
joined 5 months ago
[–] Mihies 2 points 6 hours ago

Goldencheetah for me. It's a desktop application that does a shitload of analysis besides the recording stuff

[–] Mihies 3 points 18 hours ago* (last edited 4 hours ago)

Trump might 🤷‍♂️ Edit: Turnup -> Trump

[–] Mihies 8 points 1 day ago (2 children)

Because that's work of Soros, chemtrails and HAARP /s

[–] Mihies 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Kind of. It feels more like a guy who just looked like a rapist was escorted away. As per Russians, I'm sure they have other ways to mess with those cables if they wish to, such as submarines.

[–] Mihies 4 points 2 days ago

lemmy and its downvotes even though Nord Stream is a good example of transition from "bad Russia" to Ukraine most likely. I'm not saying that Russia is the most likely culprit, but a little caution should be in place.

[–] Mihies 6 points 2 days ago

One cable? It could happen I guess. Two cables at same time? Huh? That can't be coincidence, can it? I already see drones surveilling and protecting the cables in the future.

[–] Mihies 17 points 2 days ago

Fingers crossed for RISC-V to evolve quickly to at least a decent alternative to current laptop/desktop CPUs.

[–] Mihies 4 points 3 days ago (3 children)

So, basically, it's a moot point. But I can see the motivation of escorting the ship away. Chinese are on a different level, of course.

[–] Mihies 8 points 3 days ago (5 children)

Out of curiosity, is that area protected by (international) law?

[–] Mihies 2 points 3 days ago

Pushing even *more

[–] Mihies 4 points 3 days ago

What a ridiculous reason to request an unlocked phone...

[–] Mihies 3 points 3 days ago

European sanctions in a nutshell: "other buyers in Europe stepped in to snap up unsold volumes"


'Oil and gas, Aliyev said, are “a gift of the God”'

We are doomed


I'm looking for a front light "for being seen" that can be mounted under K-Edge mount - GoPro adapter. Not looking for something heavier that illuminates the road ahead (thought I might in future). It has to e rechargeable, USB-C preferably and available in EU. Any suggestions? TIA

submitted 3 weeks ago by Mihies to c/csharp

Well written thoughts on C#12 primary constructors. Sadly they are not really useful. At least for now.


I was always wondering this. Imagine a steep descent. What is better for brake wear - braking constantly or more powerful just at the end? Anybody knows? Goes for both rim and disc brakes


Da se ne pozabi...


Dodajmo še, da je romunska poslanka skrajne desnice predlagala, da bi v parlament poklicali duhovnika, ki bi ga očistil njegovih hudičev, sama pa je že za vsak slučaj v dvorano prinesla religiozne podobe, ikone in da se ji zdi, da se je, kot jo je citiral Politico, vzdušje že izboljšalo.

Normalen dan v EU parlamentu...


I'm considering Fiido Titan as e-bike for shopping and short distance commuting. It's hilly where I need it. Any thoughts on bike quality or anything else? From a review on YouTube it seems decent enough. TIA


Patria v2.0


V času, ko je ZPS zagnal akcijo za brezplačno bodo iz pipe, sem doživel, da so mi v Tolminski gostilni Pri Martini zaračunali 7,2€ za 1,5l kar znese 4,8€/l. Lahko se pohvalim, da sem pil najdražjo vodo iz pipe v Sloveniji!


Če ni ta radodarnost naravnost čudovita...

Kot je razkrilo računsko sodišče, je Klavdija Snežič leta 2022 stranki SDS nakazala 13.500 evrov. Za primerjavo: to je več denarja, kot ga je stranka na enak način skupaj prejela od Janeza Janše, vodje poslanske skupine SDS Jelke Godec in dveh evropskih poslancev (Romane Tomc in Milana Zvera). Vsi ti so stranki prek prispevkov nakazali "le" 12.900 evrov. Podatek, da je Klavdija Snežič stranki nakazala toliko denarja, je še toliko bolj pomenljiv ob dejstvu, da je kot podjetnica v istem letu poslovala v rdečih številkah. Njeno podjetje Snežič d.o.o., v katerem je zaposlen tudi Rok Snežič, je namreč leta 2022 ob zgolj 18.600 evrih prihodkov ustvarila več kot 20 tisoč evrov izgube. V tistem času je Klavdija Snežič kot zaposlena v slovaškem podjetju Rohrmontage uradno prejemala 600 evrov plače.

in what shape is Jonas? (self.procycling)
submitted 4 months ago by Mihies to c/[email protected]

Hopeful Jonas recovered after all the injuries, but I somehow doubt it that he'll be at 100% after those injuries without much time to recover. While I'm rooting for PogRog, I fear a repeat of Giro, where Pog dominated and made it boring to watch. Or perhaps Remco will kick in, but then again he was also injured and didn't do well at Dauphine. What's you take?


Eurosport started sending e-mails that they are discontinuing streaming (premium) service in favor of HBO MAX. Which is much, like 3x more expensive if you happen to watch only bicycling or some other sports and you don't care about other stuff. Even more odd is that they were sending e-mails like a couple of weeks ago that they were just increasing the price. So, that's it for me watching bicycling, I guess. It's been nice while it lasted, then corporate greed took over.

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