
joined 3 months ago

since last update, my image of shortcut, in new tab page, are super tiny.

I though it was to allow to add more row or something, but no. Just tiny images.

Can I change the size of the image without css? Or should I wear glass

FINAL EDIT: Finally following the instruction on my bug report, I created a new profile with about: profiles, then Make my normal profile "default" again.. and setting variantA and B to false stick. No longer tiny shortcut.

EDIT 5: seems this monstuosity will be corrected soon : https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/discussions/defalut-tab-shortcut-feedback/m-p/86145/highlight/true#M32956

EDIT 4: reported the bug :https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1947401

EDIT: ~~> browser.newtabpage.activity-stream.newtabLayouts.variant a and b to false.~~ Unfortunatly the variant get back to true randomly after some time

EDIT2: you need to opt out of some study it seems : https://connect.mozilla.org/t5/discussions/firefox-134-new-tab/m-p/83021/highlight/true

EDIT3: the opt out of Firefox:study about the new UI doesnt help: the variant still revert to "true" after some time, not even after relaunching the browser, just after some time on its own.. which is pretty scary

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]

elon musk, mark zuckerberg, J.K rowling! Are the names that come to mind.

3 from different background: a African immigrant benefiting from government spending, an American smart young engineer, and a female English successful writer.

They are no politicians, and cant be accuse of trying to gather some vote. Multi-billions amongst them.

I get they lean to the right to protect their cash, with less tax and regulation. I get they are racist because they fear some poor people will take their cash.

But why the hatred for trans people ? It's 1% of the population, they cant do anything, dont threaten anyone. There is no rational or psychological reason

*EDIT: I read all the comments. A lot of interesting explanation: smokescreen/scapegoat, maintaining the male/female power structure, new face of anti-gay , projection / self-hatred , just louder voice ...

I realize, may be, I didn't post a good question. May be it is less about the ultra-rich but more about why that rhetoric work on the general population (else it would not have taken hold as it does). For that I have a 2 cent theory: The raise of the cult of Nature we have since the global warming. The idea, that everything natural is better. The ugly version is only natural male and female are worthy*

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by [email protected] to c/[email protected]
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