
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

On the other hand, I always see people who use the term tankies calling everyone who the US propaganda says is an oppressor an oppressor. It's so weird how that works out that way, that the colonized countries trying to get self-determination are the oppressors, and the western colonial and imperialist countries are the only ones with "freedom". They eat the propaganda right up.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago (2 children)

I'm so used to hearing that this technology is 10 years away, or whatever the old adage was, that i can't believe we've been seeing actual progress on this front in the last few years. Maybe it will actually happen eventually!

[–] [email protected] -2 points 1 week ago (2 children)

How so? I heard their protocol was better than Activity Pub, but I don't really know the details or what the difference is.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 week ago

As someone who's only seen the first Alien and part of Alien 2, I really enjoyed it.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago (1 children)

This is a great idea for a patreon or a blog. What other one-shots have you done? I've heard of Wood Sheep Chase so wondering if you've covered others I've heard of.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 week ago

Great idea!

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 weeks ago

Everyone either seems angry or like a bot. Before I couldn't pull myself anyway, now I get bored a couple posts into the front page and then I just check it a few hobby subs that I hope can move here someday (mostly TTRPG ones lol).

[–] [email protected] 4 points 4 weeks ago* (last edited 4 weeks ago)

I feel like I'm going to have to play in a Blades in the Dark game before I run one, but not sure how. But that would definitely be on my list.

I got the Avatar rpg forever ago and haven't had a chance to play it yet, either.

And Pathfinder 2E is definitely on the list.

Not sure if DnD 5e 2024 is different enough to count but if I can't get a game of that going in the new year, I probably have no chance of any of these other ones happening either, so I'll also say that one. Haven't even delved into the differences between that and the 2014 version yet, though.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Sounds like it's mostly just an education issue.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 month ago

That's only because Israel didn't exist yet.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 1 month ago (2 children)

100% This moment can help galvanize people to the need to fix our Healthcare, but random acts of violence won't fix it, people organizing together will.


Saw this on Reddit. Wondering what people think about it here.

I was surprised there was no mention of it here. This announcement comes from the Dungeon World+ Discord.

For some context, Luke Crane is most well known as the designer of the Burning Wheel rpg, and used to work at Kickstarter as VP of Community (and some controversies with it).

He also bought it alongside someone else, who seems to be a friend of Luke and coworker at kickstarter.

There's now a 2e channel/thread in the Dungeon World+ Discord where he's answering questions.

Any people familiar with Dungeon World here?


Well they already tried suing them when they began accepting girls and changed their name the first time to Scouts BSA, but that didn't work. But truthfully the two organizations have different missions and methods.

Historically, a lot of girls who joined GSUSA thinking it was going to be Boy Scouts for girls were disappointed and would leave. GSUSA is more about empowering girls through community engagement and exploring careers. Yes there can also be camping, hiking, etc but these are more or less optional components, up to each troop to integrate. Rank advancement is based on age and grade level, while awards are based on merit.

Boy Scouts is much more focused on outdoor skills and citizenship. These are integrated into the program in that advancement in rank is based solely on merit and demonstrating proficiency with these skills. You can spend six years in Boy Scouts and never make it past Tenderfoot.

So for girls who want more emphasis on the outdoors built into their program, Scouting America would be the better option. For those that want more flexibility and are less outdoorsy, GSUSA is still an option. Both are good programs. I have kids in both. There are some things I like better about GSUSA and some I like more in Boy Scouts. I think Boy Scouts is a more challenging program overall, but GSUSA's Gold Award is way more challenging to achieve than an Eagle project. I definitely prefer GSUSA not having a religious requirement.

Both programs will continue to adapt and change. Both have been experiencing declines in membership for decades anyway, so there's bigger problems that they're facing.

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I've been invited to join a game of Daggerheart. I like the critical role people, but otherwise know nothing about the game. I haven't read much about it or anything yet. And I haven't seen a thread about it on Lemmy yet, so I'm wondering what the different opinions on it so far are.

People enjoying it? Not liking it? Mixed reviews, making it a sort of niche game? Any good or bad comparisons with other fantasy ttrpg's?


It's a cross-post from Hope I'm doing it right.

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

I'm planning a campaign loosely where players have to fight enemies backed by a larger, scarier empire that frequently sends out their agents to try to assassinate them while they try to setup a new kingdom post-revolution (think the beginning of Game of Thrones where players are on the Small Council, but they're also sort of Danaerys trying to fend off the spies and assassins of the enemy kingdom's Varys).

I want there to be a lot of cloak and dagger stuff. The players will probably have to protect themselves and fellow members of the court, the monarch (whether it's a player or NPC), allied diplomats, and such from assassins while also rooting out spies. Those resulting battles, along with adventures that I'll incorporate with diplomatic missions abroad, are what will make it DnD.

But it occurred to me as I was planning the worldbuilding for this campaign that a lot of the danger of assassinations will be lost if they can be undone by resurrection magic. Then I started wondering how kings, organization leaders, criminal syndicate bosses, basically anyone important ever dies in any high fantasy DnD world. For players I can restrict their access to diamonds or whatever, but for NPC's who are rich and powerful, not sure if that makes much sense. Besides, it's okay of players have access to the magic, but I want NPCs to be threatened by it, because it adds drama and stakes to the story I'm planning. But if players have access to it, then basically no NPC around them is in danger either, and I lose a lot of the tension I was counting on.

So looking for advice on how you would solve this. Tl;dr: How would anyone important or rich die in your fantasy world from stuff that are not old age? (assuming you want a fantasy world like I do where death is a dangerous possibility)

Restrict the resurrection spells? Restrict diamonds even more so they're rare even for kings? Manipulate the religion or cosmology of your world somehow? Do something with the resurrection spells themselves, like like Matthew Mercer's optional rules? Something else?


One of the more interesting updates I saw mentioned in release notes for Lemmy v0.19 was scaled sort. So that posts from smaller communities can get bumped up more in the feed.

I currently use Sync, and it's great, but doesn't seem to have implemented this yet. Is there another mobile app for Android that does?



I just discovered Kobold Press's Black Flag Role Playing system and Tales of the Valorant game being made. I had no idea that was a thing.

Added with the ones I did know about:

  • Critical Role's Daggerheart
  • MCDM's new RPG (Matt Colville's company)
  • And we can count the Pathfinder 2's updates if we want

I wonder how many other RPG's are being made as a result of that debacle.

It does seem like a lot. WotC really shot themselves in the foot spawning all this new competition, didn't they?

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