Use this community to share news articles.
I tried not to make rules for this community but y'all wylin'. I'll keep it quick and to the point:
Mildly biased headlines and articles are fine, but please do not share opinion pieces or strongly slanted articles here.
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Using the Poisoning The Well fallacy to attack sources shared in a post is presently not allowed (this rule may change in the future, and isolated instances will not subject you to a permanent ban)
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What kind of absolute psychopath posts a news article only to come down in the comments and specifically say they disagree with everyone on the topic and simultaneously they don't care about what the article is even about? That's next level unhinged shit.
I'm not obligated to agree with any echo chamber. I share things I think are noteworthy, and sometimes will engage in conversations with people about them.
But freakouts like yours and the others here are why I typically don't engage politically with lemmitors anymore.
Lemmitors? Do you just try to find the way to be a contrarian to everything normalized?
Anyhow, we're Lemmings, and lemmitors is one of the dumbest things I've seen someone trying to force into a lexicon.
Noted. I honestly didn't know y'all call yourselves Lemmings, I'll use that moving forward.