice, put it in the pitcher when it's time, filter your booze a few times, put the booze filter back in the fridge and use your high quality liquor for whatever you want.

this came about while I was in China because their 白酒, rice liquor, was the worst spirit I had ever tasted.

I have tasted a $5,000 bottle and a $5 bottle of 白酒 and the difference is negligible, both hovering around "wastewater" level.

I remember hearing about this lifehack and so I gave it a try with the Chinese rice liquor and after filtering it one time I could drink it like any medium shelf liquor, whereas before the filtering it literally smelled like rubbing alcohol and I'd want to immediately vomit taking a shot.

so I started testing other alcohols and doing blind taste tests with friends, and literally every single time, and I did a couple dozen blind taste tests, people voted the filtered liquor tasted better.

i started filtering vodkas and gins a lot for my own drinks or parties.

it works with any alcohol since brita filters don't filter out alcohol.

My filters lasted for months, I kept them bagged in the fridge until I filtered a new bottle, poured the vodka through the filter half a dozen times and then put the vodka filter back in the fridge.

It's a simple, easy way to get high quality vodka or gin for mixers and a great way to get any shitty alcohol tasting much better.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)


This is unfortunately not a real animorphs cover, I also post fun memes i come across now and then.

this one was new to me, and was too perfect to not post immediately.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

" a growing addiction that I can't deny, Won't you tell me, is that healthy, baby?"

Bay-bayyyyy! (
submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
[–] [email protected] 23 points 4 days ago (10 children)

I really enjoy never having watched a single Star Trek anything and getting little hints of the lore through all of the memes here and there.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago

og was for drains in general at the time it was invented in the late 1700s, we didn't even have flush toilets or anything more than cesspools, so there was no need to unclog blockages in household toilets.

The first one was wielded more like a hammer, so it really was just to knock shit loose from whatever hole it was in, apparently.

I definitely felt the same way about toilet plungers as you do until I used one.

until I... took the plunge?

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) (2 children)

If you clean a fish and toss a couple scales, bones and fish skin down the sink, it will clog.

in the states, where houses have garbage disposals, I don't think sink clogs are much of a problem anymore.

but most countries don't have garbage disposals, and the original plunger design was invented 250 years ago, before much of modern plumbing and pipe design and everything, so it was useful to have any kind of plunger around.

you can make those couple plungers work for the toilet in a lot of situations, but for the toilet specifically a toilet. plunger is going to make your job way easier without any mess and splashing




Heat up a pot of water(i use a brining pot) to a simmer, pour it down any drain and that clog is gone.

You don't need to boil anything and the exact temperature does not matter.

fill a big pot with tap water, heat it up to a near simmer, dump it directly down the drain.

That'll give the clog a good punch and the weight of the next gallon or two you heated up will get rid of the rest of it.


spoilersRachel's sisters meet ax and That's how they react to him.

everything ax does makes me crack up, but this struck me as particularly funny.

It's a great spot of comic relief in an otherwise very bleak run.


I used sink plungers in toilets pretty much my whole life until i scrolled across a similar diagram one day and discovered the truth.



spoilersA human in morph dies right away so you know what you're getting into, then things are pretty much exploding and bring destroyed for the whole book while they protect a governor, which seems like a bit much until you reach the end of the book and the governor announces the yeerk invasion to the world.

which is a really great ending.

funny note, Marco talks about how did are ax great long-distance flight morph, and finished them to the reliability of a 747.

Maybe that was correct twenty years ago, when Boeing still did maintenance on their planes with sturdy materials.


What happened in the vegan community?

I hadn't heard about any of this until seeing that ToS post.


when tax time comes around, you fill out an IRS form called the FEIE, the Foreign Earned Income Exclusion.

Check the "physical presence test" box, fill out your total income for that year, then write down the dates that you were not in the United States and where you were.

10 minutes, one extra form, no income taxes.

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