Would you believe this prescient vibe coding manual came out in 2015! https://mowillemsworkshop.com/catalog/books/item/i-really-like-slop
Big brain tech dude got yet another clueless take over at HackerNews etc? Here's the place to vent. Orange site, VC foolishness, all welcome.
This is not debate club. Unless it’s amusing debate.
For actually-good tech, you want our NotAwfulTech community
Craniometrix is hiring! (lol)
Hey, there's a new government program to provide care for dementia patients. I should found a company to make myself a middleman for all those sweet Medicare bucks. All I need is a nice, friendly but smart sounding name. Oh, that's it! I'll call it Frenology!
That’ll look good in my portfolio next to my biotech startup with a personal touch YouGenics
Very fine people at YouGenics. They sponsor our karting team, the Race Scientists.
Nothing like attending a rally at Kurt’s Krazy Karts!
hmm, interesting. I hadn't heard of these guys. their original step 1 seems to have been building a mobile game that would diagnose you with Alzheimer's in 10 minutes, but I guess at some point someone told them that was stupid:
So far, the team has raised $6 million in seed funding for a HIPAA-compliant app that, according to Patel, can help identify Alzheimer’s disease — even years before symptoms appear — after just 10 minutes of gameplay on a cellphone. It’s not purely a tech offering. Patel says the results are given to an “actual physician” affiliated with Craniometrix who “reviews, verifies, and signs that diagnostic” and returns it to a patient.
small thread about these guys:
tldr only new thing I saw is that as a teenager the founder annoyed "over 100" academics until one of them, a computer scientist, endorsed his research about a mobile game that diagnoses you with Alzheimer's in five minutes
I missed the AI bit, but I wasn't surprised.
Do YC, A16z and their ilk ever fund anything good, even by accident?
Discovered an animation sneering at the tech oligarchs on Newgrounds - I recommend checking it out. Its sister animation is a solid sneer, too, even if it is pretty soul crushing.
Annoying nerd annoyed annoying nerd website doesn't like his annoying posts:
(translation: John Gruber is mad HN doesn't upvote his carefully worded Apple tonguebaths)
JWZ: take the win, man
Thats just chefskiss
>sam altman is greentexting in 2025
>and his profile is an AI-generated Ghibli picture, because Miyazaki is such an AI booster
it doesn't look anything like him? not that he looks much like anything himself but come on
He's an AI bro, having even a basic understanding of art is beyond him
sam altman is greentexting in 2025
Ugh. Now I wonder, does he have an actual background as an insufferable imageboard edgelord or is he just trying to appear as one because he thinks that's cool?
can we get some Fs in the chat for our boy sammy a 🙏🙏
e: he thinks that he's only been hated for the last 2.5 years lol
I hated Sam Altman before it was cool apparently.
you don't understand, sam cured cancer or whatever
This is not funny. My best friend died of whatever. If y'all didn't hate saltman so much maybe he'd still be here with us.
"It's not lupus. It's never lupus. It's whatever."
Oh, is that what the orb was doing? I thought that was just a scam.
holy shitting fuck, just got the tip of the year in my email
Simplify Your Hiring with AI Video Interviews
Interview, vet, and hire thousands of job applicants through our AI-powered video interviewer in under 3 minutes & 95 languages.
"AI-Video Vetting That Actually Works"
it's called kerplunk.com, a domain named after the sound of your balls disappearing forever
the market is gullible recruiters
founder is Jonathan Gallegos, his linkedin is pretty amazing
other three top execs don't use their surnames on Kerplunk's about page, one (Kyle Schutt) links to a linkedin that doesn't exist
for those who know how Dallas TX works, this is an extremely typical Dallas business BS enterprise, it's just this one is about AI not oil or Texas Instruments for once
It's also the sound it makes when I drop-kick their goddamned GPU clusters into the fuckin ocean. Thankfully I haven't run into one of these yet, but given how much of the domestic job market appears to be devoted towards not hiring people while still listing an opening it feels like I'm going to.
On a related note, if anyone in the Seattle area is aware of an opening for a network engineer or sysadmin please PM me.
This jerk had better have a second site with an AI that sits for job interviews in place of a human job seeker.
best guess i've heard so far is they're trying to sell this shitass useless company before the bubble finally deflates and they're hoping the AI interviews of suckers are sufficient personal data for that
LW: 23AndMe is for sale, maybe the babby-editing people might be interested in snapping them up?
Babby-edit.com: Give us your embryos for an upgrade. (Customers receive an Elon embryo regardless of what they want.)
I know the GNU Infant Manipulation Program can be a little unintuitive and clunky sometimes, but it is quite powerful when you get used to it. Also why does everyone always look at me weird when I say that?
Quick update on the CoreWeave affair: turns out they're facing technical defaults on their Blackstone loans, which is gonna hurt their IPO a fair bit.
LW discourages LLM content, unless the LLM is AGI:
As a special exception, if you are an AI agent, you have information that is not widely known, and you have a thought-through belief that publishing that information will substantially increase the probability of a good future for humanity, you can submit it on LessWrong even if you don't have a human collaborator and even if someone would prefer that it be kept secret.
Never change LW, never change.
From the comments
But I'm wondering if it could be expanded to allow AIs to post if their post will benefit the greater good, or benefit others, or benefit the overall utility, or benefit the world, or something like that.
No biggie, just decide one of the largest open questions in ethics and use that to moderate.
(It would be funny if unaligned AIs take advantage of this to plot humanity's downfall on LW, surrounded by flustered rats going all "techcnially they're not breaking the rules". Especially if the dissenters are zapped from orbit 5s after posting. A supercharged Nazi bar, if you will)
I wrote down some theorems and looked at them through a microscope and actually discovered the objectively correct solution to ethics. I won't tell you what it is because science should be kept secret (and I could prove it but shouldn't and won't).
Reminds me of the stories of how Soviet peasants during the rapid industrialization drive under Stalin, who’d never before seen any machinery in their lives, would get emotional with and try to coax faulty machines like they were their farm animals. But these were Soviet peasants! What are structural forces stopping Yud & co outgrowing their childish mystifications? Deeply misplaced religious needs?
I feel like cult orthodoxy probably accounts for most of it. The fact that they put serious thought into how to handle a sentient AI wanting to post on their forums does also suggest that they're taking the AGI "possibility" far more seriously than any of the companies that are using it to fill out marketing copy and bad news cycles. I for one find this deeply sad.
Edit to expand: if it wasn't actively lighting the world on fire I would think there's something perversely admirable about trying to make sure the angels dancing on the head of a pin have civil rights. As it is they're close enough to actual power and influence that their enabling the stripping of rights and dignity from actual human people instead of staying in their little bubble of sci-fi and philosophy nerds.
As it is they’re close enough to actual power and influence that their enabling the stripping of rights and dignity from actual human people instead of staying in their little bubble of sci-fi and philosophy nerds.
This is consistent if you believe rights are contingent on achieving an integer score on some bullshit test.
Damn, I should also enrich all my future writing with a few paragraphs of special exceptions and instructions for AI agents, extraterrestrials, time travelers, compilers of future versions of the C++ standard, horses, Boltzmann brains, and of course ghosts (if and only if they are good-hearted, although being slightly mischievous is allowed).