Hi everyone I'm just posting our game jam here for others to check out. We used Godot and a great pixel art AI plugin for Aseprite that I found called PixelLab. I found old Russian folk midis and used an app called GXSCC to convert them to chiptune sounding songs. As a bit of an easter egg you can also select the USSR anthem in options.
We're looking to expand the game so any suggestions are welcome. Godot 4 was a bit of a pain to work with but hopefully will be more developed going forward.
I can recommend the Seattle Indies Slow game jam next year, you don't have to be in Seattle to join.
Edit: Someone has been impersonating us in the comments on itch, I am one developer here and the other dev AndroidOverlord is the other on itch.io - anyone else responding is not associated with Rabbitariat.
Yes the USSR anthem is license protected, good job
? You could also not post this
Why would I discourage communication, though? It's a simple opinion, and one I felt worthy of sharing. Do you find it lacks insight?
I may have misunderstood your opinion, but from my read it sounds like non-constructive criticism of the theme and execution, especially re the inverted commas around easter egg that reads to me like snark/sarcasm.
If I were OP, who was sharing their work and asking for suggestions, and I were sent this 'communication' I would feel discouraged.
Happy to leave it there as a misunderstanding on my part if this assessment isn't accurate.
because being a shithead for no reason to people who are putting work into something creative and sharing it with others sucks ass?
feel differently.
I'm not sure what point you think you're making.