Choice is good but only if you're the one smoking then?
I thought they were liberating rather than occupying?
Hard disagree on your first point. Name the flags with descriptive name, move this initialisation to a function, and there you go, self-documented and clear code.
Mais leur électorat comprend pas cette opposition, d'où le meme. Leur campagne c'est "les arabes dehors". Comme tu le dis, papi le pen était comme ça, mais tout le travail de "dédiabolisation" cherchait justement à s'éloigner de cette image. Sauf qu'on sait toujours pas (et MLP non plus je parie) quelle promesse briser une fois wu gouvernement. En Italie, ils ont finalement continuer à laisser entrer des migrants pour faire tourner l'économie.
L'uniforme est pas un problème en soi je trouve, et certainement pas une question à réduire à une dichotomie gauche/droite.
What? France famously did not get rid of its own collabos, and the US was always fascist leaning even back then. Given how ridiculously aggressive the AfD campaigns, I'm actually more worried about their 16% than I do about the RN's 30%.
Sauf qu'ils ont un tour d'avance !
AfD is at 16% and CDU at, what, 30+?
If you don't put down a rabid dog and get bitten, I'm not going to blame the dog.
All those people online with their anecdotes agreeing with what you wrote, yet my experience has been the complete opposite. I think the problem is Americans being insufferable assholes, and the French not letting that fly as much as other countries.
Well that person chose (broken) German and Italian for a reason.
I guess it was named so during the early 40s.