Sure, I can ignore the phone, but it's quiet and distracting
Phone rings
I'm doing the dishes and my hands are wet
I'm sitting on the toilet
I'm in an online game
I just got the baby to sleep
I'm pipetting a solution
I'm with a customer
My hands are covered in engine grease
I'm meditating
I'm on my bicycle
I have gloves on
I'm carrying heavy furniture
I'm driving
I'm swimming at the pool
I'm in the middle of a set
I'm trying to put out a grease fire on the stove
Sure, I can ignore the phone, but it's loud and distracting.
It's like when you're having a conversation on autopilot.
"Mum, can I play with my frisbee?" Sure, honey. "Mum, can I have an ice cream from the fridge?" Sure can. "Mum, can I invade Poland?" Absolutely, whatever you want.
What about monkey head planet?
Cause it's fucking bullshit
Hello I'm the left's official spokesperson and I think I can clear up this confusion.
A woman is someone who wants to be a woman.
A husband is someone who wants to be a husband and has consent from the person they're a husband of.
Both of these words are identities, and letting people be who they want to be when it doesn't affect other people is one of the values of the left. So you can go ahead and extend this reasoning to all personal identities that don't harm others, and I think that answers your question.
Exotic didn't say a single word about legal advantages.
Ain't nobody should have to snitch to the cops about nothing if they don't want to. Shouldn't require marriage at all.
Also, if marriage isn't about love, then how come you can't marry your sister? I'm not advocating for sister marriage, I'm just pointing out it definitely is about love, and that's why marrying your sister is weird.
Abolish legal marriage!
That's bullshit. The government shouldn't be deporting people for refusing to participate in their system of regulating love. Just let people live where they want.
Marriage isn't a legal construct. The government doesn't have the right to own people's relationships. They can say they do, it doesn't make it true.
I wanna see a politician campaign on creating a weak economy.
Crash the housing market! Make the billionaires lose money! Collapse the oil industry!