
joined 1 year ago
[–] [email protected] 2 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Tere tere. :)

Kuidagimoodi läks nii, et kui serverisse sisse logisin, siis see kanal jäi ette. :D

Kui siinse anarhismi minevikust ja vähem edukatest proovimistest midagi teada on tarvis, siis mina olen seal olnud ja mõndagi kehvasti teha aidanud (koos teistega Punamust, squatid, Väga Väga Vaba Turg, Ülase 12, lõpuks isetegevusena ka üks poliitiline blogi). Kindlasti oskan öelda, kuidas mitte teha - kuidas teha, on juba keerulisem küsimus. :)

[–] [email protected] 6 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I attempted to find the source of this image and its spread seems to originate from 4chan (or at least, 4chan was one of the earliest vectors).

Chances of this being a disinformation / prank seem pretty high currently.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

/me listening to the sound of a WinXP virtual machine booting under Debian Linux

They can shoot their foot with a grenade launcher next. I'm already out of range.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 6 months ago

Alternatively or additionally, I think oxygen plasma glows blue or green, because northern lights (near the poles, at least) are greenish.

[–] [email protected] 46 points 7 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) (2 children)

Came here to post this and say "finally", but someone had already noticed. :)

There's a quote that's probably not from Churchill, but is frequently mis-attributed to him (the actual source is probably Abba Evan, an Israeli diplomat visiting Japan). The distorted quote says something that's appropriate today:

"You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing, after they have exhausted all other possibilities."

[–] [email protected] 6 points 7 months ago (1 children)

To resist an organized group, you communicate the problem (in an anarchist society, communicating the problem of a nascent state seems like the easy part), present evidence of the nature and severity of the problem, and ask people and existing organizations to mobilize.

Whether the next step is obstructing the state peacefully or mass production of munitions, would already depend on how bad the state has got.

[–] [email protected] 11 points 7 months ago (4 children)

The same that stops them from taking over a democracy. Sometimes.

If a society became anarchist enough to abolish state structures, there obviously had to exist a reason - there had to exist popular support.

Thus, someone attempting to recreate a state would face questions and opposition. People would try to persuade them of their error. If they declared a state, anarchists would not recognize it. If it claimed sovereignity above a territory, anarchists might not recognize that either.

The new state might encounter problems - unwilling residents would leave and be accepted in anarchy, annoyed anarchists would organize trade boycotts and sanctions, ultimately it could go badly and armed confrontation could follow. In some scenarios, the state might remain and attract people who want to live there. In some scenarios, war would follow - and if the majority really was anarchist, the state would lose and disappear.

[–] [email protected] 5 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Also notably, the Kronstadt anarchists held a general assembly to dicsuss the question of "shall we accept Lenin's ultimatum, or fight a battle against the Red Army?" and decided democratically to fight.

(The battle was extremely bloody, anarchists lost and the Red Army won, at the cost of losing at least 5 times more people. Considerable numbers of anarchists escaped to Finland.)

In short: anarchists can use heavy artillery when needed, even if they know that war is not healthy - neither for them or the society they want.

[–] [email protected] 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

YPG, the militia formed during the seperation of Rojava from the Syrian government, have been accused by Human Rights groups of using Child Soldiers.

Correct... and notably, unlike the other forces around them (Syrian dictatorship, Turkish-sponsored islamists, ISIS, etc) they responded to the accusation within a month:

In June 2020, United Nations reported the YPG/YPJ as the largest faction in the Syrian civil war by the number of recruited child soldiers with 283 child soldiers followed by Hayat Tahrir al-Sham with 245 child soldiers.[141]

On 15 July 2020, SDF issued a new military order prohibiting child recruitment. The NGO Fight For Humanity conducted multiple training sessions with hundreds of SDF commanders about the UN-SDF Action Plan To Prevent Child Recruitment, and distributed informational posters and flyers about it written in both Arabic and Kurdish, as part of an ongoing educational process. Syria-based researcher Thomas McClure observed that “SDF are less likely to engage in such practices than any of the other forces in Syria, but seek to hold themselves to a higher standard of accountability and human rights.”[142]

On 29 August 2020, SDF announced the creation of a new system that anyone can use to confidentially report to specialized Child Protection offices any suspected case of child recruitment, in accordance with the action plan that the SDF signed with the United Nations in the summer of 2019.[143][144]

[–] [email protected] 2 points 7 months ago

Sadly, until the IDF starts investigating and prosecuting their members for war crimes (and stops assigning people without the required education, skills and psychological traits to essentially do police duties) - some parts of the IDF will continue to perform the role of recruiting Palestinians into extremist and militant organizations. :(

I would not be surprised if one of the dead man's relatives decides at some point to take up weapons.

[–] [email protected] 29 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

Having once worked on an open source project that dealt with providing anonymity - it was considered the duty of the release engineer to have an overview of all code committed (and to ask questions, publicly if needed, if they had any doubts) - before compiling and signing the code.

On some months, that was a big load of work and it seemed possible that one person might miss something. So others were encouraged to read and report about irregularities too. I don't think anyone ever skipped it, because the implications were clear: "if one of us fails, someone somewhere can get imprisoned or killed, not to speak of milder results".

However, in case of an utility not directly involved with functions that are critical for security - it might be easier to pass through the sieve.

[–] [email protected] 4 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Smash anything but a windshield. I've needed to violently remove a windshield when replacing it (time was running out and tool shops were closed). Wearing protective glasses and pushing with both legs is what it took to somewhat loosen it, but not immediately remove it. Windshields are a multilayer structure of plastic and glass. Side windows are just glass.


Delfi Ärileht kirjutab kliimamuutuse viljadest. Tugevamad ja visamad ilmamustrid, parasjagu on algamas El Niño (ERR tutvustab Vaikse Ookeani ilmanähtust siin) -> tänavu on kevadkuivus tugev ja läheb suvekuivuseks ilma pausita üle.

Tulemusena on enamus Eestist EMHI hoiatuste kaardil oranžiks värvitud ja Viimsi vallas ägisetakse veetarbimise üle:

Viimsi Vee juhatuse liikme Raul Vanema sõnul on olukord kriitiline. „Öine veetarbimine on nii suur, et veevarud ei jõua enam hommikuks taastuda nagu tavaliselt. Seostame seda tarbimise kasvu kuiva perioodiga ja inimeste sooviga oma muru kasta. Joogivee kasutamine selleks ei ole lubatud ega keskkonnasäästlik,“ sõnas Vanem Viimsi Valla uudistes.

Joogivee pruukimine suuremahuliseks niisutamiseks on tõesti raiskav - aga selgitustöö pole inimesteni jõudnud. Seetõttu on Viimsis nüüd kasutusel "rohepeks" ehk korraldatakse "veereide" - kas see ongi ökofašism, mida me kõik kartsime? :D (küsimus on retooriline, aga selgitustöö tuleb teha enne kaika väljavõtmist)

(Ise võtsin kuivenduskraavist päikeseenergia abil 1000 L vee laadset toodet, puhuks kui keegi midagi põlema paneb või põud kaua kestab. Kavatsen sellega toidutaimi kasta.)


ERR vahendab uudiseid sõjas toimuvast. Parasjagu toimub pigem tähtsaid asju.

Minule tundub, et üks perspektiiv on säärane: Ukraina väed üritavad minna Dnipro oblasti kagunurgast mööda Zaporižja ja Donetski oblasti piiri, enam-vähem mööda Mokry Yaly jõge.

Seal on neid kalli hinnaga saatnud mõningane edu. Võeti ära kolm-neli küla järjestikku (ca. 7 km), aga kaotati pool Soomest annetatud miiniväljade läbimise tehnikat. Aimdus on, et Vene väed üritavad raketilöökidega uued miiniväljad külvata, aga raketilt külvatud miiniväli ei tule alati sinna, kuhu taheti (s.t. võib loota ebaõnnestumist).

Hetkel pole Ukraina väed veel kaitserajatiste liinidest lõpuni läbi, aga on endast lääne pool asuvad Vene väed pannud ebamugavasse (kotti jäämise ohuga) olukorda. Rannikule Mariupoli juurde on ~100 km. Veel ei suudeta ida-lääne suunalisi teid suurtükitulega puutuda, aga soov jõuda selleni kindlasti on.

Üks pilt Twitterist, pimesi ei maksa usaldada, võib sisaldada ülemäärast optimismi:

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