I can't believe executives aren't looking at this reboot/remake phase and going like "reusing IP is great, let's make new IP so that we can make new franchises"
Just stop calling them "Part One" if you're not gonna call the sequel "Part Two" lol
As a Christian I'm mostly a fan of Christian rap and don't listen to mainstream rap much at all but I did tune in for the Chosen Journey set.
If you don't think Reagan's victory in 1984 that's fair even if I disagree. I was just asking for consistency, which you seem to have.
That's roughly 1.5% less than the percentage of votes Reagan got from eligible voters in 1984. Was that election not a landslide also?
Was Snyder really rushed though? He only made two out of the like five or six movies he had planned, at least on the planned schedule. Justice League was basically remade from scratch and ZSJL was made long after plans of completing Snyder's vision had been abandoned.
What limits their authority? Are they operated by NATO allies?
I was a fan of the Snyderverse but suspect James Gunn will do a better job at forming a cohesive franchise. Looking forward to this movie.
Have they avoided doing that just because of the hack?
I always thought they were going to lead up to a Sinister Six movie, perhaps with Andrew Garfield.
I liked it. It's one of the better SSU films IMHO.
You know, that does explain some things