It still has to pass in the parliament, so I'm sure there's plenty of shenanigans and domestic posturing left before they actually let us in.
"Vi behöver sätta in militären för att hjälpa polisen"
"Eh ok, det låter ganska auktoritärt, men jag antar att det är ok så länge de bara hjälper till med arbetsuppgifter där de inte använder sitt våldskapital"
En vecka senare:
"Militären behöver kunna använda våld mot civila"
Vad fan är det här för jävla fascist-speedrun egentligen?
Did lemmy introduce a fee per letter in the headline I wasn't aware of?
Personally, I was fine with paying for "Premium Lite", which was reasonably priced, removed ads, and gave channels you watched some revenue.
But youtube removed this subscription tier a few weeks ago, leaving only the twice as expensive "Premium". Since I, and I assume most others who subscribed to "Premium Lite", has no use for the other stuff included in the more expensive tier the cost is no longer justified for me. Back to finding increasingly exotic ways of getting around their ads I guess.
Yeah, this is exactly where I'm at.
A large part of the reason I want higher framerates in the first place is that I want lower latency.
Higher framerates that actually make latency worse make no sense to me.
Jag ogillar bokstavligen alla kontorsstolar jag nånsin provat. Har Ikea Markus just nu, men det är inte en rekommendation, bara den enda stolen i rimlig prisklass som har höjden och storleken jag vill ha.
Vet nån om nån schysst stol med hög, bred rygg och bred sits så säg gärna till.
Agreed. There are not really any good options here.
Yeah, I don't really disagree fundamentally with any of this apart from the fact that I don't think involving the military at this point is anywhere near warranted. We'll have to see what happens I guess, I think it could be mostly saber rattling. "Look how seriously we're taking this!".
But more police, and specifically more police on tasks that actually matter and aren't just being pursued to pad their stats? That's fine.
He's sticking to what he knows.
Parlamentet kan fortfarande rösta ner förslaget och Erdogan kan därefter säga att han gjort allt han kunnat, så cirkusen kan definitivt fortsätta ett tag framöver trots detta.