It's good. I know there are good people out there.
They don't draft 30 year olds to do office shit?
Man, poor gen z
I've had dudes lose their shit at me for politely turning them down several times. So now It goes through my head every time a guy hits on me.
I think that's a big reason why a lot of women don't like being hit on by strangers, because every time there's like a 50% chance they will threaten you.
Like I just want to get home from work, guy, I don't feel like being called a bitch today.
Seems legit
I once saw a mermaid show on History Channel
You fucking take that back
Hedwig is a class traitor
It takes time, sometimes years. Be kind to yourself and let yourself feel your feelings in a healthy way.
Also helps if you imagine they're a huge lib that likes Harry Potter and Funkos
"Holden Bloodfeast" is too perfect
Chen posting another W