Could you tell me the name of the company?
Well, here's most of my stuff:
- Jellifin
- Nextcloud
- FreshRSS
- Photoprism
- Wallabag
- Audiobiokshelf
- Calibre Web
- Tandoor
- Homeassistant
- Tvheadend
- YouTubeDL
- Guacamole
- Podgrab
- Filebrowser
- Handbrake
- Pihole
- Syncthing
- Nodered
- Urbackup
- Uptime kuma
- Gotify
- Paperless-ng
- Scanservjs
- Linkding
- Bookstack
- Mediathekview
- Ha-bridge
- Flame
- Lemmy
I loved how slide for reddit solved that. You could set it to mark posts as read on scrolling them of screen and you'd have a floating button to hide read posts. So you could easily check for new comments or find new posts.
I use Linkding. Imported all bookmarks from browser and added tags. Helps me find stuff later. Search is also good. My bookmark bar in the browser is now only for quickly accessing the stuff I need daily.
On android Antennapod if you want open source, podcast addict if you want total control. The latter has settings/options for everything (when to download what, fine tuneable playlists, etc.), but is not what I would call user friendly.
Bets on how long it'll hold this time? :-)
+1 for mxroute. Happy customer since last black Friday. No fuss and just works (after reading the how-to). Also spam detection is good.
Und Ersatzteile sind zur Zeit gefühlt so schwierig zu finden wie Goldstaub in der Spree. Lieferzeiten teilweise 3-6 Monate :/
Abgaben hoch, Vorteile runter.
Dann reduzieren die Fachkräfte-Paare halt die Arbeitszeit entsprechend. Wir haben ja genug Fachkräfte (und Kinder).
Awesome song, awesome album!