Oh I feel things but satisfactory instead
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free
Yeah one of the great lies we were all taught.
I don't think he will live another 4 years will he?
He looks damn old, you Americans love your old pollies but
Thanks I'll check out the videos.
Shoes i can't do much about given i wear work boots 13 hours a day but luckily today it's improved with some stretching and taking it easy
If you don't own this, you gotta get it. Fantastic cosy game.
As i was reading your post I was thinking wow it does this too and cleans cds. Then I saw the cd thing haha.
Playing football in Australia. The Australian version AFL we are the best at it
Normal i think.
My wife is 12 to 15 bites though
Sabacc? Starwars Sabacc? With interference fields etc?
As a computer game?
Or a real physical card game
Fucking Boris web was my favourite movie as a kid