JdW already answered it better than I could have.
He himself said that he was interested in the memes that would come out of this picture although I dont know how he feels about a lot of them being about his Cum ex scandal.
You can use a Spotify account if you already have one to sync your playlists and liked songs but afaik you dont need one.
Fun fact: the german word for bats is Fledermaus which translates to fluttering mouse.
Does it count when I am nonbinary and use openSUSE as my daily driver?
Vom englischen Wort lurker: Leute die weder posten, kommentieren oder in vielen Fällen auch voten.
Well akchually the USA can never become a third world country, because the designations come from the cold war and first world means US aligned, second world means UdSSR aligned and third world are the neutral countries.
This panel is older than me
Ich habe damit keine Probleme, da ich hauptsächlich im englischsprachigen Internetz mein Unwesen treibe und Wörter, wie du sie als Beispiel hattest, oft weitaus häufiger im Englischen vorkommen. Deshalb höre ich mich aber iel ein wenig versnobt an, wenn ich mich nur an das englische, oft aus dem Französischen oder Latein kommende Wort erinnere und dann versuche es irgendwie einzudeutschen.
Aiwanger ist bei den Freien Wählern.
Not much probably, even discounting the fact that I have no girlfriend I am so bad at keeping files ordered that it is pretty hard to actually find stuff by following file paths and even then the most incriminating things that I have are just loads of pirated games.
Who the fuck would pay 3.000€ for an iPad? I had to buy one because Apple somehow managed to get an exclusivity contract with the schools of my city but that 'only' costed 400€ with the additional option to get financial support if your family can't pay this much money. If possible I would have used a laptop or at least something other than an iPad but now I have to use it and hate it with my entire being although their glorified Bluetooth was quite nice before they gimped it.