
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 hours ago

Last year, I called out a friend for excessively blaming the Greens for various local council decisions/inefficiencies. They had the impression that the Greens had far more seats than they actually did (iirc, they only had 2, out of a total of almost 40). When I pointed this out to them, they were surprised, and we later reflected that they had likely inadvertently bought into propaganda that scapegoats the Greens.

One of the projects that the Greens had most loudly been opposed to in the area was one that looked like some genuinely pretty dodgy developments as part of a failing scheme led by councillors who had approved a bunch of other half complete failures.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 hours ago

How did you find out about your award?

I picked up the phone after slogging through traffic and rain to a bloke from Cambridge in the UK. He told me about this prize and the first thing I thought of was the lady who collected snot off of whales and the levitating frog. I said, “absolutely I want to be in this club”.

I love this. Speaking as an early career scientist, I think I'd rather win an ig-Nobel prize than a real Nobel.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 hours ago

"The manager said Dollar Tree has been in contact with police and are trying to find who is urinating in the candles."

What a sentence

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 hours ago

It also includes a dash cam though. I have a couple of friends who have a dashcam on their bike, and whilst £300 is still pretty expensive, I can imagine some people thinking that's worth it for an integrated and convenient solution

[–] [email protected] 11 points 1 day ago

"helping" seems like an odd word to use for "threatened at gunpoint".

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

This is excellent news. I really respect the guys over at

Edit: fixed link

[–] [email protected] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I'm not DMing because I don't want to the play the game, but thank you for being kind and helping out people who do; I enjoy knowing that I could play if, if I wished.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 3 days ago (3 children)

What do you have on it? I've considered setting one up, but I'm not sure what I'd put on it yet, and I don't want to do the thing where I make something I never use.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

And you just know that eugenics related thoughts are a part of it for him. Ick, what a creep.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Like >!Criston Cole!< in House of the Dragon. (Spoiler scope: very minor season 1)

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

It's not the most robust analogy, but I actually really like your comparison to painting restoration; to do it well, one must understand the techniques and materials used in the original (even stuff below the visible surface).

Not a lawyer, but I think the original work is still copyrighted, and that restoration wouldn't (or certainly shouldn't) constitute a new artwork. Though now I'm wondering about that terrible Jesus painting restoration from a few years back — it's certainly different from the original, and whilst it might not seem reasonable to call it a new piece of "art", it's certainly inspired a great many people(to make memes)

[–] [email protected] 7 points 3 days ago

I think many people who are responsible for pushing the campaign forward would agree it's a much bigger issue. It's just that the bigger issue is big enough that there are multiple fronts one could fight on, and this is a politically useful opportunity to push forward. A victory from this campaign will be unlikely to lead to the larger developments without more of a fight, because achieving the general rule will take a few instances of arguing the specific case.

For now, I'm excited to see where this leads, even if the answer might be "nowhere"


Unpaywalled archive link: Open Access link to the study mentioned:

Posting because I saw another post on this community about Extinction Rebellion UK blocking a private jet airport today (June 2024) ( and wondered how many people know that leaded fuel is still pretty common in planes, both in the UK and elsewhere; I was pretty shocked when I first learned this


This was a switch that got its wires pulled out. I learned how to desolder today in order to remove it from the little switch board and now there's three holes where this used to be. Does this component have a name, because I'm wondering whether I can just get a replacement one like this. There are lots of tools and supplies at the makerspace I used, but I need to know what I'd be looking for.

Alternatively, what else might I be able to use to do this? I suppose I could just trim and strip the wires and shove those through and solder, but that seems...crude? I don't know. I'd prefer something with pins because I practiced soldering and desoldering using some broken electronics I had, and I'm more confident with pins than something so freeform.

Thanks for your time.


I've seen a few communities where this question has led to some interesting discussion and figured this community might have some thoughts on it.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

Over Christmas, I realised that I don't actually own any torches, and whilst I have no interest in throwing myself into yet another expensive, niche hobby, I wondered if the folk here could help suggest a possible flashlight.

I'm wondering what kind of options are for a headlamp style flashlight, ideally one that can be detached from the headlamp mounting, if that's a thing. In the most ideal world, the flashlight itself would be small enough I could fit it in my everyday carry tool pouch, which is a tool pouch that's around A5 size.

I used to have a basic headlamp which had three lights on it and a button which toggled between modes so it had some variable brightness. I liked that I could tilt it up and down. I used it mostly for digging in unlit storage units, or illuminating in and around my car when unloading at night. It wouldn't need to be too bright (the brightness aspect is one of the things I find most overwhelming about fancy flashlights, because there's a lot of in-group lingo to be learned which I haven't had the brain for.

One of the worst parts about my old headlamp was that its charging adaptor was specific and it'd often go uncharged if I couldn't find the specific charger for it. I don't know how fancy flashlights(TM) are generally powered, but I don't want to get a nice gadget I never use because it's awkward to charge. Proprietary connectors are a bit of a nightmare.

My budget would be up to £100 as a maximum, and only for something that ticked all my boxes. I have no idea how reasonably my goals are here, so thank you for reading this. I'd be glad to hear any suggestions anyone has, whether they be product suggestions, or questions that might be useful for me to consider in narrowing this down. You don't need to explain your recommendations too much — I can go away and research stuff once I have a place to start, but at the moment it just feels a bit big


Edit: I feel like I've got plenty to go on now, thank you to everyone who answered, I love y'all, wonderful nerds


I'm a mathsy scientist, not a linguist, so I'm coming at this from a different angle, but I find this blog by a linguist gives a great informal overview of applied category theory in linguistics.

Similar concepts from a mathematician's angle is here: I really enjoy how complementary these perspectives are

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