And not a single of those things will matter or be remembered after the great climate collapse.
Maybe start with the death of the two-party system?
Seems like this teacher has some mental health issues. Hope they get help and the students get a reexam.
A lot of people don't get episodes that do not "progress the story" and tend to see it as "filler episodes" instead of fresh and artistic experiments by the creators. I think a series like Atlanta (which is fantastic) would be impossible to enjoy for that type of people.
Cirka halvdelen af de "computerproblemer" mine ældre kollegaer kommer til mig med er glemte kodeord.
And The Quran is super anti-banking. Most religions have been twisted away from their original meaning, to become tools of our oppressors.
Yes. Doing nothing and simply letting fascism slide into power without resistance seems like the better option...
My roommate is French. They have a unique way of being mad and angry to the core of their being, without blood pressure changing the slightest. The grip on the wine glass might tighten a bit, but that's all.
Imagine reading that paragraph to someone just 20 years ago.
Wow! Hele 200.000kr i bøde! Det er mindre end hvad mine bedsteforældre bruger i Jysk om året på at udskifte terassemøbler igen igen.
Didn't even notice at first. It's almost too poetic.