Political Weirdos
A community dedicated to the weirdest people involved in politics.
- Focus on weird behaviors and beliefs
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Huh, so the US is Russia now?
Techincally US is still USA
Deranged fascists: We need to redraw the maps of the states to make it more even, Texas should be split up.
OK so how about California?
Deranged fascists: ....
How about new york?
Deranged fascists: ...
(The other 46 states)
What bout Wyoming?
Deranged fascists: yes split it, up we'll call it AB(raham?) And it'll have the population of a Chicago suburb.
Can we just split up Chicago? It would at least make sense why they have the Cubs AND the White Sox! Who do hhey think they are? New York? L.A.? Pssshhhh!!!! Get fucked Chicago!
..........yes I'm a Clevelander still mad about the 2016 world series.
I seriously think they’re looking at the Mercator versions of these maps and are having serious size envy. Trump probably thinks Russia is massive (granted it’s twice the size of the US) and wants the US to be that big too. If he knew the size of Africa he’d probably be going after that instead.
That's big fucking talk from a country that couldn't hold-on to half a Vietnam.
They’re following their leader, putin
That's a funny way to spell "Hitler"
Yeah sure… but start by adopting the metric system, then we’ll talk.
(And stop with the 1$ bills… what a waste)
what will I be stuffing in your sisters thong while sipping on an ice cold beer?
That escalated quickly.
Might you have voted for Trump by any chance?
Oh no, they're worse than that. They're a "both parties are the same" type.
Wait. I thought they didn't want foreigners coming into the US, doesn't this defeat the purpose of keeping them out?
History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.
There was a war in the 1800s that USA had with Mexico. We beat them so bad that they surrendered all of Mexico to us.
In the end it was decided not to accept the deal, as it would just create a new set of problems with needing to legalize the citizenry of ALL former Mexicans.
You may be underestimating the right's appetite for genocide
Today's right will just go for a genocide, then try to "great replace" them later on.
Northern Sicily had me rolling, especially without Gibraltar.
We need that land as a buffer. yeah. Its for our safety. We dont feel comfortable around Canadians and Mexicans. Or our fellow Americans for that matter, they will need to go elsewhere.
Idiocy aside, does anyone know what this map actually represents (because I'm guessing, with Italy and Iceland in there, it's probably not a map of military conquest)?
TIL that the Philippines was an American colony 1899-1946...but Iceland? Yeah, I'd like to know also.
Representing the "Free State of Jefferson" in Southern Oregon but failing to acknowledge "Greater Idaho" these weirdos don't even know what's really going on. As a PNW resident, I'm dissapointed.
The thumbnail on the account says "I support the former things"
Surely this is satire, even for them that's too stupid a quote
Maga is just little kids in the body of grown men. Also all of those states would vote dem or even third party if this actually happened so republicans would cease to exist.
Idiot forgot Mexico was mentioned too
A tiny bit of Mexico on that map is blue...
Maybe they just want the resorts at Cancun and Cozumel?
I'm more curious about when they decided to claim Iceland.
This is how it begins. You keep calling territory that isn't yours your territory until it sounds normal to those that you have created a cult or pact with. Then it doesn't seem so abnormal when you decide it is yours.
People who voted Trump in are actually fucking stupid.