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Da se ne pozabi...


Dodajmo še, da je romunska poslanka skrajne desnice predlagala, da bi v parlament poklicali duhovnika, ki bi ga očistil njegovih hudičev, sama pa je že za vsak slučaj v dvorano prinesla religiozne podobe, ikone in da se ji zdi, da se je, kot jo je citiral Politico, vzdušje že izboljšalo.

Normalen dan v EU parlamentu...


Patria v2.0


V času, ko je ZPS zagnal akcijo za brezplačno bodo iz pipe, sem doživel, da so mi v Tolminski gostilni Pri Martini zaračunali 7,2€ za 1,5l kar znese 4,8€/l. Lahko se pohvalim, da sem pil najdražjo vodo iz pipe v Sloveniji!


Če ni ta radodarnost naravnost čudovita...

Kot je razkrilo računsko sodišče, je Klavdija Snežič leta 2022 stranki SDS nakazala 13.500 evrov. Za primerjavo: to je več denarja, kot ga je stranka na enak način skupaj prejela od Janeza Janše, vodje poslanske skupine SDS Jelke Godec in dveh evropskih poslancev (Romane Tomc in Milana Zvera). Vsi ti so stranki prek prispevkov nakazali "le" 12.900 evrov. Podatek, da je Klavdija Snežič stranki nakazala toliko denarja, je še toliko bolj pomenljiv ob dejstvu, da je kot podjetnica v istem letu poslovala v rdečih številkah. Njeno podjetje Snežič d.o.o., v katerem je zaposlen tudi Rok Snežič, je namreč leta 2022 ob zgolj 18.600 evrih prihodkov ustvarila več kot 20 tisoč evrov izgube. V tistem času je Klavdija Snežič kot zaposlena v slovaškem podjetju Rohrmontage uradno prejemala 600 evrov plače.


cross-posted from:

Features a 1511 remodel including new staircases, fitted with a water source inside the cave and a secret passage way to allow for food ingress during a siege, and stunning views of the Slovenian countryside.

Maribor city bus (
submitted 10 months ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

cross-posted from:

Published On 6 Aug 20236 Aug 2023

Devastating floods triggered by torrential rains have caused the death of at least three people in Slovenia, with estimated damage of 500 million euros ($550m).

Prime Minister Robert Golob said on Saturday that floods on Thursday and Friday were “the biggest natural disaster” in the small Alpine nation’s history.

Golob said road and energy infrastructure were hit particularly hard, as well as hundreds of homes and other buildings. Thousands of people have been forced to evacuate their homes and many had to be rescued by helicopters or firefighters in boats.

Slovenia’s army has joined the relief effort, with troops reaching cut-off areas in the north to help.

Two-thirds of the territory in the country, home to two million people, were affected, the prime minister said.

Among those who died were two Dutch climbers on Friday in the mountains near Kranj, presumably as a result of being struck by lightning, Slovenia’s STA news agency reported citing police.

Also on Friday, a woman died due to flooding in the town of Kamnik, 20km (12.5 miles) north of the capital, Ljubljana, according to the report.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen assured Slovenia of the union’s help. The damage in Slovenia was “heartbreaking”, she tweeted.

In Dravograd, near the border with Austria, 110 people, including 30 tourists, had to be brought to safety after a landslide Saturday.

The town, which lies at the confluence of three rivers – Drava, Meze and Mislinje – was at risk of another landslide.

Bela krajina is underrated (
submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Vršič (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Taken on top of prelaz Vršič

Mangart (
submitted 1 year ago by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Taken from Slap Rinka


Can't be Slovenia without pictures of lakes