
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago

Yes, and one of the handful of items on her Climate Action Wish List was "for heaven's sake, stop gluing yourselves to things." 🙄

[–] [email protected] 19 points 7 months ago (2 children)

search the forum for subjects you're interested in being educated on - very white of you to demand your own special, custom lecture

[–] [email protected] 7 points 7 months ago

help advance a ~~free, peaceful, & prosperous~~ world (FOR AMERICANS ONLY)

[–] [email protected] 8 points 7 months ago

hmm 🤔 wonder why that could be

[–] [email protected] 13 points 7 months ago

my guess is they’re experimenting with a replacement they can source easily

can confirm as a burgerian that this is indeed what is happening

[–] [email protected] 36 points 7 months ago

imagine what had to go horrifically wrong in his life for him to enact that kind of violence on others

monstrous behavior doesn't just magically arise out of thin air

[–] [email protected] 21 points 7 months ago (1 children)

many community leaders were reluctant to meet with the Biden campaign unless it was to discuss "practical steps that give the community a reason to reconsider."

Trump-supporting tankies! How dare they! What kind of voter has requirements for their support other than Team Color??? Fascists, that's who

[–] [email protected] 16 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

A+ for consistency

F- for humanity

straight to the woodchipper

[–] [email protected] 23 points 7 months ago

These people are way too comfortable saying the wildest shit

[–] [email protected] 34 points 7 months ago

Mathing out how much money per kid was spent versus how much their shitty fucking school food cost made me so angry I deleted it and wrote this instead

there are ticks out there leeching off school children the same way they do prisoners, and it is fucking gross on both counts and a demonstration of how absolutely morally bankrupt our society is

adventure time indeed, jfc

everybody deserves tasty and nutritious food, safe and warm shelter, comfortable and clean clothes, healthcare, and community, and I will fucking fight a motherfucker who wants to disagree to my face

fuckers. gd this shit makes me so fucking mad.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 7 months ago (1 children)

if the chemistry was right, we would then sneak away to the top deck to actually do it in the full sight of god and all their satellites, but we would put on a very good show involving the chicken dance in erotic ways never before dreamt of

if the chemistry was off, we would high-five and call in reinforcements


I was going to ask about your social group's neologisms but then looked the word up to make sure I was using it right and discovered that's not what they're called when they're just used by one small group:

The most precise studies into language change and word formation, in fact, identify the process of a "neological continuum": a nonce word is any single-use term that may or may not grow in popularity; a protologism is such a term used exclusively within a small group; a prelogism is such a term that is gaining usage but still not mainstream; and a neologism has become accepted or recognized by social institutions.

So! Are there new words your household or friend group have invented and started using? What are they?

Any you've heard somebody else using that you've adopted or detested?


Not trying to judge, just trying to understand where we are in the spectrum of human behavior - when you eat a jar of pickles or olives or whatever, what do you do with the brine? Do you dump it, use it for something else, or drink it?

I know someone who saves it to drink it later. He is my husband. Honestly, even after 20 years together, I didn't realize this about him. I thought the stockpile in the door was just a collection of forgotten empty jars, and I've been dumping them as such.

Which is it:

  • I'm a terrible wasteful sinner?
  • He's a freak?
  • Neither/Both, there's a special middle ground?

No judgement or emotional attachment here, he can have an entire shelf of the fridge for brine jars, idgaf. It just never occurred to me to that I should consider stockpiling brine.

Are you stockpiling brine? What do you do with it? "I'll drink some with breakfast tomorrow," is a perfectly acceptable answer. Just curious if yours is different.


Don't be a coward. Come on. Live a little. Put some dried cranberries IN the brownie batter and then bake it.

You deserve something tasty. Yes, you. You're a gorgeous creature, and I love you.


Did you bring us treats? We particularly love celery and meal worms ❤️


How do I get to this feeling?


This is pretty long, but I found it engrossing and very moving.

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