I agree.
But it’s a government system like any other, so like any other piece of it, the people in power ultimately decide what the people below get to have.
Public schools are being defunded and villainized by the powers that want them devalued and replaced with a different systems, where the rich can keep cash flowing through private schools the public gets their knowledge from what is approved by religion, with a preference on teaching the things that will improve dependence on and obedience to power.
The people in power are banning books, slashing budgets, using the already malleable to convince voters that teachers are the ones brainwashing their kids, that (public) education doesn’t work, so they can have another generation of under-educated malleable serfs.
Hopefully other countries can watch the US decay and learn from it, and keep systems like affordable and common healthcare and education available, so that at least some portion of humanity aren’t this gullible. The news is telling me about the attempts for this same crap to rise on other countries and I can only hope they hold strong.
Firstly, such unity would be hard to organize. Work culture down on the lower rungs where there would be people wanting change, are drowned in a conflict culture. Don’t talk about your wages. Unions are evils. You are Replaceable. The threat of termination is welded like a cudgel. One of my previous jobs had a point system. If you were late, point. Called out without enough sick hours and a doctor’s note? Point. Missed a shift for any reason and didn’t call in? 4 points. 4 points was terminated.
Would they actually follow through with it? A previous manager I’ve had absolutely would. Snow? Late? Should have shoveled your way over sooner. He changed someone’s schedule and they didn’t notice, failed to appear. Arguments were made, there was an appeal system after all to make it fair, right? They compromised on keeping the guy at 3 points. He spent the next while looking for a new job because he knew he was one mistake away from unemployed.
Would they fire the whole team for organizing? I think so. I think they’d quickly offer to re-hire their favorites while they picked up new blood but they’d do it. Everyone would be back on probation and back in line.
Another company taking over the country no longer has a fresh meat butcher department because they wanted to unionize years ago. Company made an example of them nationwide and now just does factory meat.