I know this is one of those Watch this 35 minute long video, but it realy is a good video ๐ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxalrwPNkNI&pp=ygUPY3VjayBwaGlsb3NvcGh5
joined 1 year ago
It's looks like a person that tries their best to prepetuate their anger and hatred. Their comment history is more of the same. Sad to see really.
Young gun, gray hair.
"Refunding" is theft.
Christianity died when they crowned Charlemagne.
But will they continue to give out free games?
He was called mad because he wanted to return earth to it's 1970 population
Pad Thai isn't even a "traditional dish" in the sense that it s old and costumary. It was invented in the 30's as a part of nationalist project.
The trufinns party demands the existence of falsefinns. Thank you liberals for allowing them to rule.
Oh ueah? But can you push the aye and ney botton when you are supposed to?
I'm also crazy for going thru my comrades recite collections.
But what if all women voted in favour for slavery?