
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

I've played maybe 15 rounds since the update, but only found one mission-related bug. We completed both sub-objectives for an ICBM, and it told us that we could extract without launching the missile. And given we had 2 reinforcements left, we sure weren't looking a gift horse in the mouth.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 1 month ago

Not available in Canada, that explains why I couldn't find it.

[–] [email protected] 7 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I can't find a result that's not Tiktok, Instagram, or Facebook, but Brad Pitt played a depressing weatherman on the Jim Jefferies show.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 1 month ago

I was pretty burnt out on this after Killing Floor 2, but seeing Mr. Foster come down the helicopter ramp still makes me grin.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 2 months ago (2 children)

This is one of those instances where you got the domain name and everything set up before they realized they misspelled "rogue," isn't it?

[–] [email protected] 34 points 2 months ago (3 children)

I had an idiot say to a guy, at extract, "You stole my samples, I'm kicking you." I told him you couldn't steal samples, they're shared. I got kicked too. Some people are just either stupid or malicious, but fortunately they seem to be less and less frequent.

[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 months ago

We do have [email protected] but not too many things get posted there. Might be a better spot for future posts.

But for more furry games:

  • Nine Sols came out recently. It features a mix of cyberpunk and taoism, and plays as if Sekiro became a metroidvania. Almost everything can be parried, with a focus on generating temporary damage that you can make permanent with a special attack. It's difficult, amazingly fun, and also has some fairly gory parts, so if you're squeamish you probably don't want to play it. Here's the trailer.

  • Tribal Hunter is about vore and size change. Putting that out in front, because I know that can definitely turn people away. However, it's just used as a mechanic, making it so that you can hit harder when you're bigger, you're more nimble when you're smaller, and digesting food regains health. It's a side-scrolling beat-'em-up, and also has a pretty great soundtrack too. Here's the trailer.

  • Tunic is a game about learning about a world, and doing so by trying to understand the game's language and manual. It plays a lot like an older Zelda game, but while you can get to some newer areas with items you collect, the real progression is the knowledge you gain as you go forward. It's unfortunately a game you can only play for the first time once, and it's one of those games where you want to go in without spoilers. Here's the trailer.

  • Hollow Knight is probably a game everyone knows by now, but in case you don't, it's metroidvania Dark Souls with bugs. The game can be finished with some effort, but completely clearing the game for achievements is something for masochists. It's got a load of things to do and explore, and it's even got a sequel that's coming ~~any day~~ ~~week~~ ~~year~~ at some point. Here's the trailer.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 months ago

Within the last couple weeks we had an MO to hold five bug planets. Between the bug-only players and the MO-only players, we were doing excellently. It was also one of the first MOs where supply lines were visible in-game, so players knew where to go, and how to cut off bugs from taking planets back with defense. Arrowhead thought we were doing too well, so the bugs randomly took back a planet that had all supply lines cut off, in order to put more pressure on the order. It's not just a yo-yo, Arrowhead is also insistent that even if we do well, they'll undermine the established rules to get the result they want.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 months ago

I wasn't prepared for either the level of animation or how weird it got.


Done as a request for BalloonieLuna. If you're interested, my commissions are open.


This stupid idea popped into my head and I decided to put it down. If you're interested, my commissions are open.

Red (art by me) (d.furaffinity.net)

Finished up the first piece for 2024, even though I definitely wanted to get this done last year. But done is done.


I started drawing in January of this year, and finally finished up my first piece in early February. Since then I've been trying to improve on it, and I decided to look back to see if there were any real metrics that could show I made decent progress.

The most obvious first step was to take a look at the upvotes I'd gotten:

Also, NSFW stats:

And, overall, it's a mixed bag. Lemmy definitely has a longer running time for keeping posts alive (it helps that there's fewer posts here), and Reddit has the issue that if your post isn't noticed inside 2 hours, it won't be picked up at all. There's no real sign of definite progress on Reddit, though Lemmy does seem to see at least some uptick in this metric, though that could be attributed to c/furry growing.

So, there's the next obvious metric, upvote percentage:

Reddit drops these metrics after 40 days, so I have no idea what it's like for the majority of my posts. Generally though, the response is more positive on Lemmy than Reddit, but it might be a bit too early to tell if the percentages are actually meaningful, or if the community doesn't downvote good content just because it's not their type, and upvotes are a more meaningful metric.

And, finally, FurAffinity:

There's not a lot of items there, either. If I post something good, I might get a fav. If I post something really good, I might get 2. Like Reddit, if it's not noticed inside a short window, it appears to get buried. The one exception appears to be this piece, which has gotten fav'd repeatedly over time. Watches, on the other hand, appear to be entirely random--or it could be my work's just not good enough to get people wanting me on their feed.

So, just some lessons from my time over the last year:

  • Memes are faster and lower-effort to draw, but get a lot bigger response (yes, I know, groundbreaking statement of the year).
  • Time and effort spent don't equate to response. I know, it's another obvious statement, but until you've spent weeks on something for nothing, it doesn't quite sink in.
  • Either a) I've not become a better artist, or b) these metrics aren't the full picture, and I also suck at promoting myself. I'm hoping it's the latter.

Regardless, it's been a big journey, and I hope it's only the start. I came to Lemmy from Reddit after the API changes, and overall, c/furry's been an open, welcoming, and most importantly positive place. I love it here, and I'm really looking forward to seeing it continue to grow.


Some vent art.

Catbox'd by Alsin (d.furaffinity.net)

Commission done for @[email protected].

Inviting (art by me) (d.furaffinity.net)

Commission done for Griffonki on Reddit.


I've been trying to figure out what the culprit is for this, but haven't found anything in the settings. This post, for example, has text that's pretty unreadable because it's forcing a lower resolution on it.

The image that's given is https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/fac38222-c5e7-448c-83e2-218d54e350eb.jpeg?thumbnail=1500&format=webp, but when you clean up the URL to https://lemmy.world/pictrs/image/fac38222-c5e7-448c-83e2-218d54e350eb.jpeg, it's perfectly legible. In fact, if you choose to share the post link from the nested 3-dot menu on the share option (from the 3-dot on the post), it'll give you the cleaned URL.

I've set it up to use both auto DPI and 400, the highest manual setting here, but it's done nothing. Likewise, the max zoom setting doesn't affect it, and I can't find any way to get it to stop adding extra parameters to the URL. Is there a setting I'm missing, or is this supposed to be intended behavior?

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