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[–] AdmiralShat 6 points 8 months ago (28 children)

Yeah one is a person, the other is a boot of that person

[–] AdmiralShat 3 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (1 children)

This has always been my conundrum.

Do we give into the "sacrifice your liberty for safety" type thinking or do we see the actions of a man like Trump for what it really is: writing on the wall for something much worse to come.

One day it won't be a buffoon like Trump, it will be a calculated and intelligent person. It's not a conspiracy theory anymore, Trump showed us the cracks in the foundation, we can choose to ignore it whenever the guy in office wears a blue tie, or we can take note for whats to come.

But again, on one hand, kids dying isn't cool, but on the other, setting ourselves up for a potential systematic oppression also sounds pretty bad. We have enough systematic oppression as it is

Not to say Trump is my sole factor for having these beliefs, I've always tangled with the issues of safety and liberty when it comes to gun laws.

[–] AdmiralShat 18 points 8 months ago

Beacon of free speech? That's not only a huge stretch, I'm gonnq say thats bullshit altogether, go look at the modlog and you might change your mind. They delete and ban people for having different opinions, even when they have sources and evidence.

[–] AdmiralShat 24 points 8 months ago (1 children)

My power company installed fiber on the power lines and started their own ISP. So my co-op is my ISP. Kinda nice

You should call yours and find out if they have any plans for it.

[–] AdmiralShat 23 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) (32 children)

What about the loss of habitat, anyone who knows even a little bit about birds, at least in the western hemisphere, know that thousands of species only mate in certain areas in certain times of years. The loss of habitats for mating, the loss of food sources in the remaining habitats from pesticides, and the fact that many pesticides and other pollutants LITERALLY DEGRADE BIRD SHELLS AND KILL THEM BEFORE THEY HATCH

House cats shouldn't be putting a fucking dent in bird populations and it's both absurd to think they're the real threat and disingenuous to the causes of ill that plague our ecology

I'm not shitting on you, OP, but in definitely shitting on the person who made this infographic and I'm shitting on the people who continue to push the myth that cats are the leading cause of loss in bird populations. They may kill many birds, but they're not the reason we're losing them. Not at all by far.

[–] AdmiralShat 13 points 8 months ago (9 children)

But why is this any more disgusting than cow milk cheese or goat milk cheese?

[–] AdmiralShat 3 points 8 months ago

It's a The Office reference

[–] AdmiralShat 2 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Personally I think it's a sham. He's got billions upon billions in military contracts, I'm convinced his whole persona is a facade meant to make people think he's stupid.

(I don't believe this 100% its mostly a joke comment than anything)

[–] AdmiralShat 3 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) (1 children)

Many games have definite traits of political ideas being the themes or undertones. These may be criticisms of major political ideologies or of systems of government, or they may remark on other specific topics.

Anotjer facet, some games are accused or having an "agenda" or something, such as the games that people screech about when they have gay characters. This is usually what dipshits mean when they say a game is being political. To be fair, yes, some games definitely feel like that, which is just poor writing of dialouge and the delivery of themes, imo.

Civilization is a game that features politics as a gameplay mechanic. As mentioned by another user, this game still does have politics, as saying Mt Rushmore was a buildable structure granted by running Facism as your form of government, however it also has Ghandi using nuclear weapons so I don't really read too much into it as a "political statement"

To summarize my point, Civ is a game about simulating politics, you can be a theocracy or a democracy or a fascist state and swap between them all at will pr mix and match, but it's not really the goal of the game to push any specific ideas on political issues. It's a sandbox game, so my point was that it was a poor example compared to story driven games where the protagonists or antagonists have a political tilt that's either presented as good or bad. Not that civ has no political ideas and a tilt, but that its not a super great example when the specific example in the game are mostly jokes anyways.

[–] AdmiralShat 38 points 9 months ago (18 children)

I'd definitely argue there's a huge difference in a politics simulation game, and a game "being political"

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