I absolutely hate this common, deliberate “misunderstanding”. Political correctness isn’t killing free speech. It has never tried to. Political correctness simply means that times change, and you can’t go around insulting people without consequence.
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100%. Unfortunately, the guy in the big stetson shot the other guy for calling the Zootopia rabbit sexy. 😔
Yeah… the topic annoys me so much I was responding to the attitude of the original rather than what you actually posted. Ironically, this makes me a hypersensitive snowflake that conservatives constantly make fun of. lol oh well!
And in my opinion, Judy Hopps is firmly in the friend zone.
You're totally valid, it's silly how they will undermine your entire point based on how upset it makes you when they spew such crap
Lola Bunny, OTOH...
ADHD icon
Haha group of people bad
You shouldn't say that
You're not even one those people! Sensitive! Stupid! Uhh other mean words! You're one of the bad people just like them!
And they never notice the pattern
Note: Don't look or ask for the source of this reaction image. Just. Don't. You genuinely don't actually want to know.
That statement served only to make me want to know.
Update: Zootopia Abortion Comic https://www.zootopianewsnetwork.com/2017/06/i-will-survive-by-borba-full-comic.html
For posting that
It's also the Zootopia JFK assassination reenactment!
And Zootopia in the Seinfeld apartment!
And yadda yadda yadda, I got an abortion!
(This is the new worst thing in my comment history.)
Tbh though, my favorite edit was the one with Arby's. The whole thing is ridiculous but that put it back in the comedy sphere for me.
It's wild that with so much high-quality Zootopia adult content out there, that the ONLY one that commonly gets circulated in mainstream sites is this one horrible abortion of a comic.
I thought it was pretty good. I don't think Judy was that career-driven in the movie, but a writer can take some liberty with a character to create a little drama. Both of them reacted believably to the situation and each other, and also the art is very expressive, which is good.
My only gripe is that they barely tried to resolve their conflict. Judy and Nick work well under pressure and I think they would've taken a step back, affirmed that they're still a team, had an open discussion and come to a compromise. This isn't a discussion to have in 5 minutes and then break up over, this needs a good night's sleep.
I thought Judy and Nick communicated better when they were having a slut-off at the tantric spa.
Oh man, that's heavy!
Honestly, it’s pretty good…
Is it as bad as the Tails bench comic?
Great comic.
noooooo 😭
that's like bringing up raccoons and cheese graters or spyro the dragon making subway sandwiches
Wait. What in the crispy Kentucky Fried Fuck are you talking about?
you dont wanna know :)
Based on your username it's probably something very cute and I'm not gonna dig deeper.
Spyro, Subway… a cursed combination…
arbys comic 😔
Yeah, I mean, she's a cop
It's fine, the subtext is that the government is responsible for the crack cocaine epidemic.
Right??? The fox is objectively the sexier one
He certainly drives people Wilde 😤
De sloth tho
Okay but why is Metro Man the representation of Political Correctness
Doug Dimmadone, owner of the Dimsdale Dimmadome?
on ice?
I don't care, I'll still be calling Judy sexy. The best part of that movie.
Never forget what they took from us.
oh that damn sexy rabbit, i remember her
probably the moment that confirmed for me i am a furry