
joined 2 years ago
[–] way_of_UwU 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Probably a silly question, but have you tried listening to classical music? If you only care for piano, you can find a lot of competitions intended for solo piano.

[–] way_of_UwU 3 points 2 weeks ago

I used to live in a trailer park before I got a place in the suburbs. Most of the people there were hard-working, honest people who were just trying to get by.

I'm glad I moved from there, but I admired how the folks there were just happy to have the simple things. A nice beer, friends and family, some country music, and a friendly dog running around was all they really needed to have a good weekend.

[–] way_of_UwU 1 points 1 month ago

I've found that a lot of stuff listed on Amazon is about the price of shipping higher than it is on eBay I guess to account for the free Prime shipping. If you don't have Prime, there really isn't much reason to not use eBay since you'd be getting doubly screwed without the free shipping on Amazon.

[–] way_of_UwU 17 points 2 months ago (1 children)

A shortage of engineers willing to work for Musk-led companies, maybe. Tesla is well-known in tech circles to have awful work culture. You can only survive with high turnover like that for so long before most American engineers know that there are much greener pastures.

[–] way_of_UwU 4 points 3 months ago

Very much this. Democrats largely saw big wins for state-wide elections in my state (North Carolina). Yet, Trump took the electors, implying that there were people who voted for Democrats locally but not for Kamala. I know people on this site like to say that MAGA is what America wanted, but I think the support is tentative at best. If a good choice from Democrats emerges, they can definitely sweep.

[–] way_of_UwU 20 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) (2 children)

I found out about this case through the chubbyemu video. Not sure how much of this was embellishment, but the way it's explained in the video is that the pasta was left out for a couple days, then thrown into the refrigerator by a roommate who didn't know it was probably bad. The guy then took out a portion of the pasta, completely unaware that it had gone rancid. Definitely a more believable mistake (although still pretty irresponsible of the meal prepper).

[–] way_of_UwU 8 points 5 months ago

Same, except from the pipe for me. A nice high quality tobacco from my favorite pipe really hits the spot sometimes, plus it makes me feel classy as hell.

[–] way_of_UwU 14 points 5 months ago

Hot take: AITA (and even moreso those "Reddit Stories" channels on TikTok and YouTube) is just The Jerry Springer Show for Gen Z.

[–] way_of_UwU 7 points 5 months ago (1 children)

Oh believe me, even though I thought it was a good read, I have a lot of criticism for the story. God forbid literally any kind of emergency happens and additional fuel is needed to avoid catastrophe. I get wanting to maximize space for supplies, but the risk far outweighs the benefits of operating on such tight margins.

[–] way_of_UwU 5 points 5 months ago (7 children)

!Yes. She goes willingly after learning her brother is on the colony that the pilot is sent to bring supplies to. The pilot allows her one last video call to him before she is jettisoned.!<

[–] way_of_UwU 1 points 5 months ago

Wait, isn't Dr. Frink married?


Hi all. Anybody have any tips or tricks on making a bathroom sink drain faster without going through the process of taking it apart, cleaning it, and putting it back together?

Normally when my bathroom sink starts to drain slowly, I remove the P-trap and push all the gunk through the bottom into a bucket using a metal rod. Now that I might be responsible for cleaning out several bathroom sinks, I'm starting to dread this process far more.

Drano works OK and makes the sinks drain a bit faster, but it usually gets bad pretty quickly again. Any tools I should be investing in for minor stoppages like this?


Hey all.

Over the past year, I've had bad luck with standard, non-motorized cordless blinds. I've had to replace 4 due to the tension mechanism failing (from what I can tell).

  • I've tried gently exercising the tension mechanism as suggested frequently online. This does not work.
  • I've checked for knots and have found none (I typically expect these for corded blinds).

I've been purchasing the Home Depot brand. Do I need to go for a more expensive brand? Did I just get a bad lot? Should I go for corded for supposedly easier troubleshooting?

Thanks in advance!

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