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Pavel Arkhangelsky was born on February 13, 2006 in a hospital somewhere in Japan. His parents lived in the Soviet Union before its collapse. Afterwards, they moved to Japan due to programs that paid relatively well for their technical expertise in engineering. He was enrolled in a local high school, where he met Sayori, who was somewhat sympathetic to his cause. Indoctrination was wasted on him as he had learned Soviet patriotism from his parents from a young age.

Despite his best efforts, Pavel was never more than an average student, in part due to his alienation from his classmates who were complete slaves to capitalist ideology. For his first year, Sayori was his only friend. Though he attempted to join a socialist club, it was full of demsocs and he left angrily.

The following year he was invited by Sayori into the newly-formed literature club, which, under his guidance, became a sort of hub for socialist activities. This culminated in his invitation to Hope's Peak Academy as the Ultimate Marxist Leninist.

Unaware of what was going on at the time, he was thrust into the Killing Game. Though thrown off his footing at first, he was able to gain the trust of the remaining students and used his limited knowledge to construct simple devices such as molotovs and even a rudimentary cannon. Eventually, he was able to escape Hope's Peak Academy.

In March of 2029, when the duties of reorganizing post-verzwieflungkrieg society was at last completed, he married Sayori in Leningrad. Three years following, they had their eldest child, Kiril. Seven years following, another child, again a son named Milorad.

In terms of personality, on the chart thingy I made the fuck up, he can best be described as warm/passion. He obviously cares about his friends, and also excels at political agitation.


After watching the darwin 4 documentary over the weekend I decided skewers were cool and decided to add a variant of them to my story.

So, canonically, the entirety of Silen (the continent Lindsen is located on) was created by Komi(me), and humans were later introduced. Thus, the animals that live there have quite different anatomies from what we're used to. These include the massive flying organisms known as 1/1/17/4. Now this family is quite diverse, and actually consists of two major lineages, 1/1/17/4/1 and its derivatives, as well as 1/1/17/4/2.

1/1/17/4/1 is the older of the two. Organisms of this group have two large jet pods on their backs, while their bodies are torpedo-shaped, with a large mouth that can expand to swallow prey. Teeth are present inside the throat, to aid in crushing it. Juices are digested in the stomach. Most waste is immediately expelled to reduce weight, while nutrients enter the blood. Several large blood vessels flow past the jet pods to cool off, also heating the air inside slightly.

In two organs beneath the jet pods, glucose and fat are metabolized into methane. Upon entering the jet pods, air first goes through several tightly compacted swirls to increase pressure, then into a combustion chamber which expanding muscles can compress. Methane is added here, and electrical pulses from ignition nerves ignite the mixture. A sphincter opens shortly following a compression to allow the heated air to release.

Most members of the 1/1/17/4/1 family have not lost their hind fins. They have instead evolved into two triangular fins that sit directly behind the jet pods, possible directing the flow of air. A single large tail that resembles a boat's rudder is located at the end of the organism and has colorful patterns that may aid it in finding mates. The two wings resemble elongated triangles. The eyes sit close to the lower jaw, and transparent eyelids can cover them when prey is being attacked.

While superficially similar, 1/1/17/4/2 is quite a different family. For one, its jet pods are located at the base of the wings. It lacks stabilizers, as its fins have migrated to where its lower jaw once was to form a sharp, flexible organ resembling a limb crossed with a jaw that can impale prey. It is smaller and faster than its cousins in 1/1/17/4/1, as its smaller size (though it's still very big, it has a wingspan of 6 meters and a length of roughly 3) ensures it can have a faster metabolism.

These two species have been regarded as pests due to their hunting of herds of livestock. In the past, little could be done about them due to the lacking of any weapons that would be effective against their speed. However, developments in firearms have caused a considerable decline in their numbers. If the living jets are to remain in Silen's skies, action must be taken to protect them.

Although, frankly, given all the shit that's going on in Silen, I wouldn't blame them if preserving these species are pretty low on their list of priorities.


Me and my friends have a huge world building project, the whole scope of it would be impossible to explain without several hundred screenshots of discord convos and pictures of notebooks. To summarize everyone is responsible for a fictional country and can make stories about it and how the nations interact with each other. Obviously my country was communist, I called it 'Antegria' (before playing Papers, Please and being like oh-shit ). I was getting bored of being a good country, so I had my country get couped and became a theocratic empire, and transition to a capitalist economy. This had pretty devastating effects on the people, and very many became poor. One bit of the story I wanted to make is a majority of class-conscious communists in the government, military, and general population fleeing persecution (the junta was killing suspected communists) to another communist country, the Communist Union of Benteria (which is kinda like if west germany and the DDR were both communist, and then unified). The government were very sympathetic to the fleeing communists and gave them a large empty bit of land to make a semi-autonomous commune. Over time, the commune grew enough to the point where 15-16,000 people occupied it, and they started to make a plan to take over the empire in a cuban revolution-esque plan. So a large force travels to a very rural part of the old country, and brings food and healthcare to the farmers and miners, who desperately need it as the austerity and privatisation had put a lot of them out of jobs (many had jobs in nearby cities, as the gov. ran high-speed trains between cities, but when the new government privatised the rail industries, it became prohibitively expensive to travel by train). By doing this across many rural areas they grow slightly in numbers and declare a few rural towns to be Antegria proper, and the junta's new government to be fraudulent. Is this in any way realistic or practical? Or really a way that a revolution could even happen?


This is something tangential I've developed for my science-fantasy world with intelligent animals. For context: In this world, different taxonomic governments represent groups of related species. You have the Felines, Vulpines, Rodents, Avians, etc. Each of them technically belong to a different State but frequently intermingle and live in the same area, and taxonomic governments tend to also have territory/land associated with them where they primarily control the area, but other animals can and very much do still live there. Taxonomic governments have jurisdiction of the species within their scope no matter where they live, and are the ones responsible for having an ID system that works both within their own taxon and with other taxonomic governments and other official organizations.

Instead of making everyone carry ID cards or passports, which would be cumbersome for four-legged or winged animals to use, I envisioned a DNA-based ID system. The tech for this is definitely in the Star Trek levels of sci-fi, but it's basically a flat surface that you press your paw, wing, or other body part firmly onto, and a mechanism below produces a mild energy beam through your fur and skin which interacts with DNA in your cells and gives returns based on the specific sequence, and it's a safe, non-invasive DNA sequencer that can get a full read of your genetic code in seconds. The DNA scanner also checks for things like active metabolism and DNA synthesis and are generally configured to not even attempt to scan non-living cells, so you can't do something like use someone else's severed paw to make the system think you're them.

But since your full DNA sequences can be, for one, several gigabytes long and not conducive to things like printing onto certificates and migration papers or even just sending over the network to other agencies, and also contain actual information about things like your species, sex, family history and a bunch of sensitive stuff that you wouldn't want just anyone having access to, they typically take a cryptographic hash of the DNA and use that as an identifier for an individual animal. Kind of like how humans might have something like a social security number, animals in this world have a DNA Hash that governments use to identify them. Whenever a government agency in our world asks you to show some kind of ID like a driver's license, passport, health card, etc, they just have to scan their DNA and their information is automatically pulled from the right agency, using the hash to look it up. Even things like crossing international borders (of friendly nations) can be done with just a single biometric scan with no passport or ID card required. Basically, if you're animal in this world, the various government agencies around you refer to you as something like "8ed254569e8ddccea1784f569609aa32ced2691e2d22e99583ebd426cac76bd8" which is derived from your DNA sequence, and since you can't change your DNA, the same hash algorithm will always produce the same identifier, but better for privacy since it's impossible to reverse the algorithm and derive the original DNA sequence from the hash, and in theory only your own taxonomic government would have your full DNA sequence stored away on a server somewhere. Also extremely hard to falsify since it's literally identifying your body and not a card or anything that can be replaced.

What do you think? Does a system like this make sense? Are there glaring logistical or security issues that I'm not seeing? (Beyond just having a non-invasive and rapid DNA sequencing system in the first place, but that's what sci-fi handwaving is for.) Do you think a system like this is actually superior compared to physical ID media?


cross-posted from:

A well-done article. I never knew about this writer. More research should be done on him.

I should also check out his work sometime.


For context, I have a science-fantasy world with intelligent, non-anthro animals trying to live in peace with each other. A major problem is of course what the carnivores eat, and their solution is something called Dietary Enzyme Supplements, which carnivores take in order to supply artificial, carefully engineered digestive enzymes that allow them to digest plant matter and directly synthesize essential nutrients that would otherwise only be found in meat inside their own digestive tracts. It's something that works really well for its intended purpose and that they're really proud of, and I talk more about their history with solving the predation problem here if you're interested.

For the species, taxa, and factions that have committed to banning predation and having predator and prey live in harmony, dietary enzyme supplements are typically freely available and a guaranteed right under their constitution, along with plant based food in general. Dietary enzymes are ubiquitous and work really well for their intended purpose, and represent the very bleeding edge of their chemistry and nutrition science prowess.

The most advanced dietary enzymes, those intended for obligate carnivores like cats, contain trace amounts of a special quasi-element called Intium as part of how they work, which is also a really powerful substance that power most of their super advanced sci-fi tech. However, due to how versatile and powerful it is, Intium is also extremely dangerous if misused, so it is heavily regulated by the government, and the only real "consumer" product that contains it are those obligate carnivore dietary enzymes. The next most accessible source is hovercraft fuel and the internal components of hovercraft engines, both of which are prohibitively expensive and require an aviation related license to purchase, while dietary enzymes are both free at the point of access and anyone can just go into a grocery store and take them without anyone else batting an eye.

The vast majority of animals that need dietary enzymes do not abuse their free access to them, since there's no benefit in taking more than the required dose and they're just flavourless pills that most animals don't just stuff their faces with. However, this is where amateur chemistry enthusiasts come in, after a post on a science forum showing how to extract Intium from ATDP, which are the dietary enzyme supplements most commonly used by Felines. The process is pretty simple, basically just burn the pills at a very high temperature and in a high oxygen environment to convert the proteins and other support chemicals into carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc, and you're left with a solid residue of mostly Intium oxide, which can then be further processed into pure Intium. This is technically legal since the government doesn't regulate what exactly you do with dietary enzymes once you have it, but the problem is that ATDP, while free to use, still has a high production cost, and only contain minuscule amounts of Intium. A domestic cat for example typically takes one pill of ATDP per week, with the enzymes attaching to the lining of their digestive tracts to prevent the still perfectly functional enzymes from being expelled out the other end after one cycle of digestion and being wasted. However, an unlicensed chemist smelting pills to extract Intium can go through literally thousands of pills in a few hours, and those pills are paid for almost entirely by Feline tax revenue so neither the Feline government nor the Feline population in general are happy about this. Of course the safety risks of working with Intium apply as well, including pretty severe explosion risks, but the amounts they extract are so small that it's hardly a public safety hazard so much as a public burden as they destroy tens of thousands dollars worth of dietary enzymes just to extract ten dollars worth of Intium. The Intium is not the expensive part of those pills, the expensive parts are the carefully engineered and synthesized proteins that surround the Intium. After a few incidents of particularly brazen and entitled animals (who notably weren't even carnivores and had no biological need for dietary enzymes, certainly not the super advanced obligate carnivore versions that contain Intium) cleared out multiple grocery store shelves for their Intium extraction hustle and went viral on their internet, attracting intense public shaming with both predator and prey calling them selfish and misusing public resources, they realized that it was a massive problem and a policy change was needed to ensure fair access to this extremely important resource.

The most obvious and immediately effective solution is just to implement some kind of rationing system, where instead of a shelf filled with boxes of dietary enzymes that any animal can take, they move them behind the pharmacy counter and require ID to obtain, where they'll check both whether you're actually a species that requires the enzyme and also use a centralized database that tracks how much you're taking per month. However, again, only a tiny minority of animals abuse the free access to dietary enzymes to do things they really shouldn't be doing anyway, so it would feel like a massive burden for the rest of the carnivore populations who literally depend on access to dietary enzymes to survive in a society where predation is banned. It would also preclude things like animals who don't need dietary enzymes getting them for their carnivore friends since they were going to the store anyway, or even things like losing your box of dietary enzymes and potentially getting denied replacements if they only allow animals to obtain them at the specific dosages they need, nor would they be able to stock up some dietary enzymes in their own nests and dens in case of supply chain issues. Not to mention the costs associated with implementing and maintaining such a rationing system which will also be passed onto the general public, potentially siphoning funds away from other public projects like housing and transportation, or just having less money to make more dietary enzymes. Free and easy access to both plant based food and dietary enzymes have been such staples in their society that they really don't to abandon it just because a few animals don't follow the rules, so they're looking for an alternative that lets them have their dietary enzymes and eat it too.

What do you think? Is their only hope to just start rationing dietary enzymes? If you were a policy maker in this world, how would you address this issue? This world is supposed to be socialist so I'd love a socialist (or leftist in general) perspective on this!


Unlike Lindsen, the southern Menora kingdoms were never whole. Wedged between the southern coast and the Raimat river, they have historically been separate, albeit sharing cultures. However, an Orenland state has established a Commission in its southeast peninsula, and although it expands less aggressively than the analogous Lindsen Commission, it is still a threat to the unity of the nation.

In the eastern area between the two forks of the Raimat river is eastern Menora, which has modernized in part due to influence from the Menora Commission, with beret hats becoming a staple of the local industrialist leaders, be they populist or centralist. To the west, more traditional rulers guard their kingdoms from dangerous and radical schools of thought that may bring upheaval to their feudal orders.

In the southwest, Emilio Colella rules in the Sidenian Kingdom, occupying roughly a third of western Menora. His coastal kingdom holds significant economical influence as well as having access to plentiful resources.

Rocco Pignatoro is slightly further north, with his Subaldena bordering Lindsen's Aldenland, being only a river apart. A rather traditional though large kingdom slightly smaller than the Sidenian Kingdom. It is more technologically backwards due to being essentially locked from the outside world. But will the turmoil in the continent force it to embrace change?

Matteo Landolfi rules the Dosenti State in the eastern portion of Menora, in the middle of the section with a small port. It borders the Menora Commission directly and as a result has greatly benefited from the technology leaking from the advanced Commission. But will Melinda Whitfield tolerate this one-sided flow of precious Orenland advantage?

Salvatore Scanga is in even more dire straights, with most of his republic close to the Commission border. He clings on for now, intensifying construction of fortifications he hopes will delay the inevitable onslaught, but is he only erecting dirt walls in the unstoppable path of fate?

Melinda Whitfield controls the Merona Commission, where lighter policy has resulted in significantly less unrest than her Lindsen counterparts. But this has resulted in less progress towards true matriarchy than her superiors would desire, and as the years drag on they may lose their patience entirely.

Finally, the industrial populist state of the Vensorian Council, a small and often overlooked country in the north of eastern Menora, is ruled precariously by Belani Insoro, with power split between the two main industrial populist parties, the VRC and the VRGP. But the industrial centralist VNPA lurks in the shadows as promised reforms fail to bring about substantial improvements in life, even as various proletarian populist movements hinder various projects. Most disturbing of all, the establishment of Albert Stahler's Worker's State in the northern border has resulted in a diffusion of proletarian centralist thought. Who knows what the future will entail...

All of these countries may have never been a part of something greater, yet advances in communication and nationalism has created something new in the people. And perhaps someday, their dream will be fulfilled, and all of Menora will be one.


If you asked any soldier or student in any warlord state in Lindsen what the cause of the Orenland invasion, you would get different answers. From a citizen of the state of Aldenburg, that they come to upend Lindsen's traditions and impose unnatural matriarchy upon its citizens. From the Worker's State, that they are capitalists seeking resources to exploit, no longer satisfied with what they can find on their own soil. From a businessman in Gorsenya, they are here to rob Lindsen of economic activity.. All these answers are true to an extent.

Due to sea monsters, the two continents only connected very recently, when an Orenland steamship fitted with a reinforced hull reached the eastern coast of the southern Lohne strip, belonging to Lindsen at the time. From the point of view of the invaders, this was an excellent opportunity to expand its raw resource base, as well as to relieve social tensions. At home, despite numerous attempts at suppression, strikes and other such disloyal behaviors were rising, while others complained that even in industrialized times men were still legally property, and even going to suggest that industrial populism was not very populist after all.

The invasion was over in months. Superior artillery as well as tanks and aircraft, which were nonexistent in the backwards states of Lindsen, Burgune, and the fragmented southern kingdoms, easily destroyed their armies. Peace was made with Burgune, while an uneasy stalemate was achieved with the southern Menora kingdoms. No such luck in Lindsen, which was defeated thoroughly and turned into a puppet. For a year or so, things were looking up, with a large region to extract resources and more jobs to soothe unruly elements at home.

Unfortunately, the people of Lindsen did not make things easy for the invaders. In two years the Commission's territory was history and it only retained a fertile but small section of the Lohne strip. Masses were angry as austerity measures had come down to nothing, with none of the promised riches from war going into the pockets of working women. Industrialists were similarly angered by the lack of promised profit.

With this background as well as the spread of proletarianism, both centralist and populist, across all the nations of Orenland, several massive civil wars broke out in which various smaller states were seized by proletarian forces around eight years after initial invasion. The governments of several larger states, including Orenland proper, hastily mobilized to combat the red menace. While they were successful in containing the proletarian revolutions, it left them militarily and economically hollowed, and allowed for the Lindsen states to develop without fragmentation intervention. While the two federations were defeated two years later, it was a half-measure at best and little measures were imposed to contain them.

Thirteen years after the initial invasion, the situation had stabilized somewhat, with the propaganda machine working to indoctrinate a new generation against dangerous proletarian sentiments that would snuff out, it was hoped, the revolutionary flame once and for all. But Albert Stahler of the South Lindsen Worker's State and his growing country seem to think otherwise, and the time may come again where a second conflict with Lindsen will leave Orenland too weakened to fight, even against threats within its own borders. The fate of a continent and the entire matriarchy painstakingly built in the Commission, as well as its Menora section, lies on the actions of these warlords with their own dreams for their nation.

May the One save Orenland, for no one else can.


So while I've done some detailed worldbuilding for Lindsen and its surrounding nations, I haven't even drawn a map for the Orenland yet, and all I know is that it's slightly more advanced and it's supposed to be matriarchal. But how might it have become so even with agriculture being developed?

I contemplated having the entire continent or at least the part where humans originated be rainforest with plentiful fruits to make gathering more viable, while dangerous animals meant men were needed for defense and therefore more expendable. However, this is immensely stupid for obvious reasons. Does anybody have better ideas I can steal?


Two years after the Orenland invasion, the former Lindsen Commission collapsed. Brandon Holstein, a member of the old nobility, led his chunk of the Southern Raimat.

The initial threat of an invasion from the remains of the Commission subsided when many fragmented warlord states arose between it and Holstein's domain. The ambitious Holstein took it upon himself to reunify the nation, trusting that the Commission would be too weakened to notice his expansion.

For a while this strategy was effective. Holstein was able to federate with many larger closer states over the next seven years, while also annexing surrounding microstates. He also attempted to industrialize his country to compete in productions with the Commission. While he was able to establish a formidable industry, this also led to the quiet strengthening of industrialists, which he tried his best to suppress. For most of the first ten years after the invasion he was successful at keeping a lid over industrialist power.

Eventually, Johannes Heydritch's North Lindsen Federation had also become sufficiently powerful, so Holstein proposed a federation that would then lead to only west Lindsen being incomplete, by which point the weak warlords there could be easily defeated. However, the Commission had grown westward in the decade after its initial collapse and was now almost bordering the two federations. The day before the federation would've occured, the commission invaded the two federations and crushed both of them. The treaty of East Lindsen was signed, forcing the two federations to split apart into their constituitent states.

The remaining rump state of South Lindsen lost much of its authority. Holstein became closer to Albert Stahler in this period of time as the industrialists gained more and more power over the nation's affairs. He entrusted Stahler with his ultimate plan: seeing as retaining his nobilibty was no longer possible, he hoped to instead pursue one of his long-lost dreams of utopianism, when he was just an aspiring prince in a Lindsen that was still complete.

Two years after the federation's defeat, Holstein died. On the same day, Stahler became the Regent of the South Lindsen Federation, and disbanded the army with the pretext of reorganizing. He quickly mobilized the masses as all industrial output stalled for the day. The private police of the Industrialists retaliated but was quickly crushed by the sheer number of workers Stahler had organized, combined with the weapons confiscated from the former army. Within a week the industrialists were crushed and the workers had siezed power.

Soon afterwards, Stahler revoked his position of regent and declared himself the chairman of the South Lindsen Worker's State under the governing principles of Proletarian Centralism, a jump from the previous Feudal Centralism. While the new state faced challenges, most neighboring states were too weak to intervene. In addition, there were none of the problems with production the later matriarchal and patriarchal post-Commission states had, due to workers being familiar with production already.

The Commission invaded two years later, taking the eastern half of the Worker's State. But despite this massive setback, it retains the industrial base to expand and strengthen for possible unification. What does the future hold for the South Lindsen Worker's State?


The Lindsen Commission can and will collapse. This unstable Orenland puppet, no matter what actions it takes, will eventually implode. Whether Frederick Olsten reclaims the throne, or Maria remains and unifies Lindsen, it will fall apart to countless rebels.

In the former commission's northern areas, near the border between the commission and the northern, mostly independent states of the Lohne strip, there is the Muzhinen Iron State, ruled by Franz Scholl. He is part of the younger generation of commission men, who dream of a restored patriarchy but can only construct a broken vision of one, having spent fifteen years under Commission oppression. To further complicate matters, Commission policy resulted in most technical knowledge being concentrated in the hands of women. The Iron State rests in a precarious situation, with patriarchy being barely maintained with Scholl's Iron Armoe. Any imbalances in the situation could throw it into further instability, or worse, the complete collapse of the male dominance that Scholl has worked so hard to maintain...

The Iron State's neighbors are not to be trusted. To the east, the Orenlanders have grown tired of proxies and have directly established a presence in Lindsen, intending to annex the entire nation once more. The technologically inferior Iron State will have to expand westward to the even more backwards western states if it wishes to survive the onslaught. To the south, Klara Clausewitz's ineffective but large Governate of East Lindsen is also a threat, albeit a lesser one that must constantly combat internal strife.

In terms of international relations, both forward and guard nations of the Lindsen Warlords view it as an illegitimate state at best. The forward nation of Stahler's Worker's State views it as a twisted and hauntingly pathless but nonetheless oppressive patriarchy, while most other guard nations view its version of Commission-warped masculinity as a perversion of what they view as the glorious tradition of Lindsen soldier men.

The uniform of the Iron Armoe soldier is, of course, the traditional Lindsen maid dress, in part due to its role in the Iron State's patriarchal system. The major factor, however, is the Iron State's internal strife. With a barely functional industrial system stacked with severe development output and cost debuffs, it can do little more than maintain its rusting production lines left by the invaders, using whatever is on hand.

Scholl has never considered peaceful unification as an option. In his view, a whole Lindsen will either be ruled by him, or will never manifest at all.


The interdimensional Christmas bug is coming to town, and every world needs their own Santa. Doesn't matter if they have no idea what Santa or Christmas is, participation is mandatory and they need to use whatever exist in-universe to replicate Santa's flying sleigh as best as they can.

The following are some guidelines for what a prototypical Santa and sleigh would entail, your world needs to try and replicate as many of these elements as possible.

  1. A fat bearded man or similar species dressed in all red.

  2. A huge sack of toys or whatever the kids in your universe like.

  3. A sleigh or another vehicle modified to resemble the classic shape of a sleigh, one that is capable of flight.

  4. Eight flying reindeer or similar species strapped to the front of the sleigh.

  5. One more flying reindeer or similar species up front with a glowing red nose.

Note that the reindeer don't actually have to be the ones pulling the sleigh through the air, you can choose any propulsion system you want as long as it looks like the reindeer are pulling it.

How does your world pull it off? Who would need to be called in and what kind of equipment acquired to do this? What unique conflicts does Santa face in your world that the "real" Santa wouldn't?

If your world is also conducive to other Christmas characters like Krampus, the Grinch, Frosty, Jesus, etc and you want to replicate them as well, we'd love to hear it!


Context: This is a world inhabited by intelligent, non-anthro animals, some of which have decided to outlaw hunting and eating prey in favour of living in harmony and cooperating.

They have a zero tolerance policy for predation and it is criminalized extremely heavily. Depending on what species or taxon you are (all animals have the right to be tried by members of their own species and taxa, and they are responsible for carrying out sentences of their own kind too), First Degree Predation, where you personally kill then eat an animal, is the only crime that formally carries the death penalty. Regular first degree murder where you "merely" kill an animal without intent to eat them only has a maximum sentence of life in prison without parole. Second Degree Predation (aka Simple Predation) is where you obtain meat with the intention of eating it without personally killing anything, carries only a mandatory fixed term prison sentence in addition to losing certain freedoms post release.

However, their laws on the issue is very much based on intent as that is their philosophy, that because they are all sapient and no longer bound by their natural hunter instincts, they are responsible for their own actions. You don't have to actually eat the prey you killed to have committed First Degree Predation, and the inverse is technically true as well, where if you kill an animal for some other reason and only after they're dead do you decide to eat them, then you're technically only guilty of murder and Second Degree Predation instead of First Degree Predation. There are also legal ways that certain animals can obtain animal tissue, for example, as skin grafts and organ transplants, autopsy and forensic investigations, or for general research. Because animals handling tissue in these cases don't intend to eat it, it does not fall under Second Degree Predation. However, if you buy animal meat and later decide not to eat it, that's still considered predation.

Especially with the nature of eating and digesting food, law enforcement only has a very small time window to order a suspect to undergo lab testing of what's in their belly where it will actually show a positive hit for animal tissue, so my original thought is that the intent clause is meant to make prosecuting predation easier, since they wouldn't need to actually prove that the accused has animal tissue in their digestive tract at any point, just that they wanted at some point for some form of animal tissue to end up inside them.

I know there are many real life laws that use intent in a similar way, but I don't know how courts actually prove intent beyond a reasonable doubt. Can anyone who's delved more into the legal side of worldbuilding comment on how the courts in my world might prove (or disprove) that someone intended to eat another animal when they do not have direct evidence that the animal was indeed eaten?


I typed up a huge essay before but then my idiot brother pressed some shit on the wireless keyboard and deleted it all. I don't know if I still have the energy to type all of it out, but here goes.

Lindsen has not been whole for fifteen years. Fifteens years ago the invaders from matriarchal Orenland destroyed the modernizing nation and established a puppet state, which soon collapsed, leaving dozens of warlord states in its wake.

Maria Olsten's LINDSEN COMMISSION is all that remains of the former puppet of the Orenlanders. Despite its reduced state and instability, it is still formidable due to its vast technological superiority. But Maria Olsten must be wary; her husband Frederick, once the emperor of Lindsen but now little more than a figurehead, wields influence even he is not aware of in the populace. The slightest spark may send the Commission up in flames.

Five years ago Johannes Heydrich was the leader of the North Lindsen Federation, of which only the state of Nordland remains after it was crushed by Commission forces a day before it would have unified peacefully with the south. Bitterness aside, Heydrich, known widely as the Lion of the North, is the only force standing between Burgune in the north, left relatively intact by the Orenlanders due to its compliance, and the Commission in the east which seeks to expand its influence over Lindsen's remains.

The South Lindsen Federation was also destroyed five years ago, and soon afterwards the country was essentially taken over by wealthy industrialists created by modernization programs. The former monarch, Brandon Holstein, entrusted his protege Albert Stahler with a mission: to disband the army, crush the industrialists, and establish the SOUTH LINDSEN WORKER'S STATE. He succeeded. His proletarian army will take some time to become a truly formidable fighting force, but this will not deter him from fulfilling his dream of a reunified Southern Federation, and possibly even Lindsen as a whole.

Fritz Zimmerman rules Aldenburg, another piece of the former South Lindsen Federation. He took a radically different approach than Stahler towards the industrialists: He saw the expansion of industrialist power as a result of the slipping of traditional values that he espouses in his state. But in a modernizing and gray world, will his vision for a pastoral and virtuous Lindsen fade further and further into the past?

Markus Spiedel may be a warlord, but he rules his GORSENYA like the weaselly businessman he is. Despite its high level of development, most government and military functions are sourced to private groups while corruption runs rampant. Even if Spiedel wished to become a true contender for unification, the industrialists would not allow trivial things like 'national unity' to get in the way of profit.

Time is running out. As the once united Lindsen fades from memory with the replacements of generations, it may not be long before unification as a prospect is no longer remembered or desired by the peoples across these little states. Perhaps one unifier will outshine the rest and finally expel the invaders and make Lindsen whole once more, from the Raimat to the Lohne......


This is my protagonist character in my socialist science fantasy world with intelligent animals trying to live in harmony. Think Zootopia but with close to Star Trek levels of technology and with regular animal shaped animals instead of anthros. One of the most common questions I’m asked of this world is how obligate carnivores, like cats, are able to survive without eating meat. I have mostly just matter of factly stated the lore and the sci-fi technologies that carnivores use to digest and properly derive nutrients from plant based food, but I think it’s time I actually told the story. I'd really any and all questions or feedback you have!

This could also be thought of as an in-universe piece of journalism or biography on this character.

Doctor Yvonne Dandelionpaw is an female domestic cat, with a gold and light yellow tabby coloration on her back and most of her tail, with white on her abdomen, muzzle, paws, and the tip of her tail. Her eyes are emerald green, her nose and pawpads are pink, and her whiskers are white. Yvonne was one of a litter of two kittens, born in a Feline town called Caldera where she spent her childhood with her mother and twin brother.


Caldera was a tiny and particularly impoverished agricultural and industrial town, which produced the plant based feed used by prey farms that supplied live (sapient) animals like rodents and small birds to be eaten, but also had a number of chemical plants which converted waste plant material into various useful chemicals like polymers, fabrics, fuels, and more. The Dandelionpaws, who worked in the latter chemical industry, also dabbled in the town’s major informal economy, that of producing unlicensed nutrient supplements and plant-based food alternatives for the many Felines that either detested the barbaric ancestral practice of hunting and eating live prey due to the rise of an ideology called Unitism, couldn’t afford to buy meat, or usually both.

Food insecurity had been rampant among Felines since the dawn of their taxon, as was the life of all purely carnivorous hunter species, simply due to the unpredictability in the availability of prey and the fact that they would obviously resist your attempts to eat them lest they lose their own lives. Domestic cats had a reprieve from this during their time among the humans, but now, millions of years after humanity had mysteriously disappeared from the planet, a bowl of kibble set out in front of them was as far from their minds as the bipedal species themselves, they would have to do everything on their own if they wished to return to such a comfortable, predictable life. Having evolved intelligence far beyond the cats that humans knew, they were no longer content with mindlessly hunting, catching prey, eating the prey after toying with it for a while, and then hunting again. Instead, they now had the faculties to analyze their situation and consider the long term, and they did not like what they saw. Not for themselves nor their poor little prey.

Their domesticated cousins, dogs, not to mention many other traditionally “predator” species and taxa, had already figured out a workable solution: With sufficiently advanced technology and knowledge of the underlying chemistry, artificial supplements of essential nutrients required by carnivores could be synthesized from plants or even inorganic sources, and more, a recent breakthrough in the form of the Dietary Enzyme Supplement supplied artificial digestive enzymes to the body, which could break down plant matter better than a carnivore’s own enzymes, and even directly synthesize essential nutrients inside the body. This world has two predominant ideologies for interspecies relations: Unitism, which says that the greatest potential of all species are realized when they work together and live in peace instead of eating each other, think of it as "vegan socialism." And Trophism, which says that predator-prey relationships are not to be questioned or challenged by neither predator nor prey. The Feline Empire was squarely in the Trophist category.

Many Trophist taxonomic governments, the wolves and bears for example, violently enforce the banning of the use of any form of nutrient or dietary enzyme supplement, lest their citizens have a viable alternative to eating prey. The Felines on the other paw, did not feel the need to spend the untold amount of resources to enforce such a ban beyond simply not intentionally making it available. A case of cats living up to their stereotypes of laziness and apathy? Perhaps. But at the very least, such laziness was helped along by the fact that biologically, all Felines are obligate carnivores, evolved to eat nothing but meat with digestive tracts compatible with little else, and even though the rise of dietary enzymes posed a brief threat to the status quo, it quickly became apparent that they simply did not have the ability to convert the body of an obligate carnivore to plant based food like it did for omnivores like dogs. The problem was mainly one of energy and speed: obligate carnivores would need nearly all of the plant matter they ingest to be converted, but conventional enzymes simply had too low reaction rates to do so effectively before the food reached the other end. Conventional nutrient supplements were no good either, as they had very high production costs and, due to their biology, a Feline would have to replace nearly all of their food intake with these supplements: crippling expensive for the destitute working class. Unitist sentiments and the disdain for the need to eat other intelligent creatures were growing rapidly among the Feline public, but biology itself conspired against those Felines, so they were deemed no threat to the empire.

However, that’s not to say progress was not being made. In fact, it was advancing much faster than the Feline Empire had assumed. Overlooked by the Feline elite, Caldera had become a hotspot for the Feline Unitist movement, regularly harbouring prey animals (including prey farm escapees) and keeping them as safe as they could. Through of under the table research and outright trial and error by the Unitist Felines themselves, they had eventually figured out a complex regimen of cooking and/or fermenting plant based food to break it down, combined with various nutrient supplements and dietary enzymes, which allowed such a plant based life to be just about safe for Felines and just about affordable for working class Felines. Secretly, they spread their new findings far and wide among the Feline public, and it would come to be known after the revolution as the Caldera Method. The only drawback was the fact that such a regimen needed to be followed to the letter, even the slightest deviation could leave a cat, especially a kitten, dangerously malnourished.


Yvonne and his brother, though very poor, were lucky in a way, because their mother was a long standing and vocal Unitist, and one that actually had the means to provide both herself and her young kittens with mostly nutritionally complete plant based alternatives due to her direct involvement in the production of said alternatives and the knowledge of how to ensure her kittens received the nutrients they needed without prey. The activities of harbouring prey animals, many of which ended up working in the production of plant based food alternatives, also gave many opportunities for a curious kitten to meet those animals outside of a dinner plate, and many of those prey animals eventually found themselves unlikely friends with the sweet and playful Yvonne, a sentiment that was entirely mutual. It was an unofficial safe haven within the Trophist Feline Empire, where cats and their prey could get a taste of living together in peace, instead of the cats getting a taste of their prey. Instead, they began to see their plant based regimen as more of a ritual, making up songs and rhymes that reminded them how to take care of their bodies in the absence of meat and making the required calculations a little more fun than tedious.

Yvonne took after her mother, sharing her sentiments that cats should live in peace with all other species, as well as her passion for chemistry and chemical engineering. Realizing this, Yvonne’s mother began to teach her young kitten of the chemical world, an extracurricular class that Yvonne came to enjoy far more than her actual schooling. The problem was, Yvonne’s mother had no formal education, she had mostly learned from her experience at work, as well as through the sharing of knowledge among the workers, some of whom were more educated to various extents. Many of these other workers also tutored Yvonne directly, and there were a few initiatives across the Feline Empire of textbook and scientific journal piracy, which Yvonne took full advantage of whenever she had the chance.

Yvonne predictably developed a fascination with nutrient biochemistry, but as she became a teenager and began her foray into the Felines’ latest scientific papers, a new development caught her eye: Intium, a newly discovered particle that showed remarkable properties. It wasn’t on the periodic table, because it wasn’t an element at all. Instead, it was the first ever stable combination of quarks other than the proton and neutron, and the Felines were the first to synthesize it, so it became the talk of the Feline scientific community. Already, uses were being discovered for it, from levitating hovercrafts to the various new compounds that could be made with it, to catalyzing chemical reactions previously thought impossible. Yvonne now had a goal, a pipe dream that she knew she would have an uphill battle achieving: She wanted to learn all about this new particle, and potentially, if the stars align, to work with it in a lab where she could explore the possibility that it could be the solution to the Felines’ nutrient problem.

Young Adulthood

Outside Caldera, things were changing at a rapid pace. Unitism had firmly taken root as the ideology of choice among the Feline working class, spurred on by more and more interactions with their former prey animals, and the development of better methods for them to subsist on plants, though still very cumbersome, error prone, and less than optimal. The Feline Empire was not happy about this of course, but by then they had lost control, and despite more and more efforts to control these plant based alternatives, they had become so commonplace and so many cats had the knowledge of how they worked, not to mention those cats were also allying with other Unitist species and taxa who helped them to not be predators. By then, a good majority of Felines were committed to no longer eating prey, even though the alternative was still extremely difficult and required the utmost care to pull off safely. The Felines were now between ideologies and philosophies on whether other animals were friends or food, and inching closer to the day when tensions between those philosophies and ideologies would inevitably boil over.

The Royal Feline Science Institute, despite being royal in name, was now mostly comprised of Unitist professors and researchers, some of whom had formed connections with the Unitists in Caldera and their independent chemistry work. Yvonne, who was a newly minted adult at this point, quickly took the opportunity to network with those researchers, who also came to recognize her as a passionate, studious, and promising future chemist. Even though, due to her family lineage and place of residence, she was not eligible for any scholarships, a number of Unitist professors, charmed by the young Unitist and resentful of their superiors, worked with Yvonne and her mother falsify a number of records and covered the costs for her to take the RFSI chemistry faculty’s entrance exam, which, after many sleepless nights spent preparing, Yvonne aced with flying colours, and with those falsified records, made her eligible for a scholarship. So off she went to Moonpeak, the Feline capital city, where she hoped to start her studies, now among many other Unitists like herself, a prospect she could only dream of as a kitten.

Scientific Career

Yvonne initially struggled in her classes, not used to the university format as most of her prior learning had been done on her own in piecemeal fashion. She initially also struggled with lab work, and was said to have a tendency to disregard safety procedures and forgo protective equipment which she perceived as slowing down her work. But, her passion remained unshaken and her professors commented that she never appeared discouraged of frustrated no matter how difficult a concept was for her, was never afraid to admit she didn’t know something, and she was a frequent sight at tutoring sessions and office hours. She was determined not to squander the opportunity that she thought she would never have, and with her tail held high through long days and sleepless nights, powered through her classes, helped by the fact that she never lost her fascination with the things she was studying, it only grew stronger. Around the same time, she became an active member in the Unitist movement in the RFSI and Moonpeak, and also met her best friend and study partner Nikita Almondtail, and they helped each other struggle through their coursework. She chose her specialization in quantum chemistry, as it seemed the best way for her to get her paws on the coveted Intium. Meanwhile, Nikita went with biochemistry, but they remained close friends and still frequently studied together. It certainly wasn’t easy for her, but eventually Yvonne had completed her Primary Certification, and was now a full-on researcher for the RFSI, working toward a High Certification and beyond. (Keep in mind that cat university is structured differently from human university and grants different qualifications than bachelor or PhD as we would know them.) Yvonne’s dream had come true, she now had the chance to work with Intium. Yvonne and Nikita chose to work on a joint research project for their High Certifications, and after Yvonne had been regaling Nikita about her hunch that Intium might allow Felines to subsist cleanly on plant based food, a hunch that only seemed more true the more that was discovered about it, and given their new qualifications, it seemed like a no brainer. They had worked on many smaller projects independently, but this would be their first time in uncharted territory, with little established knowledge on the topic. They got to work, using the dietary enzymes for omnivores as a starting point. Nikita with her focus on artificial enzyme design and Yvonne with her focus on the novel properties of Intium, began to incrementally improve the existing enzymes for use by obligate carnivores. Making them survive higher acidity, increasing reaction rates, and many more changes.

The new particle proved extremely promising in this application, catalysing reactions far faster than any purely protein-based enzyme could ever achieve. Yvonne would later recount an incident where she had spilled some of the concentrated solution of Intium-based cellulase onto her lab notebook while cleaning up, and not noticing it, simply closed it up and went on her way. That night, she stored her bag next to the heater in her dorm room, which warmed it up to something resembling a Feline body temperature. The next morning, the enzyme solution had burned a hole twice the size of a cat’s paw all the way to both covers, the edges glittering with crystals of glucose that might as well have been diamonds to Yvonne’s eyes. Some time later, as Yvonne and Nikita’s work neared completion, they watched, amazed, as the mixture of cellulose, starch, and other plant nutrients rapidly began to dissolve into their test solution, and in real time, the concentration of glucose momentarily began to rise, before quickly being consumed by their synthesis enzymes and turned into amino acids, taurine, and the myriad other nutrients that cats needed, which began to build up in the solution. The next day, they, against the advice of their project advisors and other researchers in the lab, each swallowed a capsule filled with their new enzymes after fasting the night before, ate a bellyful of raw plants like lettuce and spinach, and began periodic blood testing to track their nutrient uptake. They would both recount this initial test as likely the stupidest thing they’d done in their lives, and it easily could have been their last. At first, it seemed like that could well be the case, as an hour after ingestion, they were both racked with abdominal pain so severe that they described it as their insides being on fire, but, as quickly as it began, it subsided, and subsequent blood tests revealed that it had miraculously worked. Usable nutrients, derived from raw plants, began to flood their bloodstream, and due to the fact that they were brush border enzymes that attached to the lining of the digestive tract instead of being expelled with the food waste, the effect lasted for over a week from a single pill. Eventually, they pinpointed the GI discomfort to the fact that they had foolishly taken a full dose of enzyme all at once, when it had been known for a while that brush border enzyme supplements need a slow ramp-up time to gradually build up its concentration inside the gut to avoid side effects, a limitation they already knew about the omnivore enzymes that theirs had been derived from, but had forgotten about in their haste to prove that their design works.

After some further tests, revisions and fine tuning to ensure it really produced all required nutrients and in the correct proportions, they moved to publish their work, which they initially, very creatively, called the Nutritionally Comprehensive Obligate Carnivore Dietary Enzyme Supplement. However, it would later be decided that it would be named the Almondtail-Dandelionpaw Formulation, or ATDP for short, after its creators. But not after a long and violent battle for Felines to be allowed to use their new breakthrough at all.

The Feline Revolution

As researchers across Feline territory and beyond took note of the new discovery, they began to replicate it. The new dietary enzyme supplement sent shockwaves through the scientific community, initially being met with extreme skepticism and even accusations that the pair had deliberately fabricated the positive test results. But, this was quickly put to rest upon independent testing. They had done it. Within Feline territory, there was no shortage of volunteers eager to try the new supplement, not just to use it as a finished product, but to offer up their own bellies for clinical testing. Yvonne and Nikita were hailed as heroes both in and out of Feline territory, the saviors of predator and prey alike and the harbingers of a new age for Felines, a peaceful, cooperative age where they would finally make peace and officially begin the long process of reconciliation with their former prey. That was, until the king of the Feline Empire got involved.

Overnight, the king invoked an “emergency” legislation power exclusive to him to pass a bill that would outlaw the production, distribution, import, export, and even further research and development of any artificial enzyme in Feline territory, dietary or otherwise, with a mandatory prison term for anyone caught even possessing a copy of Yvonne and Nikita’s paper or anything similar. That afternoon, another emergency bill came that would eliminate the autonomy of the Royal Feline Science Institute and subject it to an unprecedented level of direct oversight by the monarchy. A day later, the Royal Feline Police arrived at the dorms of Yvonne and Nikita to arrest them, supposedly for “perverting the natural order.” But they were long gone by then, in hiding with the help of the Unitist movement. Instead, the royal police were faced with a mob of enraged students and faculty alike, and barely made it out with their tails. At the same time, protests, riots, and attempted insurrections erupted in every part of Feline territory. This wasn’t the first time the Unitist Felines had attempted to rise up against the Feline Empire, but it was by far the strongest, and showed the king the horrifying truth: That the Feline Unitist movement had become much more numerous, much more organized, and much more courageous than he had ever thought them to be. Immediately, Feline territory declared martial law and began to violently suppress the Unitists, torturing and killing any cat or kitten that moved. This, of course, only fueled the fire as the Feline monarchy had shown its full deck of cards, any possible sentiment that they might have cared about the Feline taxon and not just their own power had been erased. In the following days and weeks, the Feline Civil War and Feline Revolution would erupt, which would reveal another truth: Just how many cats within the Feline government and military were secretly Unitists, only discovered as they began to tear the empire apart from the inside out, opting to defect and work with the Unitist insurrectionists instead of the empire they supposedly swore loyalty to. Even the king’s own princess defected. Actually, she had defected a long time ago and helped start this chain of events.

Yvonne and Nikita quickly enlisted in the newly formed Feline Unity Army, the main fighting force of the Unitist revolution. But instead of fighting as soldiers, they sought to use their chemistry expertise to the Unitists’ advantage. They had until this point dedicated their scientific careers to developing solutions that helped Felines among other species, but now, they would do something that even they would later describe as betraying the pacifist ideals they once thought they had. In a haphazard lab set up at the portion of the RFSI campus occupied by Unitist forces, they developed another organo-Intium compound. Not a dietary enzyme this time, but a neurotoxin. Catsbane, as it later came to be called, was a tasteless and odourless chemical that could be laced in food, water, or medicine. Once ingested, it would be processed by the liver into its toxic form, before slipping through the blood brain barrier to interfere with the surface proteins of neurons, gradually cutting off communications within the brain. The victim would first experience mild symptoms like forgetfulness, insomnia, and mental fog, before escalating to coma, permanent brain damage, and death. Catsbane was used to carry out targeted assassinations within the Feline aristocracy and imperial military, with the help of their many friends in high places. They justified this using the fact that were careful to only kill those they targeted and any “collateral damage” was considered completely unacceptable and carefully avoided, a far cry from the actions of the Feline Empire who would torture a newborn kitten to get information out of their parents. They also argued that the effects of the toxin was much more merciful than the actions of the Feline Empire, both to Felines and especially their prey. Though, both Yvonne and Nikita would come to question their actions after the fact, and admitted in interviews that they don’t know how justifiable it was or if there was a better alternative, something that haunts them to this day. But in the heat of the war, there was hardly time to fully explore the morality and implications of their actions, so they pressed on, echoing the line said by many animals in similar positions with the desperate hope that it would be true: that by developing this weapon, they could end the war faster and save countless more lives than they would take.

After an ocean of blood shed, the Feline Revolution came to a close. The Unitists had won, and the Feline Democratic Republic established. As the Felines officially signed the Interspecies Peace Agreement which would outlaw predation by all felines, hopefully forever, a new age was indeed upon them.

“I don’t claim what we did was the best possible thing we could have done, nor do I claim that I somehow have perfect morality. The fact is, we didn’t have time to take a good, introspective look at the ethics of every single minutiae of our revolution, we just wanted it to end and we worked towards that. Do I have my regrets? Of course I do. Do I wish everything could have worked out without the death and violence? Of course I do. I wish plenty of things. I still consider myself a pacifist, but when the enemy is as cruel and ruthless as they were, and we as desperate to end the horrors of predation and the horrors in general as we were, it would be easy for me to say we had no choice, that we made the best decision possible considering the circumstances, that we avoided innocent casualties and therefore didn’t stoop to their level, that what we did was for the greater good, that we saved countless more lives than we took. Is any of that valid? Does it even matter now that it’s happened? I don’t know. Nikita doesn’t either, we’ve discussed this more times after the war than we’ve discussed what plant based food tastes the best. Every time we talk about it we just end up going in circles, and while I can’t speak for Nikita, I know that not knowing has haunted me every night since.” - Yvonne Dandelionpaw, in an interview with Cat TV as part of a documentary about the Feline Revolution.

After the Dust Parted

Yvonne and Nikita both returned to their positions in the now renamed Feline Science Institute, and while Nikita remains there to this day as a biochemistry professor and the coordinator of the ATDP Consortium which was formed to produce and further improve on the formulation, Yvonne, though still keeping in touch with her old friend, set her sights on a new Intium-based technology, called the Quantum Interface, namely the synthesis of Quantum Interface Crystals that powered them. She would make several contributions to this burgeoning field, before an offer came from the Unified Territories, an alliance of many small and medium sized animals, including Rodents, Avians, and many other species that were the Felines’ former, now truly and officially former, prey. They asked Yvonne if she wanted to work at one of their labs that were working on quantum interfaces as a diplomatic assignment. Hesitant at first, she was swayed by the prospect of actively working to help reconcile her own taxon and the taxa that they had prey upon up until now, and accepted, becoming the first ever Feline scientist to work in the Unified Territories, even though she is still employed by the FSI and is only a liaison researcher at her current lab.


For context, this takes place in my world with intelligent, non-anthro animals trying to live in harmony. This is part of the backstory of my main character and why she's where she is currently.

The Felines had recently underwent a bloody and violent revolution, replacing their monarchist empire that is very pro-predation (Trophist) with a democratic republic that is very anti-predation (Unitist). Shortly afterward, they signed the Interspecies Peace Agreement and committed to banning predation by all Felines forever, to overwhelming support by the Feline public. Signing of the ISPA not only bans predation but also allows other ISPA members to engage in trade, travel, and exchange of knowledge and technology with the Felines, which is a big deal because the Felines are considered the most technologically advanced taxon, being the first taxon in history to surpass even the humans that lived before all of them millions of years ago.

The Unified Territories, which is an alliance of Unitist small and medium sized animals, including the Felines' former prey like Avians and Rodents and is considered the second most advanced, took the opportunity to call up the Feline government to ask for a favour. Basically, the Unified Territories Ministry of Science called up the Feline Science Institute (both are government research institutions), and asked if they can have Yvonne Dandelionpaw transferred to one of their labs in the UT. Yvonne Dandelionpaw is a domestic cat who played a major role in recent Feline history: She co-developed something called ATDP, a dietary enzyme supplement that allows obligate carnivores like cats to subsist on plant based alternatives (where the "DP" part is named after her); she participated in the Feline revolution fighting for the Unitist side; and perhaps most importantly, she is one of the main scientists working on something called a quantum interface, which is one of the next frontiers of science that the Felines are actively pursuing. They basically wanted her to come over and work with their own scientists that are also trying to develop a quantum interface, and essentially spun it as "hey, let's work on this together since you're an ISPA member now!"

The Feline Science Institute felt rather pressured by the Unified Territories, and responded with something along the lines of "We're just about okay with that, but you need to ask Yvonne directly. We're not going to force a Feline to relocate and take a job outside Feline territory." So they call up Yvonne initially refuses, saying "Well, it's a interesting offer, but I'd rather stay here and work with my own taxon as we rebuild after the war." But then the Unified Territories spun it in a different way to her, trying to convince her that a cat coming over to work in a UT government lab would be a great diplomatic opportunity for the two governments, and controversially, basically told her that there are researchers in the UT who are the Felines' former prey, and "wouldn't you want to be the one to reconcile with them so they realize how nice modern cats are and ditch that old stereotype of cats being pricks?" At which point she finally agreed to the transfer, on the condition that she remains employed by the Feline Science Institute and basically serves as a liason and diplomatic representative in addition to being a researcher, which the FSI was understandably also very adamant about.

She is now working at a lab in the UT capital city, but the decision to have her there is very controversial on both sides. Many Felines accuse the Unified Territories of using their position among ISPA members to basically poach Feline talent, while many UT citizens accuse Yvonne of being a Feline spy, considering that she is a high ranking member of the Feline government who is working in a classified UT lab.

What are your thoughts on this progression? Is it something that can reasonably happen when two governments are first establishing diplomatic ties? Do you think the way they spun it to Yvonne counted as coercion or guilt tripping? Any other opinions you have I would love to hear that as well!


I think I'd like to see what people would do in their leisure time or domestic work . You see so many stories about travel and war, but you rarely see people interact outside of that. And if you do, it's usually not made unique for a setting that isn't Earth.

What cutlery do they use? What does a morning routine look like? In a world where fire magic is commonplace, how do they cook? How would those things evolve over centuries?

Fantasy especially feels stagnant for this, but I think sci-fi is guilty of this too. Are there things in specific works where an innocuous detail made you wonder more about how a setting worked?


I'm joking with the meme, but it's an interesting how plot armor unintentionally places value on people's lives in fiction.

It's telling that censorship laws decide who it is and isn't acceptable to kill. Just thinking about violence against sentient robots and how that's normalized in things like Samurai Jack.

Like we know the robot has thoughts and feelings, like they'll try to run to save themselves or plead for mercy, but a character can still heroic after essentially killing a non-human who's acting like how we understand humans.

I feel like there's something dangerous in how easily we can depict appropriate targets of violence. Not just robots, but anybody deemed as less than human are allowed to be more put at risk.


Unnamed people are killed in superhero fights all the time. But unless they are of a class of characters like protagonists, they are collateral damage at best.

I think Plot Armor as a trope needs more class consciousness and awareness around how deciding who gets to be protected is often an unconscious political belief.

What about you though? Any tropes in media you'd like to see explored more or written with a leftist understanding?


Xenomorph XX121, commonly referred to as simply the Xenomorph, known colloquially as the Alien, and classified as XX121, is a highly aggressive endoparasitoid extraterrestrial species. The Xenomorphs are vicious predatory creatures with no higher goals than the propagation of their species and the destruction of any life that could pose a threat to them. Like wasps or bees, Xenomorphs are eusocial, with a fertile Queen breeding a host of subordinate castes. The creatures are known for their potent acidic blood and their pharyngeal jaws, although their biological life cycle, in which their offspring are implanted inside living hosts before erupting violently from their chests, is in many ways their signature aspect.

Aside from their repeated conflicts with humans, Xenomorphs have notably been associated with the Yautja, who know them as kainde amedha ("hard meat"). The Yautja revere the creatures as incredibly dangerous and thus highly worthy prey, notably employing them in initiation Hunts that serve to test young members of their society and mark their progression into adulthood

The Xenomorphs' design is credited to Swiss surrealist and artist H. R. Giger, originating in a lithograph titled Necronom IV and refined for the series's first film, Alien. The practical effects for the Xenomorph's head were designed and constructed by Italian special effects designer Carlo Rambaldi. Species design and life cycle have been extensively augmented, sometimes inconsistently, throughout each film.

Unlike many other extraterrestrial races in science fiction (such as the Daleks and Cybermen in Doctor Who, or the Klingons and Borg in Star Trek), the Xenomorphs are not sapient toolmakers — they lack a technological civilization of any kind, and are instead primal, predatory creatures with no higher goal than the preservation and propagation of their own species by any means necessary, up to and including the elimination of other lifeforms that may pose a threat to their existence. Like wasps or termites, Xenomorphs are eusocial, with a single fertile queen breeding a caste of warriors, workers, or other specialist strains. The Xenomorphs' biological life cycle involves traumatic implantation of endoparasitoid larvae inside living hosts; these "chestburster" larvae erupt from the host's body after a short incubation period, mature into adulthood within hours, and seek out more hosts for implantation.


Xenomorphs are primarily solitary ambush predators, although they have been known to adopt swarm tactics when acting in larger groups. Despite their voracious ability to kill, they often seek to take their victims alive to be hosts for more Xenomorphs; victims are taken to the Hive (or simply a secluded location if no Hive exists), cocooned and/or immobilized before being impregnated with a Xenomorph embryo. However, when their target becomes a threat or is deemed unsuitable for harvest, the Xenomorph will not hesitate to quickly dispatch the chosen host.


Notably, Xenomorphs will alter their physical appearance during development depending on the physiology of the host in which they gestate – in all likelihood, this incorporation of physical traits gleaned from the host is designed to ensure the adult creature is better suited to the environment in which it will find itself.

Outwardly, they are encased in a tough mesoskeleton, lending them a skeletal, biomechanical appearance, and are usually colored in muted shades of black, blue or bronze. The outer shell is incredibly resilient, impervious not only to the creature's own potent acid blood, but also capable of withstanding some forms of small arms fire. Whatever organism a Xenomorph gestates within, they invariably possess distinctive, elongated, cylindrical skulls, but have no visible facial features other than their mouth. The carapace atop the head has been seen to vary, from smooth and vaguely translucent to ridged and opaque

Culture and society

Xenomorphs operate under a caste system, with groups of specialized individuals performing distinct tasks within the species. It is not clear to what degree these castes are subject to a social hierarchy, although certain Xenomorph types, notably the Praetorians and the Queens, clearly exercise some degree of control and superiority over other more common variations.

While individual Xenomorphs have been known to operate independently, owing to their tendency to reproduce rapidly and in large numbers they are more commonly encountered in groups and often likened to an infestation owing to their tendency to spread and consume all suitable host organisms in an area. As with many other eusocial organisms, Xenomorphs, particularly in larger groups, will create a central nest or Hive in which they will reside, often overseen by an Egg-laying Queen. Raiding parties will be sent out into the surrounding area to search for and capture more hosts, which will then be brought to the Hive and used to create more Xenomorphs. In larger infestations, smaller "satellite" Hives may be created, containing just a few Xenomorphs, allowing victims to be cocooned and impregnated even far away from the Queen herself.

Behind the Scenes

The script for the 1979 film Alien was initially drafted by Dan O'Bannon and Ronald Shusett. Dan O'Bannon drafted an opening in which the crew of a mining ship are sent to investigate a mysterious message on an alien planet. He eventually settled on the threat being an alien creature.

Prior to writing the script to Alien, O'Bannon had been working in France for Chilean cult director Alejandro Jodorowsky's planned adaptation of Frank Herbert's classic science-fiction novel Dune. Also hired for the project was Swiss surrealist artist H. R. Giger. Giger showed O'Bannon his nightmarish, monochromatic artwork, which left O'Bannon deeply disturbed.

Giger conceived the Alien as being vaguely human but a human in full armor, protected from all outside forces. He mandated that the creature have no eyes, because he felt that it made them much more frightening if you could not tell they were looking at you

A cultured Alien

O'Bannon's original concept for the Alien was that it was a member of an advanced civilization, an idea ultimately dropped in favor of a more simplistic, animalistic take. In his initial vision, the final form of the adult Alien was in fact part of a peaceful, cultured race who first had to pass through a period of adolescence, at which stage they were consumed with ferocious violence and aggression. The creature's incredibly complicated reproductive cycle would form the basis of a religion the species followed, involving the use of sacrificial hosts to breed more young inside ornate, ritualistic pyramids. After birth, the violent adolescent creatures would be tended to by the more docile adults, but when those adults were wiped out by an unknown event, the unborn children were left dormant for thousands or even millions of years, waiting for more hosts to arrive.[48] It would be one of these hyper-aggressive, untended adolescents that would stalk the crew of the Nostromo.

Aliens: Dead Orbit

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some of the borders are really weird like why is southern spain independent? or why is big hungary a thing? if anything it would look like modern hungary or it would be called something like federation of the Carpathians

:reddit-logo: post

anti-communists make the silliest maps


Updated map with fixed capitals

First map in a series called Whalefall, the plot is basically that in the mid 2020s the USA collapses hard, sparks a chain of events that drags most other nations into civil wars, and is reunited by communists, but only after fighting reduces almost all cities to rubble. In universe, the map in question is made by the International Socialist Federation, the successor to the UN. Most nations in it don't go through nearly as much as the FAC does, however. More details are in the map text.



Morocco is about to form al andalus