
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 5 points 2 hours ago

Hopefully PG learned this skill in the last 20 or so years.

it's pretty clear he hasn't

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago

mine's ... not corp flavoured, and please excuse the vagueposting (bc reasons)

the investor behind the company flew me out to their private game farm, in a particular place that had specific kinds of legal import, to do some things. the listed tasks themselves were nonsense, and the entire plan for the trip was a razzle-dazzle "wow", combined with some attempts to get me pliably drunk and milk me for information (which I deduced was to be used in a "making redundant" play)

the plan was flawed in multiple respects, but the one that's most entertaining to me was the attempt to get me drunk. they picked (by chance) one of my regular things, and because I'm not a moron I made sure to make them drink at my pace. they very lost on that mark, and the next day had 'em remarkably chill

[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 hours ago

"~~perverse incentives~~ budgets rule everything around me"

[–] [email protected] 2 points 2 hours ago

company X sounds like the sort of bad shit I remember from a DC my side of the world, which was so frequently broken in various states that occasionally you couldn't even touch the outside doorknobs (the heat would translate from the inside)

Y: oof.

Z: lol, wow. good on ya for leaving. no point sticking around in that kind of disasterzone. it ain't ever gonna get fixed by your efforts.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 4 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

it's even funnier than that (albeit also super depressing, in some ways)

primer: hilmar (the head honcho at ccp) has been "crypto = bae" for going on 5~6y now (that I'm aware of, maybe longer), to the point that there are pictures of the guy at chain confs from around then, and mentions of people talking with him in The Private Backrooms at said chain confs. it's been his darling and he has wanted very, very hard to put it into tq (the main game server). see this for example (and fwiw, warning: eve reddit)

in-fill: there also appears to be quite a bit of cart before the horse element in how the company operates - they will frequently first work on something, then when it starts getting near release they'll send out some surveys that almost without fail have some extremely loaded questions in them. an example would be that instead of asking players what they generally think of xyz feature/intended mechanic/etc, the survey will instead garden path answers along, attempting to manufacture consent/compliance.

and, last little detail: keep in mind this is a game where people will min-max the everloving shit out of something, and where a fair number of people out there are willing to trade actual time to making in-game money with which to fund their gametime ("plexing"). people who would be willing to engage with some really ridiculous abstract/effortful shit for whatever gains they could, just because they could.

so with that said, during 2021/2022 (in the middle of the NFT tsunami of shit) the first big round of "we want to add NFTs to tq" came about. and there were a fair amount of indications that ccp had already sunk quite a bunch of devtime on it, and were getting ready to roll it out. the pitch was, uh, "not well received" would be putting it extremely lightly. it was panned so fucking extremely, they had to put out this newsblog which included the remarkably tortured phrase "Not For Tranquility"

which is the early strand of what leads us to this particular little "gem". it's hard to get specific details because they're fairly tight-lipped about internal processes and shit, so the following is definitely heavily conjecture. hilmar didn't want to break up with his bae, and kept pushing trying to keep this alive, somehow. whether the drive for this is also tied up with the Pearl Abyss acquisition some years prior is unclear (but Black Desert Online players all cried wolf when PA bought CCP, and said to expect increasing financial fuckery). what does appear to be the case is that a number of developers (possibly the pro-NFT among them) got sequestered off to the Special Project that became this thing, along with the a16z money a while back. the general feeling in the eve:o community is still largely "get fucked", and this project is likely to be double-stillborn (on account of dead kriptoes and an unwanted game/product)

I look forward in earnest to see just how dead it is on arrival

[0] - it took less than 2mo from the "would you like to play a fps in the eve universe? what would you want in it? what do you normally do in eve? what would you do in an eve-universe fps? why would you want your eve ...." survey going out to the announcement "hey surprise! we have an fps!"[1]

[1] - again. they've failed a few times, with multiples out. ccp product leadership real bad.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 9 hours ago (1 children)
[–] [email protected] 3 points 9 hours ago (1 children)

there's a Trade Secret I could tell you! (the cross-post or view source buttons, with appropriate mini trimming)

[–] [email protected] 17 points 10 hours ago (4 children)

can't decide if it's soothing or infuriating to learn/realize that, despite insane wealth causing him to get billionairebrain, he's also always been quite the dim fuckwit

[–] [email protected] 3 points 12 hours ago

that sounds neat, I haven't heard any noises out of new spinnies I've dealt with lately, although sample size 3 in 5y

(the only other spinnies are the wd pocket-sized series, and they're just boring whirr)

[–] [email protected] 13 points 12 hours ago (2 children)

why.. did you.. screenshot.. the post.. with a bunch of text blacked out.. ?

[–] [email protected] 8 points 12 hours ago (3 children)

I literally just sat down with coffee to check if the new stubsack needs to be made



I will say I'm not much of a fan of mysqls but uhhhhh this seems bad

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

saw this kicking around on the lobsters frontpage

IBM also includes a DPU for accelerating IO, along with an on-board AI accelerator

ah yes. an AI accelerator. for a chip that goes into a system that'll quite possibly have a lifespan measured in decade-partials. in environments so extremely up to date with the bleeding edge of technology that they are absolutely not losing their programmers to retirement. an AI acceleator for that. makes total sense.

imagine being the poor engineers who had to spec that out, design it, and get it actually existing. nevermind even the awe-inspiringly stunning disregard to reality that it takes for some management fuckhead(s) to have "steered" this

Funny enough, I asked why IBM had different terminology compared to the rest of the industry. They said IBM came up with the terminology first, and later on the industry adopted different terminology. It was all lighthearted and funny.

ah yes! funny! haha. not at all some weird insular shit from the same company that runs a worlds-apart platform with a control grip so strong it makes larry ellison check if they're infringing on anything actionable...


Need to let loose a primal scream without collecting footnotes first? Have a sneer percolating in your system but not enough time/energy to make a whole post about it? Go forth and be mid: Welcome to the Stubsack, your first port of call for learning fresh Awful you’ll near-instantly regret.

Any sub may be subsneered in this subthread, techtakes or no.

If your sneer seems higher quality than you thought, feel free to cut’n’paste it into its own post — there’s no quota for posting and the bar really isn’t that high.

The post Xitter web has spawned soo many “esoteric” right wing freaks, but there’s no appropriate sneer-space for them. I’m talking redscare-ish, reality challenged “culture critics” who write about everything but understand nothing. I’m talking about reply-guys who make the same 6 tweets about the same 3 subjects. They’re inescapable at this point, yet I don’t see them mocked (as much as they should be)

Like, there was one dude a while back who insisted that women couldn’t be surgeons because they didn’t believe in the moon or in stars? I think each and every one of these guys is uniquely fucked up and if I can’t escape them, I would love to sneer at them.


Need to let loose a primal scream without collecting footnotes first? Have a sneer percolating in your system but not enough time/energy to make a whole post about it? Go forth and be mid: Welcome to the Stubsack, your first port of call for learning fresh Awful you’ll near-instantly regret.

Any sub may be subsneered in this subthread, techtakes or no.

If your sneer seems higher quality than you thought, feel free to cut’n’paste it into its own post — there’s no quota for posting and the bar really isn’t that high.

The post Xitter web has spawned soo many “esoteric” right wing freaks, but there’s no appropriate sneer-space for them. I’m talking redscare-ish, reality challenged “culture critics” who write about everything but understand nothing. I’m talking about reply-guys who make the same 6 tweets about the same 3 subjects. They’re inescapable at this point, yet I don’t see them mocked (as much as they should be)

Like, there was one dude a while back who insisted that women couldn’t be surgeons because they didn’t believe in the moon or in stars? I think each and every one of these guys is uniquely fucked up and if I can’t escape them, I would love to sneer at them.


found this kicking around on one of the feeder sites a few days ago and only got to read it now

kinda neat. it's the sort of thing that you used to find quite a lot with keygens and other things prone to easter eggs, and that I don't really know of being as prevalent in more recent gaming and such


Need to make a primal scream without gathering footnotes first? Have a sneer percolating in your system but not enough time/energy to make a whole post about it? Go forth and be mid: Welcome to the Stubsack, your first port of call for learning fresh facts of Awful you'll near-instantly regret.

Any sub may be subsneered in this subthread, techtakes or no.

If your sneer seems higher quality than you thought, feel free to cut’n’paste it into its own post — there’s no quota for posting and the bar really isn’t that high.

The post Xitter web has spawned soo many “esoteric” right wing freaks, but there’s no appropriate sneer-space for them. I’m talking redscare-ish, reality challenged “culture critics” who write about everything but understand nothing. I’m talking about reply-guys who make the same 6 tweets about the same 3 subjects. They’re inescapable at this point, yet I don’t see them mocked (as much as they should be)
Like, there was one dude a while back who insisted that women couldn’t be surgeons because they didn’t believe in the moon or in stars? I think each and every one of these guys is uniquely fucked up and if I can’t escape them, I would love to sneer at them.


there is some strong copium in the article, combined with a total description of having a massive gambling addiction without, y’know, actually realising it’s an addiction

remarkable stuff


there are some remarkable instances of bad behaviour in there already, but imagine being the sort of product team that thinks users being gaslit by a chatbot that they couldn’t even consent to choose to use is totes something to deliver without any modification or remark


this time in open letter format! that'll sure do it!

there are "risks", which they are definite about - the risks are not hypothetical, the risks are real! it's totes even had some acknowledgement in other places! totes real defs for sure this time guize


Have a sneer percolating in your system but not enough time/energy to make a whole post about it? Go forth and be mid!

Any sub may be subsneered in this subthread, techtakes or no.

If your sneer seems higher quality than you thought, feel free to cut’n’paste it into its own post, there’s no quota for posting and the bar really isn’t that high

The post Xitter web has spawned soo many “esoteric” right wing freaks, but there’s no appropriate sneer-space for them. I’m talking redscare-ish, reality challenged “culture critics” who write about everything but understand nothing. I’m talking about reply-guys who make the same 6 tweets about the same 3 subjects. They’re inescapable at this point, yet I don’t see them mocked (as much as they should be)
Like, there was one dude a while back who insisted that women couldn’t be surgeons because they didn’t believe in the moon or in stars? I think each and every one of these guys is uniquely fucked up and if I can’t escape them, I would love to sneer at them.


since I haven't touched AP before (and figure other possible contributors may not have either), going to use this post as wayfarer bathroom graffiti

feel free to contribute your own learning and investigation as well


It’s been a long couple of years with people going hard on building all their communications on the gamer chat company, disregarding all warnings and concerns because of shiny creature comforts

Soon: “we trusted you! We moved from slack to you! 😭”

Guess it’s only a handful of months before the tortured handwringing starts?

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