
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 8 points 2 days ago

Yes. It does help drive the point home

[–] [email protected] 11 points 2 days ago

I heard good word about Paradise Killer, in which you're also a detective and must figure out the truth

The outer wilds is amazing. You should play it.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 2 days ago (1 children)

My hot take was that once it stopped being online-only, SimCity 2012 was actually quite an ok game. It got abandoned and has a bit of a balance problem (you can never ever ever build enough housing), and I'm not saying the game is perfect but it's quite serviceable and it looks very good, especially with the DLC. Personally I enjoyed it a lot, despite it's issues.

[–] [email protected] 14 points 3 days ago

/c/noncredibledefence is leaking

[–] [email protected] 24 points 3 days ago (1 children)

To be a victim of maga extremism, you must already be bigoted enough to think that it is a reasonable opinion to have to want black and LGBT people to die. She deserved what she got.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 4 days ago

Functionally no, the game doesn't appear to have crazy massive bugs.

It's just another bland live service hero shooter, that was extremely poorly advertised (personally I never heard of it until a week after it came out). I think Sony thought that it's presence in their playstation store was enough to get it enough traction (to be entirely fair that did work with other, better games) to spread through word of mouth, but that requires the game is good.

[–] [email protected] 10 points 4 days ago (3 children)

DevOps was a lie pushed on devs to make them become sysadmins, unfortunately.

[–] [email protected] 17 points 4 days ago (1 children)

... We do. I'd definitely resign from a place that expects me to spend 12 hours at work, and it's illegal for the company for you to do too much overtime (the limit it 35 hours per year, doublable once if the employee asks the local authority in writing)

[–] [email protected] 3 points 4 days ago

Sure, but the pun still works.

[–] [email protected] 34 points 5 days ago

It's where water comes from :)

[–] [email protected] 5 points 5 days ago (2 children)

The basic premise is that they are itching so bad to be persecuted, but are lower middle class white people. They look at their lives and see that the thing oppressing them the most is the state, but since they're law-abiding citizens who believe fully that if you act lawfully you can get what you want, there must be a lawful way to get out of state oppression.

The next step is to construct an arbitrary system of belief that magically explains your view of the world is correct, and Christianity has already done the work of frying their brain into thinking this is reasonable.

Note that at no point do they even consider that there should be no reason the oppressive state (whether that is true or not is irrelevant) doesn't simply continue to opress them during their attempt at liberation, because the state oppressing someone is something that happens to people who do unlawful things, and they're not doing anything unlawful, according to their belief system.

[–] [email protected] 165 points 5 days ago (20 children)

Their engine is called source.

The collection of libraries valve release to use steam (the piping, if you will), is called steamworks.

logic gate rule (

So like really i don't expect this post to go very far because most people who don't play guild wars don't go looking in guild wars communities, but I guess here's mine.


???: a tank that fills the role of armor-protected direct fire and maneuver in many modern armies.


hey all, i'm looking to replace my isp's router (i know that i can, it's basically just DHCP on a specific VLAN) with my own one and i'm looking for recommendations.

here's what i would need out of it:

  • best price-to-performance ratio. the larger the NAT table it can keep in RAM the better (i run some things akin to ipv4 scanning)
  • OpenWRT support
  • at least one sfp port for internet access, supporting 5Gb/s.
  • at least one 1 Gb/s ethernet port
  • ideally 2-3 100Mb/s ethernet ports
  • wifi support: yes (don't need anything fancy, even 5GHz is optionnal but preffered)
  • LTE modem: dont care but nice to have

i had a look around the OpenWRT supported devices table but since it doesn't really list ports and i need sfp, it takes a long time to go through and read german router pages.

can anyone recommend a router that meets these at least partially?


If you're a Lemmy dev and reading this, the problem is in pict-rs. I have sent an email to asonix with the needed changes, please tell them to check their inbox (since I can't register on their git server, I can't submit a formal PR).

Send me a PM if the email gets lost and I'll give you the line you need.

If you're not a Lemmy dev: Have you encountered an image that is suspiciously rotated here on Lemmy? Perhaps you even tried posting an image that looks right yourself and found it rotated itself! Why?!

The reason is that Lemmy strips all metadata from images you upload to it. This is because image metadata can contain, among other things, GPS coordinates or where it was taken. The problem is that when you take a picture with your phone in landscape, instead of rotating the image in memory, your phone saves the image sideways (because that's how it came off the sensor) and then adds a metadata tag that tells everyone to rotate the image as they are displaying it. You guessed it, that tag also gets deleted. In most cases, this is fine because either the picture wasn't rotated to begin with, or Lemmy image hosts actually save the properly rotated image before stripping the tag, but in some image formats, this isn't the case due to a programming oversight. I have found the fix and sent it to the person responsible for the image hosting code.

old meme (
rule (
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