Remember how ChatGPT totally aced the bar exam? Wow! yeah, turns out that was just a lie
Big brain tech dude got yet another clueless take over at HackerNews etc? Here's the place to vent. Orange site, VC foolishness, all welcome.
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AI = Actually Indians
You are welcome. /s
AGI = A Group of Indians.
@V0ldek @Tb0n3 Large Lucknow Model
I hope you don’t mean to imply that it got it wrong because Indians would get the bar exam wrong, do you?
I mean there have been numerous occasions where companies touting "AI" have actually just been using Indian labor. It's so common infact that "Actually Indians" is an honest to god meme.
Ye but I don't think the meme applies here? This particular lie is statistical malpractice, not "someone else wrote the bar for it".
I don't cut people a lot of slack on that sort of remark because more often that not it's some "huehuehue" (read phonetically) racism
the fact that the esteemed poster has remained unengaged on my follow-up post (despite the first reply being pretty fast) kinda smells too
Jesus dude, relax.
So, is that your final answer?
My answer is what you think of me doesn't matter and I do not care. There is no point in me expending energy at all in bothering.
I’m quite aware of the context of the reference, but you still haven’t clarified your use here. “It’s not mine, it’s a meme” doesn’t really do much