
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 33 points 23 hours ago (19 children)

Watch how quickly I drop your fucking platform lmao. Please give me a reason

[–] [email protected] 3 points 23 hours ago* (last edited 23 hours ago)

Incel + black pilled + victimized + snowflake


[–] [email protected] 4 points 23 hours ago

You’re being dramatic as fuck rn lol

[–] [email protected] 5 points 1 day ago

Thanks! Fuck Reddit!

[–] [email protected] 66 points 1 day ago (4 children)

Very on brand of .ml to nuke a politics community

[–] [email protected] 13 points 1 day ago (1 children)

To those who are curious enough, try setting up a web scraper. Search for innocuous, perhaps popular but simple words, in a Bing image search. Now look at all the URLs and start grouping by domains.

From my experience in the field, Bing has a problem with malicious websites w/ images that pop up in these results and serve fake AV alert phishing sites.

Stay curious y’all, data analytics can be fun and enlightening

[–] [email protected] 110 points 1 day ago

Oh that’s cool, live organ harvesting

Hmm who else has historically done this and was more or less supporting Russia…


[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I don’t get what you mean

[–] [email protected] 6 points 2 days ago

Trumps a joke of a candidate, they can’t even win against a ghoul anymore (their bet for this whole race)

Elon won’t even support anymore

[–] [email protected] 141 points 2 days ago (4 children)

You know who else did this shit?


[–] [email protected] 1 points 2 days ago (1 children)

I have to disagree with you. Both sides have their fair share of people who are interested in informing themselves, and until we actually have statistics, this is a bias-prone best guess.

Laziness is not inherent to political ideals in any way.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 4 days ago (3 children)

See but, this isn’t indiscriminate action, I mentioned in another comment that I don’t mean flood shit posts, but to flood with valuable and informative content.

If we cannot stop the pipe from spewing sewage, we have to counter flood with enriched flow to lower the ratio of shit:water.

We will still have a flooding problem, don’t get me wrong, but that is a much larger problem that exists. Republicans have been quoted as stating they just want to muddy waters. We need to flood with water to reduce how muddy they truly are. And certainly not with more mud.

The distinct problem we face is that of busy minds who don’t have the capacity to filter. So they flood with mud to bog down the mind. Hope this makes sense and helps to clear up my intentions/proposed soln.


Hey all!

While investigating some malvertising campaigns today, I noticed that one of the sponsored google search results, upon hovering, appeared to be changing/resolving through rather than simply showing what link was being used by the result.

Any ideas as to how this hover url result works and if you can disable resolving/force top-level results upon hovering over anchor elements?

Malvertising is hot hot hot!


Hey all, got a quick question!

I want to receive, parse and store syslogs from various devices on my home network on my windows box. I know, I know, its a bit backwards but I'd like to proceed with this sort of setup if possible (not against discussion, of course).

I've looked and looked for options but it seems like everything has been bare bones and basically just receives, or is locked behind premium. Surely there's some sort of solution out there, no? I'd be willing to implement something in Python if I need to but I'm considerably more hesitant when compared to using an open source soln.

Thanks for your time, looking forward to discussing/learning more!


Anyone else getting tired of all the click bait articles regarding PoisonGPT, WormGPT, etc without them ever providing any sort of evidence to back up their claims?

They’re always talking about how the models are so good and can write malware but damn near every GPT model I’ve seen can barely write basic code - no shot it’s writing actually valuable malware, not to mention FUD malware as some are claiming.


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