Onirim is a fun experience, but I’d wait for a sale. You can get a lot more board game for $35. Aim for $20 or less. Game Nerdz and Amazon have it for $25 at the moment.
I’m probably going against popular opinion here, but I think Badger isn’t bad. And as much as I love space and missions into space, I’m a bit tired of it for the moment.
Something invoking nature would be nice, whether that he something involving animals or natural community of some kind. In keeping with the mouse theme, how about Muro (short for the rodent superfamily name Muroidea)?
For those transfer fees alone, I should be switching to yearly donations, but I’m about half half monthly and yearly right now. Looking at the ones I support via Patreon, not all of them actually offer a yearly option though.
Probably won’t have time personally to join, but I’m excited to see the results of this first FediJam!
I’ve haven’t tried the app yet, but it might be nice to pick up for lightweight traveling!
It is pretty colorful, though I think my phone might have boosted the colors a wee bit. It’s been on sale a bit late for around $15 ;)
That’s alright, looking forward to trying it myself!
Always looking for good solo games, thanks! This one should do nicely to help satiate the urge to go out and hike a wee bit (it’s regularly over a 100°F here, too hot for hikes).
Edit: is there a way to pick this up yet? I see that it was a kickstarter project, and that they do not yet have it on their site.
I was looking through that list the other day myself. Here are some that I play and like: Onirim, Imperium Classics, Wingspan, Cascadia, Spaceshipped, Tin Helm, Gate, and, if you have a bit of disposable income, LCGs like Arkham Horror and Marvel Champions.
Sorry for the delayed response! No particular issues, just interesting to see that there’s a name and a community for this kind of system, and even that there is a system!
I’d love to, but I have difficulty creating things from scratch. If anyone wants to collaborate and come up with something zany like BIRD CRIMES, I’m in!
Libby, the ebook reader app that is synced with my library card! It works quite well, and though I technically pay for my public library via taxes, the app is free and fantastic!