
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (8 children)

how are instances supposed to handle 300k new users overnight?

They won't. Not at first. First we will get maybe 50k, LW will do their thing and try to gobble up the majority of users, alien.top can also help absorb part of this crowd and I could even finally convince some other admins to set up fediverser on their instances to help with the migration.

But the important thing is that this type of backing from the mainstream would mean free marketing.

do you expect those hundreds of thousands of new users to get a Communick subscription?

All of those people, of course not. But I expect the increased user base and media attention to bring the following:

All of those things translate indirectly into more business opportunities, none of which need to sacrifice the ideals of the open social web.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (10 children)

"oh, I want it to grow, I just don't it want to grow with people that I don't like"

You can dress it however you want, it's still elitist, reactionary and exclusive.

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (14 children)

Quantity is quality, if you have good filters in place.

I never understood people that argue something is bad by looking at the median case. The problem of Reddit, Twitter and Facebook is not due to the amount of people they have, and they were absolutely fine until they tried to exploit their userbases.

(Aside for @[email protected]: see what I mean about Fedi's anti-growth and reactionary culture? Our friend here is not an isolated case)

[–] [email protected] 13 points 3 days ago

If you are that famous or worried about trademark, you shouldn't be using someone else's server. Tom Hanks can just buy e.g tomhanks.actor domain and set up the @[email protected] AP actor.

I keep repeating this: the weird part is that we still have all these companies and institutions being okay with depending on someone else's namespace. Having the NYT still announcing their Twitter or Instagram for social media presence is the same as using aol.com for their email.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (1 children)

marginalized groups, and the fear that someone is creating a database that could be used to easily seek them out and use it for trolling and such.

The fear might be justified. I don't question that the issue exists, but the belief that they can stop it.

Let me repeat: there is no real privacy in any social network. If people are genuinely afraid of being targeted because of what they write online, the solution is not to give them a false sense of privacy, but to educate and empower them to use messaging platforms that are provably secure.

Those that are telling marginalized folks to use instance XYZ because "they don't federate with threads and therefore are safe" think that they are being helpful, but in reality are putting them at even more risk because they are telling all of them to concentrate in the same place and make the targeted tracking even easier for malicious actors.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (3 children)

Yeah, lots of people were trying to point that out, those people were not the ones screaming at snarfed. It was the "mah privacy" crowd that was panicking at the thought of data being available and searchable in a server outside of their own.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Pretty much any payment processor nowadays work in a way that the merchant has no direct access with payment data. And is there any place where Stripe and/or is not widely known?

And if you are an admin of a paid-only instance (like mine) then obviously you want to use a trustworthy processor to avoid yet-another friction point. In my case, the only people that didn't want to use Stripe were the ones that wanted to pay me in cryptocurrency.

[–] [email protected] 1 points 3 days ago

Please do take an honest try and let me know what you think of the UX.

Word of warning: the "no admin to censor you" also means "no one to help you in case you lose your account".

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago (5 children)

No, admins might think of defederation as a way to avoid interaction with larger instances, but in the case of the bridge it was mostly regular users crying "I don't my content going in a place that I do not control", with "lack of opt-in" and "this violates GDPR" being the main reasons cited to be against it.

With Threads is the same thing. The whole thing with users asking their admins to block threads is not because they were worried about Threads pushing too much to the smaller instances, but to block Threads from mining data from the Fediverse to their profit.

[–] [email protected] 6 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago) (3 children)

you’d just get a bunch of chargebacks from stolen credit cards lol.

Criminals use stolen credit cards for high value items that can be sold quickly. If criminals really wanted to do mass manipulation via AP servers, it will be easier/faster/cheaper for them to spin up their own servers than signing up for paid accounts.

The one counter-argument that I would accept though: what if bad actors running psyops become commercial providers to attract legit customers and mix it with their agents?

[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 days ago

If you just want to see the content, you don't need an account. You can just pull the data, like opening up a different website.

What you want is the ability for some other server to push content to a server that the admin might have chosen to say "no, I do not want to have data from them, and I do not want to have my resources used by these users".


I'm the developer of Fediverser Project, which is a set of services to make it easy for people on Reddit to migrate to the Fediverse. It lets people use their Reddit credentials (OAuth) to sign up and create an account on a Lemmy server.

It also offers a cool onboarding feature: during signup, we can fetch the user's subscribed subreddits, and we use this information to automatically subscribe them to the corresponding Lemmy (or Kbin/Mbin) community. This "subreddit -> fediverse group" map is crowdsourced and people can sign up if they want to contribute. The "main" site also provides a "Find an instance" feature: it can track all the servers that use the Fediverse software and redirect users to their closest instance.

To enable this service, the Lemmy admin needs to add a couple of docker services to their setup and needs to get their own Reddit API key (which is used only for authentication, so well within the rate limits and certainly not incurring any prices).

I'd really like to see aussie.zone becoming part of the network. I believe this would make it faster and simpler to get more people in the fediverse, and I'm willing to provide all the support and help needed to get the "country-based" services getting started with it.

Any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

SCNR (communick.news)

I am almost done with the "Community Ambassador" feature on Fediverser and I'd like to get some feedback from members of this community.

The idea is to let people connected to a "fediversed" Lemmy instance (i.e, one that is running the Fediverser service) to apply to become an ambassador for their favorite community. The instance admin can then review the "application", and if approved they get access to some extra features in the "portal", namely:

  • The ability to define "content sources" (RSS feeds and/or other subreddits) to have a central place to find interesting content that can be shared with the Lemmy Community.

  • The ability to post content from these sources with one single click.

  • Some basic analytics about users on Reddit (account age, if they are moderator, etc) to help identify users who would be interested in migrating to Lemmy.

  • The ability to send DMs to those "good candidates" on Reddit.

The "development" instance is set up at https://lemmy.fediverser.io. It would be great to get more people taking a look. The earlier I get feedback about UX issues, the better. The preferred method to signup is through the portal.

Mario Kart (communick.news)

I'm spending more time than I should playing this with my kids on the phone...

[email protected]

Tennis (communick.news)

[email protected]

A community to discuss all levels of tennis, from tour professionals to recreational players.


I'm resuming my work on Fediverser, and I need as much help as I can get to build the Recommended community map. This crowdsourced data will be one the key points for instance admins that want to make use of the Fediverser services, and it will help immensely for people who want to migrate away from Reddit.

How does it work? The front-page gives you a list of all the subreddits with its corresponding recommendations of Lemmy communities. The ones that have no recommendation go to the top of the page. One example. You can open the page for that subreddit entry and make all the suggestions that you think are appropriate.

Every suggestion goes into a queue which I can then review and merge to the main database.

One of the things that I will be adding soon is the ability to request a community to be created. For subreddits which there is no equivalent community, people will be able to fill a form (similar to the "Create Community" page on Lemmy's default client) which will check what is the best participating instance in the network, and if the instance admins approve, the instance can be created right away.

How can you help?

  • Categorize the subreddits that have no entry.
  • Reaching out to the mods of the uncategorized subreddits
  • Creating community requests for the ones that are still missing.

Thank you!


I went to look into the activitypub federation package from Rust and noticed that it does not support JSON-LD. This took me to a search into other libraries, which got me to RDF-based crates. Just thought it was a good idea to share.


I'm exploriing the idea that would be the "reverse" of Libervia: an offline-first AcitivityPub application that keeps all information in the client and only relies on the server to be the receiver of the inbox messages. To make sure that the client can synchronize properly, I am considering two approaches:

  1. The server and the client need to use the same database which has a replication protocol (like CouchDB/PouchDB)
  2. The server receives the messages in the inbox via HTTP, but relays to the client via XMPP.

The first idea simplifies things a bit, but forces the client to use a specific tech stack. I'm also not sure if the server needs to have everything replicated, just the messages that the device haven't seen yet.

I'd also be interested in something like MUC, because I would use to let the server use rooms for things like Mastodon's "follow tags".

Lastly, because I'm planning to do this as a browser extension, it would have to be something that runs on the browser. xmpp.js seems like a good candidate (lots of contributors and reasonably well documented), but the last commit was from two years ago. Is it still being used/maintained? If not, is there any other recommendation?

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