Ah well in that case it wouldn't be needed because as soon as it's in range of the local network would be easier than taking the trouble of using nfc!
It's awesome that more people are discovering new useful software through answering here!
Would you be able to trigger it using something like nfc actions, so you'd only have to swipe an nfc tag and it'd start copying automatically? In which case, a few cheap nfc stickers from china, throw them about the house / apt and then carry on with your life.
And have you ever read the forms? I don’t know if writing the software could be seen as tax advice or filing on behalf of someone.
Who would use the software if it didn't suggest ways to save them money, which would then take on the burden of actually being legally correct? UK tax accounts can be submitted directly to the government which requires an additional level of checks by them. Accounting is relatively simple to understand for UK accounting... until it isn't. It becomes very complicated, very quickly, and that dramatically alters the database schema, alters workflows, and this stuff can be in a constant state of flux. Corporate accountancy laws are very different to personal tax accounting, and keeping abreast of both situations can be very difficult to manage.
I spoke to a person representing a fairly small commercial accounting SaaS who said they specifically only target high-net-worth companies who can afford to pay the prices they need to turn a profit, and that's why they put on silly fake award shows (my words) for people within these companies (mostly c-suite people) to placate them into spending more money with them.
Doesn't sound good now does it? No one will take that responsibility for free.
Now we're getting somewhere!
Letting nazis and fascists do what they want
So people driving cybertrucks is somehow making things go to shit? Or is it actually the actions or the world's richest man and his sidekick that has nothing to do with Mr Smith who drives a cybertruck?
Please give an example? Because other than parroted lines thrown about like lemmings, there hasn't been an intelligent argument made that violence against inanimate objects like tesla cars, inturn damaging the property of others, is a worthy and helpful thing to do.
lol, good job your dog loves you because everyone else probably thinks you're a c*nt!
I'm English. It's fun watching Americans throw dumb shit like your words at each other.
But yeah, call me a "Nazi", tell people what you think I think is actually what I think, because it's funny. And tesla cyber trucks are not road-legal in the uk.
I do detect a hint of jealously in your tone though.
Wait, so being against violence on each other makes me a Nazi? TIL!
And driving a Tesla is spreading hate, how? And not even neo-nazis have a similar 'See a Jew, Punch a Jew', so by your 'idea', doesn't that make non-Nazis more hate-filled and violent? And is there a criteria / test you need to apply to determine if someone is a Nazi before you "punch them" or do you think it's ok and you can just punch / kill them because you suspect they're a nazi?
Do you see where this is headed? Or are you a good ickle puppet.
Nonsense? How does graffiti'ing a car change things? How does 'see a nazi, punch a nazi' change things again?
Healthcare normally have tight varying legal requirements that software must adhere to, so I would say there couldn't be a single solution for multiple countries.
It raises public awareness significantly that other people feel the same. And who knows who Trump will piss off next, and his favors could quickly run out in congress.