I would guess CTV would want to do a weekly release, as normal television goes, and Netflix putting out all the episodes at once kind of ruins that. People who want to watch will go online and pirate/VPN it from Netflix. So them putting it on their tv line up ends up being business-stupid.
But why not just stream and also put them all out at once, too? Must they also broadcast on television? I really don't know the intricacies of television networks. CTV has the rights for both (otherwise they couldn't do both), but I presume it's only their own internal policies that would prevent an online-only release.
To be serious, yes, absolutely. How many children hear their parents just bark orders at their virtual assistants without a please or thank you, and then do so themselves? I consciously say please and thank you because I want the children around me to learn they should say please and thank you.
And, let's be honest, how many adults get used to just barking orders without a please and thank you and then interact with people that way, too?