sounds like American problems that you created for yourselves! Enjoy! (or not)
man, it's so wild hearing that the nearest grocery store is 20 miles away. You guys have created unnecessary problems for yourself. It's so shocking how rough you guys have it and how non-chalant you are about something which is a no-brainer for the rest of the world.
never seen more chumpier chumps than Americans.
sounds like hell
yeah something like "if new candidate in employee DB == hired"
the downvotes are only because you seem to think shouting out that YOU don't want a feature in a thread where everybody else wants it is not hypocritical
I wonder when the novelty will wear off
maybe you should do it, and help everybody? It's open source afterall!
No the interviewer is personification of the naive backend that checks only that a specific row is present in the DB, or that's how I read it.
Americans are the only creatures who don't understand the concept of a grocery basket outside of a car
that's not a good thing buddy
what's the next boogeyman? Is there a criminal raffle every other month that you believe is stealing your jobs?
oh this tired argument again!
You don't drive across the country daily do you? How long does it take to drive across the country? that's irrelevant.
the whole of zoning and design of US is bad.
You can't bring this up when the argument is how far is your local grocery store is to your house. Unless you drive cross country for your groceries!
"Not everyone lives in dense urban areas or suburbs"
Your argument is "that's how it has always been and we have to solve around it" when the solution is to not to have it that way.
the US is hopelessly into spread out development. There's no solving your way out of having to drive 10 minutes to get groceries without substantial changes to mindset and zoning policies. It's so absurd!