Yes. PBTA = Powered by the Apocalypse.
Cepheus Deluxe aims to simplify many rules, and Position in space combat is a great example. It also replaces initiative (those with highest position choose if they want their action to happen before or after their opponent).
At the beginning of combat, pilots roll 1D + Piloting + DEX + Ship's maneuver. This is your starting Position.
If you want to attack ships with higher Position than you, you get a penalty (or restriction... or maybe prohibition).
There's also restritcitons depending on your weapon types (i.e.: fixed mounts are inflexible and may not attack without a favorable position). The Pilot must execute the Attack Vector action in order to allow the attack with fixed mounts (or main guns) when in an inferior position.
So, the position tracker/chart I made just lets you keep track how hard it is to hit your enemies.
I.e.: Ships placed in the top part have a better position than you; to hit them you need an Attack Vector, or to use Turrets. And you'd have a DM-3. You can hit those in the middle with DM-2, no other restrictions. Ships on the bottom are easy prey, you have a DM+1. Right area has DM0, and left area has DM-1.
So the chart/tracker is not... gamechanger, by any means. But I figured its a nice way to visualize the battle in a VTT. Perhaps someone will actually use it on a VTT and let me know if it was useful or at least cool to have.
I settled on Campaign Cartographer 3+.
It has a steep learning curve, but seems to be the most powerful tool by far.
Traveller Discord?
Yeah. There's a very active Discord server for Traveller and all it's variants:
Love the art! Thanks for sharing.
From the outside, it seems like you’re close to finishing it. What’s next?
😅 That’s probably beyond my skill level.
Google threw this at me... haven't read it, but at least it costs $0 to check it out:
I’d go for ███ ████ or ██-█.
Ah. Names. The curse of the GMs. 😅
Congrats! I wasn't brave enough to do it, so I ended up creating a broader community for Sci-Fi RPGs - [email protected]