
joined 1 year ago

A little off topic for most of us here on RBlind but still worth posting for our instances Admins/Mods if no one else.

My very basic account security advice for Lemmy Admins

Have separate accounts for the things you do on an instance:

  1. Only use Admin accounts for things requiring no less than an Admin to do.
  2. Only use Mod accounts for things requiring no less than a Mod to to.
  3. Use standard user accounts for everything else.

Be sure to log off of an account and close all apps and browser tabs and windows open when you used that account before trying to log in with a different account.

While there are a lot more things that can and should be done, using separate accounts is a good minimal place to start. It should help mitigate against UI exploits targeting admins account for compromise like we have seen with a few other instances recently.

Things can and probably will still go wrong but diligently using accounts of least privilege can helping reduce the risk of Admins getting caught up in some of the more simple traps.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago

As far as I can tell things seem to be back to normal now. Care should still be take so proceed with caution

[–] [email protected] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

[email protected] appears to be tracking the issue through

and updating the community at large through a PSA here

if those threads get too much activity they may switch to new threads or start using another medium so do not count on them remaining up to date until things are fully resolved. appears to have been affected as well.

Right now working theory is some combination of admin account compromise and code injection through the markdown processor used prior to 18.1 but that could change over time. Looks like we're on latest so hoping we're good.

Would continue to avoid and until there is a better understanding of what happened and there is a good consensus all is resolved.

Gotta sleep soon so wishing us all luck

There is a more technical discussion about a related issue that mentions the servers we know about

Now really good night


At a minimum they had some hacked web UI mayhem going on along with at least 1 admin account they are in an at least partially down state. Might be worth alerting the Powers That Be to see if they want to offer assistance and if any measures should be taken to protect servers federated with it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Correction. They are definitely not clear yet

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Would avoid anything on that server where possible until we hear an all clear

Adding mention for Admins/Mods

@[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected] @[email protected]

[–] [email protected] 6 points 1 year ago

Will give this a look. See how hard it is to install and use when using a screen reader. Really like that there's no telemetry

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Two types of light receptors in retina.

One, called cones, addresses color. Distinguishes gross changes in color across entire visible spectrum. More durable, mostly in macula (central vision), and slow to detect change.

The other, called rods, address intensity (brightness). Distinguishes fine changes in light intensity normally presented in gray scale (shades of black and white). More fragile, mostly in prepheral retina, quickly detects change.

RP and Choroideremia tend to kill off the rods in the peripheral retina first eventually moving on to the cones centered in the macula. Fewer rods mean less ability to discerned between changes in shades of color. For example it may be difficult between ruby red and infra red crayons when right next to each other but much easier when separated by florescent yellow.

Or at least that's the gist of the what I remember from a conversation with a low vision occupational therapist. Can't really see enough to test it any more.

High contrast is key for anything you need to see right now.

Be careful trusting what you see. Movement, distance, and definition (shape) perception could be off as well

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Yes! That was it. Thank you so much.

Was driving me nuts. Amazing how something little like that can bug you to distraction.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Darn! I did it again!

I colored your situation with my own instead getting more information about what you really needed and answering your question. It is a bad habit and I apologize.

NFB had what's now a booklet that helped me a lot at the time: Cane: Instructions in Cane Travel for Blind People

  • I particularly found section 3 Actually Walking Around pretty useful in the short term but in the end it has all proved useful so the entire thing was a good read

It looks like it could be a useful read for a sighted person trying to spot you as well

There have been a number of things I have listened to and read since that have provided some help as well...but it was harder to remember where I found them. If I hadn't remembered originally finding the NFB one above on the page for their Free White Cane Program I might not of known where to find that either.

As for my situation, that is good advice that I will be following until I can make my trip and get that in person training. I can do well enough with the day to day now. My end goal, if I can manage to afford it, is to independently travel as much as I can. I never took the time to do that back when I could still see and am regretting it a bit. My O&M skills could use a bit more finesse for unfamiliar areas that I may not have as much time to learn as I would like.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 year ago

Good vibes are always welcome and send some of mine back at ya.

Cannot speak for the group at large but a nice to have from a personal standpoint would be stickied How Tos hosted in your community for things like alt text that we could use links to refer people to.

Otherwise it is still too early to have a good idea where the needs are. A lot of time still going into figuring out how things work and where things are. Sure I will have more to bring up as I learn more.

Thanks for keeping us in mind and have a great day!

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Was able to get there and subscribe but it was a bit of work to get there...Does not help that I am new enough to Lemmy that I am still figuring out how to do things.

Don't see any content yet and a no easy way to post there either (no Create a post button yet). However I know a lot of instances are overloaded right now so I understand there could be delay. Will try again after a bit.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (4 children) is good for when you want people from outside Lemmy to create accounts on your instance. [email protected] might be better for people with existing account to subscribe to your community.

[–] [email protected] 0 points 1 year ago (3 children)

Would better walkability and affordability let you save enough money to visit another town that does have O&M specialists available?

This is something I am considering for myself now.

The worst of my vision loss happened at the beginning of the Pandemic when there were no in person services available in the area. At that time my O&M training consisted of 3 hour long phone calls. I had a little remaining vision at the time and no one was really supposed to go anywhere at the time anyway so it was enough. Now that I have almost no useful vision remaining and things have improved enough that they are doing in person training again I have been trying to get in person training. Unfortunately, even though there are specialists within the normal travel distances I live in a notoriously high crime area so no one is willing to come to me.

To get in person O&M training I will have to travel to a neighboring town so I am in the process of saving enough money to spend a few days some where I can get it. Not easy because there is not a lot extra right now.


Resolved (see comments). Thank you very much!

Hearing it say we apostrophe L L for we'll, I apostrophe m for I'm, and so forth irritates me so much that I have largely stopped using contractions in my writing...and I really like using them. They best match how I speak in real life.

@[email protected] Hopefully this helps delay some of the real life shit for you.

(edited for format)

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 year ago

Cold beer or glass of wine and music...sometimes listening or, when really stressed, playing piano or guitar while singing, all badly I must admit...and the singing usually requires more than one adult beverage.

Music is really a part of everything in my life really. I use it to:

  • Wake up
  • Get energized
  • Relax
  • Express my mood
  • Concentrate
  • Distract myself
  • Fall asleep

If I am not playing it I am listening to it. If I am not listening to it it's playing in my head


Make some noise!

...your silence makes you invisible.

I have tried to make it a habit to walk through my neighborhood and community a couple of times a day. Lately, I have started to notice a disturbing trend of people stopping in their tracks and going silent as they see me passing by. I am never quite certain if they really stopped or if I missed something and we are now on a collision course. I try calling out a greeting. Sometimes there is really someone there. Others there is no one there to answer leaving me to wonder if there was ever anyone there in the first place. I even get a "were you talking to me?" from somewhere I didn't expect it sometimes. Having someone go invisible like that can add a bit of uncomfortable excitement to those walks.

Message to people that see me walking by

If I cannot hear you I cannot see you so please make some noise. Anything will work. For example you could try:

  • Saying hello
  • Tapping your leg
  • Shuffling your feet
  • Even dancing a jig or singing a song

Do anything that lets me know where you are so I can stop worrying about colliding with you. My safety is ultimately my own responsibility.

I promise that you cannot catch my blindness by talking to me.

Thank you and have a god day.

About this post

This new site and the whole Lemmy/Fediverse thing is new to me. This post was more an exercise in how I can best use my screen reader and other tools to write and post here than anything else. I just decided to write out a thought that has been that has been building in the back of my mind to help give me somewhere to start.

Thank you and remember to take time out to enjoy the day.

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