@[email protected] actually what made me think of “extensions of email and newsgroups” was more the object structure, but on second thought that's more an ActivityStream characteristic than an ActivityPub one, although an actual implementation of the C2S part of AP would still fit the bill in some sense.
(Yeah, the lack of usage of DELETE and PATCH surprised me initially, but the fact it would have needed to also define how to propagate them partially explains it.)
@[email protected] this was a fascinating read, thanks for sharing. Looking forward to the blog post.
I've had thoughts along those lines since I've started using Mastodon and getting familiar with AP, which I always saw as an extension of email and Usenet rather than a more general tool for the “social web” —and even for that it's being held back by the absence of a “content independent” AP server (AFAIK the only one in development is Vocata, and it still has some way to go).
@enzoesco in tal caso @petrstolypin sarebbe un coglione e non varrebbe comunque la pena di argomentare (tempo sprecato), ma no, il fatto stesso che abbia cercato di insistere per l'argomentazione dimostra che è un troll.
@enzoesco ma soprattutto non si perde tempo ad “argomentare” con i troll. È tipo la prima regola di internet
I only just found this but, in case you're still testing things, here's a couple of hints:
- it is possible to navigate in the dark;
- it is possible to climb even without stairs, so you can usually get out of subterranean pits even tool-less; it's extremely rare to get into an actual “save-ender” situation
- as your tech level progresses, you'll discover ways to automate most things;
- do focus on getting ore; there are hints in the rock to where it may be.
@anarchiversitario @politica politici MORTI peraltro. Ci sarebbe da ridere se non ci fosse da piangere
@TootSweet this reminds me of https://github.com/philipl/pifs, the filesystem based on the normality of π
@mrdk @mathematics @[email protected] @[email protected] also this might explain why @mau saw some relation to Gray codes in the binary case.
@[email protected] TBF they had started going to shit already a few years earlier, but AI has just made it worse.