[-] odium 5 points 4 hours ago

They think cotton fossilizes?

submitted 14 hours ago* (last edited 13 hours ago) by odium to c/[email protected]

Roses is the last word in the band's name

[-] odium 16 points 15 hours ago* (last edited 15 hours ago)
  1. Religious Freedom and Government Schools: We demand school administrators and officials to protect the rights of students and staff to pray and engage in religious speech, individually or in groups, on school property without government interference. We urge the Legislature and the State Board of Education to require instruction on the Bible, servant leadership, and Christian self-governance. We support the use of chaplains in schools to counsel and give guidance from a traditional biblical perspective based on Judeo-Christian principles with the informed consent of a parent. Adopted As Amended; 2022 Plank 108

Christian theocracy back at it again. Also they want to make gay marriage illegal again.

  1. Definition of Marriage and Family: We support the definition of marriage as a God-ordained, legal, and moral covenant only between one biological man and one biological woman. Further, we support a traditional definition of family with only one biological man in the role of father and one biological woman in the role of mother. We are opposed to same-sex parenting, intentionally subjecting a child to the loss of their biological father or mother, and other non-traditional definitions of family. Adopted as Amended: 2022 Plank 210
  2. State Authority Over Marriage: We support withholding jurisdiction from the federal courts and nullifying federal Executive Branch rules, orders, or regulations in cases involving family law, especially any changes in the definition of marriage, and the requirement of licensing from the state. Adopted as Amended: 2022 Plank 211
  3. Nullify Unconstitutional Ruling: We believe the Obergefell v. Hodges decision, overturning the Texas law prohibiting same-sex marriage in Texas, has no basis in the Constitution and should be nullified. Retained with No Changes: 2022 Plank 212
  4. Spousal Benefits: We shall not recognize or grant to any unmarried person the legal rights or status of a spouse, as defined in Principle #6 of the Platform, including granting benefits by political subdivisions. Retained with No Changes: 2022 Plank 213

At least they're anti-HOA.

[-] odium 61 points 1 day ago

Boeing is also woke according to them lol. I know someone who interned at boeing. They made him watch a mandatory anti-racism video where they weirdly focused on racism against white people.

Boeing is the opposite of woke.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by odium to c/[email protected]

This is one of the songs this band performed in their world tour titled "Nine Inch Naans". The name of the tour is a word play on "Nine Inch Nails".

One piece ch 1114 (tcb-backup.bihar-mirchi.com)
submitted 3 weeks ago by odium to c/[email protected]
[-] odium 112 points 1 month ago

It's actually a bit better because you can be doing other stuff rather than wait in a line in a physical DMV.

submitted 2 months ago by odium to c/[email protected]
[-] odium 226 points 2 months ago

TIL Wayland is named after a town

submitted 3 months ago by odium to c/[email protected]


[-] odium 190 points 4 months ago

On the flipside, something most developed countries consider normal but would blow Japanese minds is the ability to do all "paperwork" on your phone or laptop without any paper ever being printed anywhere. Japan is somehow still a country of fax.

[-] odium 114 points 6 months ago

All the more reason not to

[-] odium 136 points 6 months ago

A small part of my soul dies everytime I see "I'm" used that way

4.2 Livestream codes (self.genshin_impact)
submitted 7 months ago by odium to c/[email protected]

VA97KJNF24UV - First 4.2 livestream code https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=VA97KJNF24UV

NTQP2KPEJMUH - Second 4.2 livestream code https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=NTQP2KPEJMUH

9T96KJNE2LVM - Third 4.2 livestream code https://genshin.hoyoverse.com/en/gift?code=9T96KJNE2LVM

submitted 8 months ago by odium to c/[email protected]

piped version: https://piped.video/watch?v=6pwcs7CN3ME

Better quality than the actual game trailers ngl

[-] odium 105 points 8 months ago

This image would go great on a t shirt

4.1 livestream codes (self.genshin_impact)
submitted 8 months ago by odium to c/[email protected]
submitted 8 months ago by odium to c/[email protected]

I keep seeing posts of some drama with typescript. What happened?

[-] odium 148 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Just say "it looks so perfect I thought it couldn't be natural."

cross platform shared timers (self.softwareoptions)
submitted 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago) by odium to c/[email protected]

Hi, I'm looking for an app in which you can have shared timers with other users across both iOS and Android. A website could also work, especially if it's a pwa.

Time sheet tracking software (self.softwareoptions)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by odium to c/[email protected]

Hi, I'm looking for a time sheet tracking software on either linux or android that can track data like what I was working on and what times I worked on it. Preferably foss.

Example: worked on debugging x from hh:mm to hh:mm on yyyy-mm-dd and hh:mm to hh:mm on yyyy-mm-dd.

I don't care about the exact format, it just needs to contain all the information in the example.


submitted 10 months ago by odium to c/[email protected]
[-] odium 137 points 10 months ago

My feedback: fuck you, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

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