Thanks! The only thing I do for them regularly in terms of grooming is to cut their nails. They get baths if they're dirty or smelly but they've never had a haircut. Short-haired breeds are awesome.
Yeah I'm with you there in most cases but I can't get videos to upload with anything. Five different devices, four different OSes, three different browsers, two different Lemmy instances, and even a VPN to bypass my own firewall and yet I still get nothing but JSON partridge in a fucking pear tree parsing errors when trying to post videos.
Anyway, here are some pictures.
Nice. What browser/OS?
Thanks, this looks like the answer. Any idea what the version string should be in the ODT config file for build 17328.20184? It looks like they want a major version number first, so Office 2016 was v16.0.xxxxx.xxxxxx. Is 2019 v17 or v19?
Thanks. Where do I find a time machine?
So I get a free car and the owner gets to keep the original? Like hell I wouldn't.
Even in 2024, there's still a lot of non-software (automotive) engineering involved in building a car -- even an electric one.
Here's a thought. You fuckers have my goddamn Kroger Plus card number, my name, address, credit card information, and a record of every last grape I've ever purchased in one of your stores. How 'bout, after we show up for the second or third time, you assume we might no longer need to be told to uSe piN PAd tO coMPleTe trAnsActIon?!‽ aaaaAAAHHHHHHH
Just the stock Pixel 7 ROM, sadly. I'm testing Graphene on my Pixel 6 and probably installing it on the 7 soon. There's no actual privacy in this shitpost of a screenshot.
Missed opportunity: