Yes, that l’s exactly what I’m asking for in this post — is there any actual exposed config on the iPhone, or any way to set up DHCP on the WiFi, that will convince the iPhone to use its own cell service as the gateway even while it’s connected to a WiFi?
The first words on the linked page are, “Sam Bankman-Fried is clearly angling for a pardon from Trump.”
The person you are responding to probably read that and is discussing it
There was definitely an Apple-branded modem for Apple II. Long before geoport. It had styling that would go well with the IIc or the IIgs
Edit: lots of modems, check the history section
This article is clearly not news pfft
legally,"sell" includes things that most people wouldn't consider a sale in normal parlance
Like what, any specific examples?
I have been hearing this repeatedly as a talking point from people defending Firefox but without any specific example of what they do and don’t allow themselves to take and sell, it rings quite hollow.
I’m doing ok with Babbel which is German — not Canadian but also not American
Bambu is working on it already — can’t print unless you’re connected to the internet and send your files through their server, can’t connect to the printer with other slicers besides their slicer.
They had to walk that back some; there is now a “developer mode” where old standard functionality is still exposed, but they’re clearly working as hard as they can to turn it shitty.
They can’t be specific in the legal note because that would close their options and prevent them from auctioning off every month to the new highest bidder.
They certainly could keep a page of what they’re currently selling to whom, but even if it was innocuous (doubtful) that would again put them in the news every time they changed it.
Tried and true ~~legal~~ PR strategy: say nothing and hope the attention goes away
Every single day for the past 50 years, my father has gotten up in the morning to go get the Washington Post and read it.
And while other people’s parents and siblings have slowly or quickly gone nutso watching Fox News, my father has not, and I could see he’s reading a real news source with real news in it reporting facts about things that happened. Biased, sure, selective, sure, but for all this time it’s been a paper that cares about reporting true things and describing the actual real world.
All I can say now is… fuuuuuuuuuuuck.
My father is not gonna stop reading that paper.
I will try it, thanks