
joined 1 month ago
[–] Flagstaff 2 points 1 day ago

That's not quite the same, though; bullet heaven ≠ twin-stick shooter.

[–] Flagstaff 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

The first is getting remade?! Thank heavens! The combat system was absolutely atrocious!

[–] Flagstaff 2 points 1 day ago

This is ironic because I loved Prey but couldn't finish SS2's tutorial!

[–] Flagstaff 5 points 1 day ago

That reminds me to keep supporting their torrent. I don't know why more FOSS devs don't support torrents like TDF has.

[–] Flagstaff 3 points 1 day ago

How did your therapist help you?

[–] Flagstaff 3 points 1 day ago

Maybe this is the Great Filter alongside microplastics.

[–] Flagstaff 1 points 1 day ago (1 children)

I stopped attending church in my teens

How did that happen? Did they not force you to join them?

[–] Flagstaff 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Wow, this is insanely generous. Where do you get all of these from? I've never even heard of many of these.

I couldn't find Store Manager: Cellular Edition, Tiltagon, and Title in the Steam store.

[–] Flagstaff 1 points 2 days ago

Great product, but why did they pick such a terrible domain? This is hard to remember. Search engines built their empires off of easily memorized names, which is an excellent model to follow.

[–] Flagstaff 1 points 2 days ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Great product, but why did they pick such a terrible domain? This is hard to remember. Search engines built their empires off of easily memorized names, which is an excellent model to follow.

Update: Oh, I see, it's all based on trom.tf. That's quite the range of services... seems way too ambitious to be sustainable, though, especially the YouTube competitor...

[–] Flagstaff 4 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Then maybe the generator would experience long-term degradation to be constantly running. Ironically, until I thought of this just now, I totally agreed with your reasoning about it being a weak plot point, haha!

[–] Flagstaff 7 points 3 days ago

Indeed we are not. Water is life!


It was their first time experiencing VR and one of them said they could play QubeFall for hours! It's such a bummer that that game never made it out of its prototype stage.


If it's in the same line as the username, it gets overrun by the domain (for those of us who like to see user domains).

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Flagstaff to c/[email protected]

Darn, if not.


I've played some games for which I want to make comms, but I'd rather make them on a gaming-related instance like Lemmy.zip rather than my registered one. Is this possible or would I need to make and manage a second account on the target instance?

Or could someone there just make /c/FTL and /c/SliceandDice? Lol.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Flagstaff to c/sikulix

I'm trying to learn SikuliX, but the documentation is incredibly hard to understand. I'm trying to get it to simply press Ctrl+A just to practice, but this doesn't seem to work and causes it to type only a literal a:


Ultimately, I'm trying to figure out how to get it to press Ctrl+Shift+A. Any help would be appreciated!

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Flagstaff to c/[email protected]

Or does it?

I know we were once nothing, but it is still terrifying and depressing to me to think about returning to this. In fact, as of late, I've been unable to not think about it: the loss of all experience and all memories of everything, forever. All the good times we had, and will have, with anyone or anything ever will totally annihilate into nothingness. All our efforts will amount to nothing because the thoughtless void is ultimately what awaits everything in the end.

The only argument against this would have to be supernatural, like another cause of the Big Bang or somehow proof of reincarnation, but if my consciousness won't exist for me to experience it, then what does it matter either way?

There is no comfort in Hell, either. The anvil of death weighing down, infinitely, on all values and passions is becoming unbearable for me, so I could really use any potentially helpful thoughts about this matter.


I got a free month of Game Pass and am digging into whatever's interesting as a result, and man, I'm really glad I finally tried Clone Drone in the Danger Zone, even though it did not actually look like my kind of game; I just let myself be influenced by Steam's overwhelmingly positive reviews—and they're all correct!

~~What really threw me for a loop (since I only watched the trailer and didn't otherwise read much on it) is that you do not stay in the coliseum! Without spoiling much, it is just hilarious and unexpected how far the game actually goes beyond the trailer~~ (and the difficulty becomes as easy or as hard as you want it to be, in case skill is a concern among any readers here). Edit: Huh, apparently I entirely missed one of the trailers which already reveals this. Never mind, but the shock value was great, so if any of this interests you, try to not watch the first trailer lol.

But even in the arena, you truly feel like a sci-fi gladiator (bonus points if you watched Gladiator—the first one, of course), facing level after level of interesting different enemies with the commentators comedically going at it. You can upgrade your bot with different skills, weapons, or clones to keep going; if you pick cloning (buying extra lives, basically), they say things like, "Upgrade bot is not pleased" (since it would rather have spent that turn giving you an upgrade instead), or "This human fears death. Typical."

It is just so amusing and well-done as you hack and snipe enemies to bits, causing them to hop on one leg, or taking out an arm, or even having these situations happen to own robot body. The AI dodging of your bow's energy slices is also well-done and tricky, and it's crazy fighting giant spiders when they dynamically adjust their movement based on which legs they've lost. Giant alien spiders are no joke.

I actually didn't realize that it has a free demo on Steam, so go check it out!


I can't find this anywhere. Is there also any way to check all the posts you've upvoted?

Ultimately, it would be really nice if we could get a history section of all posts viewed. I miss this from Boost.

How did you get your job? (self.nostupidquestions)
submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Flagstaff to c/[email protected]

Someone had asked this elsewhere but then deleted their own post and I don't know why! I was meaning to come back to it and read it, so rest assured that I won't delete this one as there were some really interesting stories of unconventional ways people landed their work.

TL;DR: I got headhunted after directly emailing dozens of people and pitching myself as an available, on-call substitute in my line of work, instead of submitting job applications traditionally.

As for me, I cold-pitched myself via Google Maps and other searches as an available substitute to those in my skilled trade (upon moving to a different region) in basically a 50-mile radius, and eventually word of my availability reached a large, overarching institution that connected me with an organization that had a full-time opening. It took me probably 4-5 months from the move to the job offer.

Edit: My story is actually a little more complicated than that, now that I recall the details from years ago; there wasn't actually a full-time opening at my now-workplace at the time, haha. What happened was that I was briefly interviewed and quickly hired as an assistant to an overwhelmed director who ended up getting massively sick and nearly died from COVID, so I subbed as the director. They had been having interpersonal problems with her and I rapidly noticed them in the weeks before she got sick and warned them of her. While I wasn't trying to take her place, the higher-ups said they were aware of her shortcomings (she had basically said "Shut up" to another director higher than her rank, to give you one of many examples of how bad it was, and she must have been in her 50s if not 60s).

Nearly everyone at the org apparently loved my work while I subbed for her for nearly a full month, and they eventually fired her and made me her replacement after another interview. It was definitely unusual...


This link was a really intriguing post entitled, "How did you get your job?" I was planning to read through some more of the comments (it got really popular quickly), but the author deleted the post for some reason!


How are we gonna stay safe from this stuff?

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