Lock contention Parallelism Buffer overflow
I think this will end with playstation making yet another launcher on PC. No paying Gabe a cut, PSN all they want, tight review control. Really hope it doesn't come to that.
It's so true, but i also get tired and burn out fast
Ghost of Tsushima on Lethal is perfect
Hold the fuck up
It's me
I'm the fuck up
Hold me
Find someone you can share the good and the bad. Someone who won't judge you for how things turned out. Someone who will just listen and appreciate you being there. Be that person to them as well.
It doesn't have to be a partner. It may or may not be your parents. But find that person. And never let them go. You may not talk for years even. But always remember them.
You can!
Add Steamtinkerlaunch to your steam proton list with protonup‐qt Then, select it under the force compatibility menu. From there, just click the run vortex mod manager button.
You can also run steamtinkerlaunch standalone, which is what I did for cyberpunk2077, but I feel like I did more manual file moving than I had to.
Edit: can't spell today
Bayblade, bayblade, let it rip!
What frontend is that?