It's parallel unlike a CPU, so there isn't anything inherently wrong with just scaling the chip up in size and power. It just makes your room hot if you have the xx90 on at full blast for hours.
I just signed up with the first one that worked, and it still took a while to actually get it created.
A plain reading suggests that everyone is dead and stays that way until the eschaton when they're resurrected. So the only people in heaven would be the Jewish souls that Jesus directly put there that had been dwelling in the gloomy underground afterlife.
If they're in a group with other humans. If you grow up without language like child raised by wolves then you just miss out on language completely and it's very hard to impossible to learn later once your special infant brain language tool is gone.
The point is that the captain wants his orders obeyed instantly. Reaction time matters.
It's hard to tell what the total success rate is, but the s300s and Soviet aa really doesn't seem to do well against these medium size drones.
This is still basic research, it's not close to commercialization.
That by itself isn't terrible, that could still be used if it is sealed in something like an era brick if it's good enough.
Yeah, but they're also dumb and factually wrong on a number of issues and don't use good logic. Socialism is fine, they just get basic stuff wrong.
It depends, in theory Amazon should be more efficient but that only works if you close most of the brick and mortar stores and replace it with housing or something useful.
It would be like the fall of the ussr, the oligarchs today were people like the aluminum guy that took control of the aluminum foundry with a gun and then gained pretend ownership of it on paper.
It's just theater, it will cause massive problems to have tariffs on our land borders. Expect to see temporary reprieves as long as there is bribes or concessions. It's just a way to steal money and be corrupt.