, on the web
For a while I was seeing people use the asterism symbol (⁂) around my Mastodon feed. Wonder what happened to that movement.
I came here to post Faraway as well!
Those rumours about moonlit orgies can't all be wrong. They are the f-druids after all...
The ability to post a video to multiple co-authors' channels.
Instantly brought back memories of zoning out to Knytt on my then new PC 😊
Systemic, I tell you
I really wish there were more of them.
Link to the quoted article:
My biggest complaint is that their complimentary ROM collection doesn't have any of the Patapon games. I put mine in and now it's perfect :D
By outright piracy ofc. They include a shoddy SD card full of ROMs, but you can and should use your own card (for longevity) with your own ROMs (for legal reasons...)
I've had this list of print-and-play games from Randomskill (containing games that are not of Randomskill as well) bookmarked for a while, and haven't actually tried any of them...because I don't have a printer. I have played a few of these games in their commercial versions though, but not the free ones.
Maybe you would like to give it a try?