Bro what? TI has like... the best docs. What are you talking about? They have the Microsoft C# docs of the semiconductor world. Clear examples, every little detail, well organized. Darn near perfect example of what to do
I mean, it's fine. And if you can't find something the NixOS subreddit is usually pretty helpful
I have another one:
30min of fighting with an LLM can save you 10s of boilerplate
❌ Imperative
❌ Functional
❌ Object-oriented
❌ Stack-oriented
❌ String-replacement
✅ Rat-Oriented
GLFW is a C library, not a C++ one, and an old one at that, and so the reason is that a long time ago, there was no bool in C. Every library would make their own true and false bc it's handy to have.
Nowadays, the type _Bool
has been added to C, and C++ has built-in bool
, but you can still see the legacy of no boolean in C as to use the type name "bool" as well as the key words "true" and "false" for 1 and 0, you have to include "stdbool.h," as well as in custom types in these old GL-adjacent libraries.
And that's why I don't use Python for anything more than simple scripts
Tbf the devs said "compatibility layer"
No bc of camera proprietariness
Could I do:
signature primes_less_than(x: number) -> [number]
example primes_less_than(2) = []
example primes_less_than(10) = [ 2, 3, 5, 7 ]
I don't pay for OpenAI, so I can't try the playground
KDE fs
Or roll your own via a compositor and various tools a la Hyprland