And remember, kids, even if it was the right guy why the fuck were they ok with killing a guy over a fucking weed-wacker? Also why do they need to raid someone’s home over a not even that expensive bit of gardening equipment? Like yea I’d like my shit back too but if I was in the states I’d call insurance about it and get a new one long before I essentially ask the cops to go kill some dude over it.
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Yeah, something's not right. Usually you can't get cops to even take a report for 'minor' property crimes, and these guys just go busting doors with guns blazing?
Something doesn’t add up.
If I had to guess, either someone on the force didn’t like this guy.
Either that, or someone really cozy with the cops was mad about their weedeater being stolen.
It’s crazy to me that one of my neighbors could be doing something shady and it gets me killed. As often as my packages get delivered at the wrong place, it’s scary to think about.
Turns out it belonged to a county official. Go figure.
David Westerfield. The Laurel County Judge Executive.
There it is.
The weedeater belonged to a local judge. Cops will go above and beyond for their pals who take them at their word on the witness stand.
I figured it would be something like that.
Not that I disagree with most of your comment, but insurance claim wouldn’t be worth it for a weed whacker as the excess would be prohibitive.
True enough, though I’d still rather not send a potential hit-squad over it. The chance of that is low but nowhere near low enough. Just glad to live in an at least passably civilized country where I don’t need to worry about that as bad.
Yeah, but you're not a "local judge".
Their incompetence would be hilarious if it weren't so terrifying.
Ya this headline reads as a Reno 911 episode
Fuck the police
ACAM - All cops are murderers, some are just accomplices.
And those fuckers will get away with it Scott-free, too. Maybe a slap on the wrist, at most. Legalized murder.
"Although police have released little details about the shooting, neighbors told local media they were searching for a stolen Weed Eater on Dec. 23 when they banged on Harless’ front door at 11:50 p.m."
Why were they going to someone's door at almost midnight for something like this?
A lot of people are asleep at this time. Great way to catch people groggy and unawares; less likely for them to defend themselves. Also less chance for witnesses.
On the other hand, also more likely for someone to assume home invader and defend themselves.
Which might also be part of the reason, now that I think about it. Gives them an excuse to ~~execute someone~~ defend themselves from a crazy criminal.
"No word yet on whether the stolen Weed Eater has been recovered or the real culprit arrested."
Yeah, nice way to end the article. Asking the real questions.....
Even while trying to criticize the cops, the article language still supports them.
“…which is why they had to shoot and kill him just before midnight last week.” (emphasis mine)
No - they didn’t have to shoot him. They CHOSE to shoot him.
If the cops weren’t idiots and went to the right address…
Would this have been an example of parallel construction?
Per the article, the owner of the correct house said it had been empty for months.
My head cannon is that the correct house was being used for illegal purposes (drugs?). Then, this “stolen” weed wacker was the justification they were using to go poking around this residence and “stumble” upon the other illegal activity.
Seems the most likely thing. Cops don't investigate stolen cars. Since when do they do no knock raids for lawn equipment. Paying them all to drive out there is more than the cost of a weed whacker.
Since when do they do no knock raids for lawn equipment. Paying them all to drive out there is more than the cost of a weed whacker.
Although that's true...
But the man who police say admitted to stealing the Weed Eater from a home of a local judge
That's why a weedeater theft got a nighttime raid, IMO. And if I'm right the judge should lose his job because it's his authorization of a riskier than required visit to the home due to his personal interests that resulted in this death. Unless this is how he handles every petty theft it's an abuse of power. (and maybe even then)
Will there be any accountability for the cops?
Remember folks: Police exist to protect property and wealth, not people.
Kentucky dispatchers repeatedly told police officers the address of a house they were supposed to raid over an alleged stolen Weed Eater, only for the cops to raid the wrong home and kill the man inside.
But the man who police say admitted to stealing the Weed Eater from a home of a local judge had already been in custody prior to the deadly raid that took place minutes before midnight last month, according to WLEX. That man told police he had stored the stolen Weed Eater at a home at 489 Vanzant Road which is a rural area outside of London city limits.
But London police chose to raid a home at 511 Vanzant Road where they shot and killed Douglas Harless, a 63-year-old white man who had nothing to do with the alleged stolen Weed Eater.
Fuck these cops. 2020 memories getting dim already I guess.
Over and fucking Over:
Police: Create deadly situation for someone else to react to, because despite being empowered to use deadly force, they don't see the need to worry about any kind of rigor or care in their actions since they work in a system that will back them no matter what.
Someone else: Reacts
Police: Use the situation they created as justification to kill the person.
The system: Shrugs.
Police Union: Giggity.
Cios wouldn't do tbis over a weed whacker,, so whats really going on here?
A weed eater is a guy that drug dealers keep around in case the cops show up. That's why they snuck up on him.